Have You Ever Felt Like You Were Capable Of More?

How To Go From Feeling Stuck, Trapped & Confused... To Become The Mentally-Sharp, Emotionally-Intelligent & Unstoppable Badass You Were Always Meant To Be... Effortlessly Turning Your Dreams Into Your Reality!

It's Time To Stop Procrastinating, Break Those Bad Habits, Eradicate Limiting Beliefs... & Finally Unlock The Full Power Of Your Mind, To Start Achieving Your Goals In Record Time!

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Transform is an in-depth, 8-module mastery program crafted to help you to unlock the full power of your mind, as well as develop emotional intelligence & mastery.

By the end of this program, you'll have everything you need to change how you feel in seconds, break bad habits & limiting beliefs, stop self-sabotage & procrastination... & start achieving even your biggest, boldest ambitions faster & easier than ever before!

In A World Plagued With Mental Health Problems, Fear, Rage & Declining Mental Performance... How Do You Break Free From The Shackles, Master Your Mind, Transform Your Emotions... & Start Live The Life Others Only Dream Of?

We've endured a lot of different threats, challenges & obstacles as a species over the past decades, centuries & millennia...

Conflicts & wars...

Plagues, pandemics & famines...

Tyranny & oppression...

Natural disasters of all kinds...

And in today's modern world, we've also got a lot of new ones — rising inflation, mass layoffs, recession fears, political division, etc. 

Except, here's the thing...

All of these things should actually be the least of our worries...

That's because there's actually a much bigger threat that we're experiencing both as individuals & as a species nowadays...

It's also sneaker, more subtle... yet, perhaps more dangerous than anything we've experienced before...

"What is it?", you may be wondering...

Well, in today's world, the single biggest threat we face is our very own...

Mind & Emotions

Millions & millions of people worldwide are now suffering from some mental health problem or diagnosed with some 'mental illness' (anxiety disorders, mood disorders, bipolar, ADHD, PTSD, OCD, etc)...

Rates of depression are also higher than ever before...

And statistically, more people kill themselves each year now ('suicide') than the number that die at the mercy of someone else (homicide')...

In the same way that more people die from too much food ('obesity') than from not having enough of it ('starvation') in today's world...

Yes, the idea that the bigger threat we face is our very own mind & emotions - or that more people die willingly than are killed by others - might have seemed totally crazy just a century ago...

But, today, this is...

Shockingly, Alarmingly & Heartbreakingly True!

(also, almost all the other major causes of premature death — diabetes, cancer, heart or cardiovascular disease — killing tens of millions of people every year, can also be traced back to poor management over our mind & emotions, as we'll cover in a moment.)

Speaking of which, our declining mental health & poor emotional ability not only ruins our enjoyment in life but it also stops us from attaining things worth enjoying in the first place...

"I Have Goals, But I'm Struggling To Achieve Them"

If you're reading this & you're honest with yourself, chances are you have some areas of your life that you'd like to improve...

You already have goals & dreams you'd like to attain...

For example, I'm yet to meet someone who doesn't want financial security, independence, freedom & abundance...

Yet, despite this, the vast majority of people continue to live paycheck-to-paycheck, with little-to-no savings, investments, or financial prospects for the future...

Good health & fitness; it may be the foundations for a good life...

Which is why, every year, millions of people commit to eating healthier, hitting the gym, losing weight & getting into better shape...

...yet, only a small percentage of them actually achieve those goals...

(while 2/3 of people remain overweight or obese... a billion people worldwide struggle with diabetes... & tens of millions of others live with other forms of physical pain, disease, or other health problems.)

And it's our relationships with others may be what ultimately makes life so magical & worth living...

Yet, we're experiencing higher rates of loneliness, divorce & domestic abuse than ever before (in 2020 - 2021, for instance, domestic abuse shot up 8 times!)...

It all begs the question...

What Separates Those Who Achieve Their Goals, From Those Who Fail To?

The answer is also...

When you study the world's highest achievers, now & throughout history...

Business leaders, top CEO's, renowned investors...

Millionaires & billionaires...

Top athletes & Olympic world medal winners...

The greater writers, thought leaders, philosophers throughout history...

If you study enough of them, you inevitably end up arriving at the same conclusion...

High Achievers Do *Not* Think Like Everybody Else; They Think Differently...

