Ready To Level Up Your Productivity, Performance & Results?

How To Go From Highly-Distracted, Overwhelmed, Overworked & Endlessly 'Busy', To Become A Highly-Productive, Creative & Focused High Achiever, In Total Control Of Your Time, Attention & Results In Life!

It's Time To Finally Banish Distraction, Create Laser-Like Focus, Multiply Your Daily Productivity & Learn How To Manage Your Time Like A Boss, So You Can Achieve Your Goals 2X - 5X Faster!

 Make sure your sound is turned ON! [And allow a few seconds for video to load]

Ready To Level Up Your Productivity, Performance & Results?

How To Go From Overwhelmed, Overworked & Endlessly 'Busy' To Become A Highly-Productive, Creative & Focused High Achiever, In Total Control Of Your Time, Attention & Schedule!

It's Time To Finally Banish Distraction, Create Laser-Like Focus, Multiply Your Daily Productivity & Learn How To Manage Your Time Like A Boss, So You Can Achieve Your Goals 2X - 5X Faster!

 Make sure your sound is turned ON! [And allow a few seconds for video to load]

Ready To Level Up Your Productivity, Performance & Results?

Discover Precisely How To Eradicate Distraction, Create Laser-Like Focus On Demand, Multiply Your Productivity, Manage Your Time Optimally & Achieve 2X, 3X (Even 5X) More, In Less Time!

It's Time To Finally Banish Distraction, Create Laser-Like Focus, Multiply Your Daily Productivity & Start Achieving Your Goals 2X - 5X Faster!

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In A World In Which Your Attention Is Under Attack, Focus Is Scattered, Distraction Is A Constant & Overwhelm Feels All Too Common... How Do You Take Back Control Of Your Time, Focus & Attention, To Achieve Your Goals, Faster?

From The Desk Of: Bogdan

We are live in very interesting times...

On one side, there is more opportunity, more access to information, more education & better technology than at any other time in history...

Yet, at the same time, it can all feel like a bit too much sometimes...

From the news & the mainstream media...

To your smartphone, with it's endless pings & buzzes...

To big tech & social media companies preying for your attention...

To all of those pesky notifications, as well as ads, emails & promotions...

Everywhere we look, sometimes is looking to steal away our attention!

In short, the world around us has gotten wickedly good at distracting us, at stealing away our attention, robbing us of our focus & in general, just wasting our precious & valuable time...

In turn, making it harder & harder for you to focus on the things which really matter, to be highly-productive, to manage your time optimally & to achieve what you truly desire & deserve in your life...

Including the health, fitness, energy & vitality that you want...

The meaningful friendships, relationships, deep connection, intimacy & love that you crave...

The money, finances & wealth that you work so hard to create... 

As well as the freedom, lifestyle & happiness that you deserve!


Mind & Emotion Mastery Training Program

— Bogdan Juncewicz —


  • Tap Into Extreme Productivity! - you'll learn the psychological methods you need to tap into extraordinary levels of productivity!
  • ​Tune Into Laser-Like Focus - you'll learn how to think about focus in a whole new way, so that you can tune into laser-like focus, flow & elevated performance, on demand!
  • Easily Remove Distractions - you'll learn the ideas & methods you need to change your subconscious response to distractions in your life... so removing & avoiding them becomes a piece of cake.
  • ​​​Plan & Prioritize Like A Pro - you'll learn eye-opening planning methodologies that'll help you better manage your time, prioritize your tasks & plan out your days, weeks & months like a total pro!
  • ​​​​Move Projects Forward & Supercharge Progress - you'll learn to adopt new productivity habits that'll enable you to get more done in 1 hour than others get done all week... as well as complete important, needle-moving projects quickly & progress your results up to 5x faster!
  • ​​​Master Your Time & Achieve More, Faster - ultimately, what this program will help you do is completely transform your relationship with time, so that greater productivity, rapid progress & achieving extraordinary results becomes almost like second nature to you!
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A complete personal growth & high performance "system" made up of the meticulously-crafted mastery training programs & specialized online courses mentioned above, as well as practical processes & tools, with a single purpose:

To help you to think, feel + perform at your absolute best, unleash your full potential, accelerate personal growth & achieve what you're truly capable of!

Transformative Motivation Process #1

Motive Matrix Process

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Imagine if you could re-wire & re-program your mind so that...

1) the thing that you previously struggled to motivate yourself to do (e.g. exercising, eating right, saving money, putting yourself out there), you would start doing easily?

2) the bad things that you were previously tempted by & constantly pulled towards (e.g. sweets, Netflix, video games, drinking, smoking) become easy to avoid?

It's all possible with the Motive Matrix Process (which is the same, transformative, process I regularly use when helping my clients break bad habits, overcome addictions, move past fears & phobia's & change limiting beliefs... in a single 90 minute coaching session!)

This process helps you to change your subconscious associations so that temptations fall away naturally... & motivation to do the right things (that move your life forwards) becomes easily & automatic!

Can be used to?? (applications?)

  • ​Swish Pattern Process — for breaking bad habits with total ease
  • ​Auditory Swish Process — for changing limiting beliefs
  • ​'Enough Is Enough Process — for creating potent desire to change
  • ​Bad Memory Erase Process — for transforming bad memories
  • ​​Fast Phobia Cure Process — for eradicating fears & phobia's within minutes

Value: $47.00

Bonus #1

360° Planner


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How To Make Better Decisions, Work Smarter & Achieve More, Faster

Decisions shape our destiny. And high achievers are great at consistently & predictably making the right decisions that lead them to where they want to go in their life (as well as avoiding making the wrong ones). And that's exactly what you'll learn how to do in this course...