This is not as much a product of genetics as much as it's something they've developed...

What high achievers have done is trained, developed & mastered their mind & their emotions... which, in turn, is what enables them to achieve the extraordinary ability & produce the astonishing results, than others simple dream about...

Of course, the reason that their incredible success, just like the mental health problems we covered, can be also traced back to their mind & emotion is because *everything* can be...

Yes, there may be a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI) nowadays, but AI still pales in comparison to what the human brain is capable of... (at least for the time being)...

(& that's especially true when that brain is trained, mastered & fully unlocked, as I'm going to teach you how to do...)

Your brain is the home of your consciousness...

It's what allows us to think, feel & to experience life in the way we do...

It's billions & billions of neuron's firing & wiring...

Together, with our body, keeping us breathing, our heart beating, food digested, important organs protected — without us having to consciously think about it. It all just happens!

It's your star player that you need performing at their best if you have some goals, dreams, or aspirations to achieve... (as well as if you want to experience mental health & emotional wellbeing...)

And every single decision that you (or, anyone else for that matter) makes...

Every action that you take...

Every habit you have...

And every result that you achieved in your life (or, perhaps failed to in the past) can also be traced back to your...

Mind & Emotions

Put simply, when your mind is functioning optimally... life is a beautiful, magical adventure!

On the flip side, when your mind isn't... now it can become your worst enemy, sabotaging your progress every single step of the way & causing life to become nothing but pain & suffering...

If you're struggling to focus, learn, remember, be creative, productive, or experience 'brain fog', for example...

Or, find yourself constantly delaying or procrastinating...

Or, you make big plans, but don't & take action on them (or, don't finish what you start)...

Or, even if you do achieve your goals, you don't feel happy & fulfilled...

These are all...

Symptoms Of This Deeper Issue...

They are all signs that your mind is not working as it's supposed to... (or, at its fullest, highest potential!)

They are also a sign that it is time to take a look at that brain of yours & make some changes...

To transform it...

(And, by extension to transform yourself)...

So that you finally do...

Become The Mentally-Sharp, Emotionally-Intelligence & Unstoppable Badass That You Were Always Meant To Be...

Also, consider...

In the same way that your mind can someone hold you back from doing, being & achieving more, so can your emotions...

For example...

Have you ever gotten irritated at someone, lashed out, or yelled at them, not because they did anything wrong... but simply because of how you were feeling at the time? (e.g. irritated, angry, frustrated, mad, etc)

Have you ever felt 'lazy', or lacked the 'motivation' to do something? (e.g. go the gym, work, make progress on your goals, etc)

Or, you wanted to do something only to back out later because you felt afraid... (e.g. ask someone out, ask for a raise, start your business, etc.)

Do you ever felt highly anxious, worried, or stressed? (as a result, unable to think clearly, relax, enjoy the present, or to fall asleep easily at night?)

There are just a few examples of the ways emotions can screw us up...

Although, these are actually pretty tame examples...

The truth is that...

1 Emotion At The Wrong Time Can Undo Even A Lifetime Of Hard Work!

Think about the stories you might see on the news...

The accountant or CEO that's been stealing money, or trading illegally?

The politician or celebrity that has an affair?

Or, a celebrity who ends up addicted to drugs, goes into rehab, or ends up overdosing?

What do all these scandals have in common?

The answer: emotion.

Greed, hate, arousal, lust, jealousy, anger, compulsion, addiction...

It's these emotions that underpin all our lapses of judgements & can destroy us if we're not careful...

At which point, many people might conclude that it's emotions themselves that are bad...

But this is *not* true...

Rather, it's the lack of understanding, emotional intelligence & mastery over your emotions that's the real problem...

The good news, of course, is it absolutely does *not* have to be this way!

Not only can you transform your mind, but you can also transform your emotions & everything connected to this including your decisions, actions, habits, beliefs, etc...

And we know this is possible nowadays because...

Science Proves Exactly This...

See, in past decades, we knew very little about the brain, emotions & how they really work (relatively speaking)...

But today, things are very different...

In the same way that technology has experienced massive advancement over the past few decades...

So, has our understanding of the brain, as well as our emotions...

And we finally have a good enough understanding of these to be able to create permanent, lasting change & transformation...

That's because with new understanding also come new solutions, methods, protocols & processes... ones which enable you to create transformations in yourself, your mind & your emotions... faster & easier than ever before...

And these are the same insights (as well as strategies, methods & processes) that have transformed my life & I'm going to teach you so that they can transform your life as well...

Hey there, my name's Bogdan...

And when I was 13 years old, I made what may have appeared on the outside to be a rather crazy decision...

That was the decision to voluntarily drop out of high school... (which I consider to be the 'best decision of my life.')

What I did instead was use the 8 - 10 hours each day that other kids were spending in school, studying the things that I considered more important, like what creates success, or how do you build an incredible life?...

In search of answers, I've spent my time studying the fields of psychology, neuroscience, performance psychology, neurobiology, affective science, chronobiology, biology, genetics, epigenetics, sociology & many others...

And to date, I’ve spent more than a decade (10 years & counting) in this research, reading 500+ books, research studies... (plus, attending hundreds of events & learning from a number of highly-successful mentors of mine)...

And what I learned (& implemented into my life) completely transformed my world in the most incredible ways imagine...

It's what helped me to, in just a few years go from nothing to go on to write multiple bestselling books... (which have since been ordered from & delivered to people from more than 90 countries around the world)...*

Today, I'm an international speaker, coach & the founder of a 6-figure online education platform, 'Potencia' — with tens of thousands of fans, readers, customers & clients spanning 100+ countries worldwide...

And on a personal note, it's what helped me to break free from the limitations of the modern world & create a life of freedom for myself...

And today... 

I Want To Share It All With You...

I'm going to teach you everything I learned over the past 10 years (in a simple, easy-to-implement way)...

As well as the precise strategies & processes that I use whenever clients pay me thousands of dollars for one-to-one coaching & want results now...

I'm going to help you to unlock the full power of your mind, develop emotional intelligence & mastery & start achieving what you want in your own life...

And here are just a few of the benefits you'll reap if you come along for the journey...

I mean, just imagine what it would be like if you stopped...

     - Delaying & procrastinating?
     - Overthinking everything?
     - Sabotaging your own progress?
     - Being consumed by anxiety, stress, worry, or fear?
     - Experiencing declining mental health (anxiety, depression, etc?)

And instead of this, you were able to consistently tune into the energy, motivation, focus & presence, confidence & personal power you needed to achieve even your biggest, boldest, most ambitious goals?

Well, here's what the research shows...

When you develop a deep understanding of how your brain works, how to keep it healthy & how to unlock its full potential, some amazing things happen...


Your Past Will Stop Controlling Your Life...

That's because as part of this work, you learn how to heal that past pain, get rid of painful memories, trauma, fears, phobia's & anxieties based on events of the past...

Thanks to all this, you also begin to enjoy the present more...

You're able to fully enjoy the present moment, to be truly happy...

Beyond this, you become more energetic, focused, productive, creative & inspired... helping you to achieve your goals, faster & easier...

What also happens is you can start designing your future as you'd like it to look... (not what the world around you wants for you!)...

And when you combine this with a greater mastery of your emotions, you unlock an even higher level...

It's generally agreed nowadays that in today's world that EQ ("emotion quotient") — or, 'emotional intelligence' is...

More Important Than IQ...

As well as many other factors...

The World Economic Forum & other organizations, for example, will consistently rank 'EQ' (or, emotional intelligence) as one of the most important factors requires to succeed at one's job & in one's career...

And those with higher emotional intelligence & mastery also make for better managers & leaders...

What this means that as you unlock not just your mind, but also master your emotions, you'll thrive professionally & be much more likely to...

Build The Career, Create The Finances & Amass The Wealth You Deserve...

The same applies to relationships outside of work too...

If you want to find (dating) & then create an amazing relationship with your partner... as well as develop great friendships, community, bonds with your family & loved ones... as well as be a great parent to your kids...

Emotional intelligence & mastery is critically-important here too...

That's because great emotional intelligence makes you...

Better In All Kinds Of Social Interactions & Relationships...

So, not only will all of this help you succeed professionally, but also start living your best life personally as well...

Oh, and it's also shown to make people healthier...

As well as a lot less likely to fall into bad habits, addictions or compulsions that could ruin their health or life...

And those are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the benefits you'll start reaping when you finally do...

Master Your Mind & Emotions

And, as promised, this is precisely what I am going to teach you how to do in your life!