① 8 Core Modules

The Complete Mind & Emotion Mastery Curriculum


Module #1

Transcending 'Busyness'

$497 Value


Habit Hacking

$497 Value

② Practical Processes

Specialized Courses To Dial In Precise Transformations

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NLP Processes

$197 Value

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Visualization Processes

$197 Value


Mental Clearing Worksheets

$497 Value


Mental Detoxes

$497 Value

④ Special Bonuses



$37 Value


360° Journal

$27 Value


Exclusive Support Line

$27 Value

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Community Group

$27 Value

This Is Highly Valuable Stuff

Consider this: if you could finally learn how to maximize your productivity, eradicate distractions, create laser-like focus & manage your time optimally, what would that be worth to you?

What would it be worth over the course of a week, month, year?

What about over the course of a lifetime?

Probably a lot more than $1,372, right?

Clients have paid me much, much more than this to have be coach them through this material & help them to improve their productivity, focus & results (& they didn't even get ALL of the downloadable "processes" & amazing bonuses that I'm including with your Time Hack program order today!)

Oh, & if the pricing for this program was done by a prestigious college or university, they'd be charging you tens of thousands of dollars for a curriculum as in-depth & effective as this one...

But, my goal now is to make this (life-changing) material accessible to as many people as possible...

Which is why, I'm not going to be charging you $1,372 (or anywhere near that)...

In fact, your investment to get the Time Hack Productivity & Time Management Training Program, won't even be a tenth of this...

Today, you can get everything listed above at a massive discount of...

93% Discount

If you decide to invest in yourself... in your future... in this world-class training program, you get everything at a massive 93% discount...

Total Value: $1,372

Just $97

That's the price of a family meal at a nice restaurant, a pair of fancy, new shoes, or a few weeks worth of daily Starbucks Frappuccino's...

Except here, you're getting access to a whole lot more...

You're getting what you need to master your productivity & transform your life...

Your Success Is Our Top Priority!

It may sounds cliche, but it's real for me...

I've seen too many courses out that are marketed well & promise you the world, but are put together poorly & fail to deliver results...

Or, the customer is left to figure things out on their own without the accountability, community, support that makes success possible...

Which is why, at Potencia, we do everything we possibly can to ensure that the programs we put out are of the highest possible standard & include everything you need to create the changes, transformations & results you desire in your life.

Here's how simple it is to get started...

Step 1: Place your order today

Step 2: Receive your login details

Step 3: Log in & begin the program

The whole process takes less than 5 minutes!

This means, just a few minutes from now, you could already be starting the Time Hack Productivity Mastery Program, getting the productivity training you need to take your results to the next level.

And then, on top of this, you also get access to the processes included, support (if you need it) from us... any questions you have will be answered... & you have a community to support you!

Meet Your Program Instructor:

Bogdan Juncewicz

Bestselling Author. International Speaker. Founder & CEO of Potencia. Voluntary High School Dropout.

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At the age of 13, Bogdan made what he considers to be "the best decision of his life", which was to voluntarily drop out of high school (because he believes the traditional education system is broken).

Today, he is a bestselling author having written 5 books, which have been ordered from & delivered to 90+ countries worldwide... (including the international bestsellers,
"Skilled Success" & "Self Mastery", often referred to as "life-changing" & a "must-read".)

He is also an international speaker — having given motivational talks across multiple continents — prolific course creator & high performance coach.

Over the years, he's coached clients from many different walks of life to break bad habits & addictions (e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs, etc), overcome various fears, phobias & trauma's, shatter limiting beliefs... as well as set better goals, eliminate procrastination, boost self-discipline & maximize productivity!

His work has been featured in various publications & more than 100,000 have come across his work in recent years. More than 10,000 customers have bought, read or gone through one of this bestselling books, top-rated online courses or mastery training programs. And 28,000+ people receive this educational newsletters & other forms of content.

His most important role though is as the founder & CEO of the education platform & company,
Potencia (which he founded with the mission of changing education & transforming even more lives around the world in new ways — already serving tens of thousands of members spanning 100+ countries worldwide!)

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“He's A Genius!”


Bestselling Author & Holistic Health Coach

“Bogdan's Guidance Will Be Invaluable to Helping You Reach Your End Goal”


Australia's #1 Stress Coach

“Bogdan's Knowledge Combined With His Fantastic Ability To Explain Everything Simply... Will Leave Anyone Achieving Their Greatness.”


99.90th Percentile Student & Creator: ExamReadyTutoring

“Bogdan's Honest, Sincere Uncomplicated Manner Is A Breath Of Fresh Air. His Strategies Guided Me To Come Up With A System That Works For Me.”


TV Producer & Founder: Sunflower Productions

P.S. If you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the bottom of the page first, here's the deal:

For a limited time, you can get instant, digital & lifetime access to my Time Hack Productivity Mastery Program & all the bonuses (value: $1,372) at a 93% discount.

This program contains cutting-edge insights, big ideas, transformative frameworks, practical strategies, tools & unique processes' to help you:

The program contains 20+ hours of world-class training that'll give you with the insights, frameworks, practical strategies, tools, methods & processes that you need to eradicate distraction, create laser-like focus, maximize productivity & achieve 2X, 3X (even 5X!) more, in less time... across all the important areas of your life!

Your investment today is just $97!

Plus: if for any reason you don't absolutely love the program, you don't agree that it's the best program on these topics available anywhere & isn't worth 10x it's combined value, you'll receive a full refund! So, you can get started risk-free today!

Total Value: $1,372

Today: Just $97

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