Mind & Emotion Mastery Training Program

— Bogdan Juncewicz —

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Transform is a mastery training program, which decodes, deconstructs & demystifies the topics of mind & emotion.

It consists of 8 modules, 28 in-depth training videos & combined 29 hours of world-class content, curriculum & training, meticulously-crafted to help you unlock the full power of your mind, as well as develop emotional intelligence, resilience & mastery.

This brand new program walks you through eye-opening ideas, cutting-edge insights & discoveries, transformative frameworks, as well as highly-practical & instantly-implementable steps, strategies & methods to help you:

Unlock the full power of your mind

Unlock the full power of your mind

This program is like an instruction manual to the most powerful device ever created: the human brain. You'll learn how your mind really works & what you can do to unlock it's full potential now.

Develop emotional intelligence & mastery

Develop emotional intelligence & mastery

Emotions are the richness of life, but can also screw you up. You'll develop emotional awareness, understanding, intelligence, residence & mastery so that your emotions help you (instead of sabotaging your progress).

Discover the drivers that underpin everything you do

Discover the drivers that underpin everything you do

You'll gain a deep understanding of the biological, psychological, emotional, social & existential drivers which underpin everything that we, as human beings, think, feel & do.

Shift your emotional state on command

Shift your emotional state on command

You'll learn proven 'state shifting strategies' for changing how you feel in less than 60 seconds (from anywhere, at any time & no matter what's happening in the world around you)

Consistently make the best possible decisions

Consistently make the best possible decisions

You'll also learn biases, mental models & methods that'll help you to consistently make the best possible decisions in your work, career, relationships & life (instead of ones that you later go on to regret.)

Break bad habits easily & build new, good ones rapidly

Break bad habits easily & build new, good ones rapidly

'Change your habits, change your life'. You'll learn a proven system for breaking any & all bad habits with total ease & building new, good, empowering habits, rapidly.

Shatter limiting beliefs & install empowering ones

Shatter limiting beliefs & install empowering ones

A single 'limiting belief' can undo a lifetime of hard work. You'll learn how to shatter any limiting beliefs or programming that may be sabotaging your success at a subconscious level... & instead, install new, empowering beliefs that'll support you to achieve the results you desire.

Transform is unlike any other mind, emotional intelligence or personal growth course, training or program out there...

That's because it goes to the core of why we do what we do as human beings, break down these complex topics into a simple-to-understand & easy-to-follow process that you can follow — including practical steps you can implement right away — to transform your mind, emotions, success, happiness & results in life forever...

What's Included With The Transform Program:

The first thing you're getting are the 8 core modules of the program...


Module 1 of 8:

The Mind, Decoded

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Your mind is either going to be your best friend supporting you to achieve your goals... or your worst enemy, sabotaging your progress every step of the way...

In this first module, you'll learn how your mind really works (including the psychological mechanisms that underpin pain, fear, trauma, regret, anxiety, phobias, procrastination on one side... & pleasure, desire, motivation, inspiration, joy, happiness & fulfillment on the other)... as well how to transform that mind & unlock it's fullest, highest potential.

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​​The 2 invisible, dual forces that underpin what you think, feel & do... (warning: if you don’t understand how these 2 guiding forces affect who you are & what you do, you’re likely living at their mercy, without even knowing it!)
  • ​Modern scientific research shows your brain is a essentially a 'prediction' machine. You'll learn the 3 steps of the prediction model (a.k.a. the basic mechanism response for all thinking, psychological changes, feeling, craving, habits & behavior)... & how you can use this understanding to heal the past, enjoy the present & design the future as you choose.
  • Procrastination, Decoded — you’ll learn the real reason why we, human beings, procrastinate... (including: the steps you can take to eliminate procrastination, get more done & start achieving better results).
  • ​The 6 'attributes' that've​ been scientifically proven to increase 'procrastination'... as well as how to counter-act each of these 6 attributes to avoid this & skew your odds of success in your favour!
  • Self-Sabotage, Explained — you'll also learn the root cause of all self-sabotage & self-destructive behavior... & how to undo self-sabotaging behavior in your life, freeing you to create whatever you choose.
  • ​Think 'failure' is a bad thing? Think about. Your brain has evolved to learn a lot more from failure than anything else. I'll teach you how to use this to your advice to your advantage...
  • ​You'll also learn the truth about bad decisions... (including: the 1 thing that can you do that turns bad decisions or regrets from the past, into something that truly helps you better the future!)
  • Probabilistic Thinking — The meta 'mental model' that highly successful people use to view the world, think strategically & make the better decisions possible... (note: applying this will also improve your learning, productivity & overall success.)
  • Phobias, Explained — you'll also learn how specific fears & phobia's are formed in the brain... (plus: a proven process for eradicating even lifelong phobia's, in as little as 5 minutes!)
  • How your brain 'codifies' experiences & stores memories... (plus: precisely how to 'hack' this code to remove bad memories, erase phobia's & to create positive changes in your life, fast.)
  • ​You'll also get a walkthrough of the 'Bad Memory Erase' process you can use to essentially erase any bad memories from the past that continue to haunt you, so they stop controlling or sabotaging your future...
  • The '2 types of conditioning' framework... which explains why we, as human beings, become who we are & do what we do... (plus: how to use this advice to undo harmful conditioning from the past... & start designing your life more consciously going forward!)
  • ​The 5 parameters of 'association formation', which your brain uses to form connections & associations in the first place... (important: help you to easily avoid making bad judgements, arriving at faulty conclusions, making bad decisions, developing bad habits, or self-sabotaging yourself in the future!)
  • ​Have you ever heard the expression 'the straw that broke the camel's back?' Well, I’ll show you exactly how to use the mechanism behind this, known as 'Threshold Patterns'... to make permanent & lasting changes in your life!
  • ​A complete breakdown of exactly how I help customers & clients change limiting beliefs, break lifelong bad habits & overcome virtual kinds of addictions in as little as 90 minutes, on a single coaching call... (note: a magician is meant to never reveal his tricks, but I'm going to do just that... not only do I give you the exact processes I use, but I’ll also explain exactly precisely why they work so well, letting you in behind the curtain!)

5 In-Depth Training Videos

Module 1 contains 5 high quality training videos (MP4), which sequentially guide you through the module & program curriculum. 

6+ Hours Of World Class Content

Between the 5 in-depth training videos, module 1 contains 6+ hours of world-class content, eye-opening ideas, insights, frameworks & more.

Downloadable Audio Files (MP3)

You also get the audio files so you can listen to the training anywhere, at any time... (e.g. while you're driving, exercising or doing stuff around the house.)

Downloadable Slides (PDF)

For each training video, you can also download the entire slide desk (for easy reference of the material & better recall)

Exercises & Action Steps

Each module also includes instantly implementable exercises + action steps to help you implement & get the best possible results.

110 Page Program Workbook (PDF)

The program comes with a workbook for you to easily refer back to the material covered, as well as make notes of your own.

Module Value: $197.00

Module 2 of 8:

Emotion, Deconstructed

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Decades of studies prove that those with a high EQ (emotional intelligence) outperform their peers (including those with high IQ) & get better results in virtually all areas of life — from their work & career, to finances, intimate relationships, friendships & more!

In this module, you'll first learn how your mind & body work together to construct your mood & emotions you experience each day...

Then, I'll teach you what you can do step-by-step to develop the greater emotional awareness, understanding, emotional intelligence, resilience & mastery you need to become an unstoppable force.

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​The 3 basic steps your brain & body follow to 'construct' each & every one of the emotions that you experience each & every day... (including: how to consciously intercept this process to change how you feel virtually at will!)
  • ​The biggest myths & misconceptions about mood, emotions & emotional intelligence, debunked... Most people are still following an outdated view of emotions that's causing them a lot more harm than good in their life. Once you learn this new view, you'll regain personal power & you'll be able to more effortlessly create the life that you want!
  • ​The 2 parts that make up your nervous system... & how to use this understanding to also transform anxiety, stress, fear & nervousness into calm, presence & confidence incredibly quickly!
  • 3 components of emotional intelligence & mastery, explained... (note: the better you understand each of these 3 components, the easier it'll be for you to develop emotional intelligence by applying the steps that follow.)
  • ​We've been taught that some emotions are 'good' & we should want to feel them & that others are 'bad' & we should avoid them... but is this really true? We'll put this theory to the test & emerge with an answer that'll best serve you to create a rich & deeply meaningful life!
  • Depression, explained — you'll learn how the principles of 'neuroplasticity', 'neuroadaptation' & how they are the real answer to what has formed the mass mental health problems, 'mental illnesses' & ever-rising rates of depression we're seeing in the world today... before I offer very specific, research-backed steps for reversing mental health problems & getting your mental health back!
  • ​We also deconstruct ADD / ADHD... is what the mainstream media tells us about ADHD true? What's causing it? You'll learn what new research shows about this...
  • ​The counter-intuitive, almost-backwards approach for dealing with fear or anxiety that will make them dissipate faster than almost anything else you can do... (note: learning this will be a real game-changer for your results!)
  • ​Alternatively, you'll​ learn how to convert that fear or anxiety into curiosity & excitement, in mere seconds... using a strategy known as 'Cognitive Re-Framing'... (based on a fascinating Harvard University research that goes completely against what we've been previously taught to believe about anxiety & stress!)
  • ​The stupidly-simple 'behavioural hack' the Japanese Railway System used to reduces error by up to 85% & cut accidents by 30% without changing anything else... (plus: how you can use an adapted version of this hack to change how you feel how you feel in seconds!)
  • Fear, explained — How exactly fear works, the neurochemical makeup of fear, the '2 types of fear' framework & other critical insights that'll change you how think about (& approach) fear forever...
  • ​The 3 high performance benefits of specific instances of fear! That's right, contrary to popular belief, 'fear' is not all bad... in fact, at the right time & place, the '1st type of fear' can serve you very well, as well as provide you with 3 very specific effects that'll actually raise your performance & results...
  • ​You'll also learn my #1 biological hack for reducing the other type of fear... further boosting focus, creativity, motivation & high performance! (note: when you learn to use this correctly, it'll supercharge your progress more than almost anything else you can ever do!)
  • ​The 4 simple word reframe that makes being anxious, nervous, or lacking confidence virtually impossible... & how to apply this reframe into your everyday life to boost confidence, raise courage & take action forward!
  • ​The 'backwards law' which goes again everything we're been told about self-discipline, explains why resisting & fighting can often backfire & illustrates how surrendering to your emotions can sometimes be the very best approach... (note: when I first learned about this, I protested & resisted this change like crazy... but today, I know better, I use this & have never looked back!)
  • ​The 1 philosophical tool that'll help you stop overthinking, avoid overcomplicating things unnecessarily & greatly improve your mood... (warning: training yourself to operate in this way can seem unnatural at first, but soon after will start helping you to radically improve your mood, emotional wellbeing & results in life!)
  • ​The psychological explanation for why there will always be 'crime', 'poverty' & 'problems' in the world... No, it's not because the world (or the people in it) are bad, but because of what these words really mean & how human consciousness works... (note: knowing this isn't easy to swallow, but *not* knowing it can lead you to spend your life chasing thing only to find out it's a mirage!)
  • ​We also break down specific emotions or concepts (e.g. disappointment, hope, love, regret, guilt & ecstasy) into their constituent parts & conditions... showing you to avoid (or, to generate!) these sensations, almost at will!
  • The formula for happiness & the root cause of all suffering, explained... (note: much of what you learn earlier in this module as well as the previous one, is there to prepare you to fully grasp this!)
  • 6 highly counter-intuitive solutions which fly in the face of common wisdom, but can be more powerful & life-changing than almost anything else you do for thriving in the crazy world we live in...

4 In-Depth Training Videos

Module 2 contains 4 high quality training videos (MP4), which sequentially guide you through the module & program curriculum. 

5+ Hours Of World Class Content

Between the 4 in-depth training videos, module 1 contains 5+ hours of world-class content, eye-opening ideas, insights, frameworks & more.

Downloadable Audio Files (MP3)

You also get the audio files so you can listen to the training anywhere, at any time... (e.g. while you're driving, exercising or doing stuff around the house.)

Downloadable Slides (PDF)

For each training video, you can also download the entire slide desk (for easy reference of the material & better recall)

Exercises & Action Steps

Each module also includes instantly implementable exercises + action steps to help you implement & get the best possible results.

110 Page Program Workbook (PDF)

The program comes with a workbook for you to easily refer back to the material covered, as well as make notes of your own.

Module Value: $197.00

Module 3 of 8:

Drivers, Decrypted

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Everything we think, feel & do (all 8 billion of us!) is underpinned by the same biological, psychological, emotional, social & existential drivers...

Once your learn what these drivers are & how they work, in this module... what was previously completely irrational, illogical & behavior that may have confused you (both in yourself, as well in others) will start to make total sense & even become predictable...

I'll also teach you to use these drivers to transform your thinking, emotion, decisions, habits & beliefs easier than you may even be able to imagine possible right now...

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​The 4 core categories of human drivers (including: in-depth explanations & examples to help you deeply understand them)... so you can better align with these drivers & start achieving what you truly, deep down, desire out of life!
  • ​The rise & fall of people, companies & nations, explained... (plus: how to diagnose where you are in the cycle, adapt your behavior if need be... & create what you truly want in life!)
  • Dopamine, explained — You may have heard about dopamine (a.k.a. the 'motivation molecule')... but how much do you really know about it? You'll learn what creates your dopamine baseline, how dopamine spikes, as well as dips & how this affects everything in your life...
  • ​The 'maximum enjoyment formula', explained... (or, how to share good news in such a way that generates maximum & enthusiasm from others!)
  • ​You'll also learn the 'minimum disappointment formula'... (or, how to deliver bad news in such a way that minimizes — even eradicates — any disappointment!)
  • ​You'll also learn about other neurochemicals like norepinephrine, serotonin, anandamide, endorphins, oxytocin, cortisol, melatonin & others... (& the activities, habits & practices that can help you raise your levels of these neurochemicals)...
  • ​The 2 hormones that control your energy levels during the day, as well as rest during the night... (plus: how to take advantage of this understanding to maximize focus & get more done, in a lot less time!)
  • Circadian rhythm & chronobiology secrets — you'll learn how to better align your actions, habits, daily routine, work & sleep with your 'circadian rhythm', giving you even greater level of focus & energy during the day, as well as rest, relaxation & better quality sleep during the night (no sleeping pills or melatonin required!)
  • ​I share the story of how I wrote a 200+ page book in just 4.5 days... & I deconstruct the precise strategies that I turn to whenever I need to summon extreme levels of focus, creativity, productivity, learning & output... before revealing, how you too can apply the same strategies in your own life to produce extraordinary results too!
  • ​What is the 'flow state' & can it really help you boost productivity 500%, increase creativity & creative problem solving by 430%, & accelerate your learning by 490%? (as proven by research studies at Harvard, McKinsey & Sydney university)... We'll dive deep into the 'flow research' & its implications in this module...
  • ​Specifically, you'll learn how the 'flow state' really works... (including: interesting insights into how your brain prioritizes the distribution of its cognitive resources)... plus: how I use it in my own life & the pre-requisites for you to consistently tune into states of extreme focus (a.k.a. 'flow') in you life too...
  • The '10% Brain Myth', debunked — For a long time, it was believed that as human beings, we are only using about a small fraction of our brain & if we could somehow unlock all 100% of our brain, we could do anything! This is a myth... but you can re-create similar effects (in a different way) to experience completely out-of-the-ordinary levels of cognitive, function & performance, as I'll show you to do!
  • ​Finally, you'll also learn the 8 precise 'flow triggers'... that will even more easily & consistently tune into states of extreme focus (a.k.a flow)... further multiplying productivity, enhancing creativity, accelerating your learning & helping you to achieve exponentially better results across all the important areas of your life!

4 In-Depth Training Videos

Module 3 contains 4 high quality training videos (MP4), which sequentially guide you through the module & program curriculum. 

5 Hours Of World Class Content

Between the 4 in-depth training videos, module 1 contains 5 hours of world-class content, eye-opening ideas, insights, frameworks & more.

Downloadable Audio Files (MP3)

You also get the audio files so you can listen to the training anywhere, at any time... (e.g. while you're driving, exercising or doing stuff around the house.)

Downloadable Slides (PDF)

For each training video, you can also download the entire slide desk (for easy reference of the material & better recall)

Exercises & Action Steps

Each module also includes instantly implementable exercises + action steps to help you implement & get the best possible results.

110 Page Program Workbook (PDF)

The program comes with a workbook for you to easily refer back to the material covered, as well as make notes of your own.

Module Value: $197.00

Module 4 of 8:


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While invisibility or super-strength are powers reserved for superhero's in the movies, there is a very real human superpower you can develop in your own life, starting today...

This superpower is called 'State-Shifting' & it's the ability to change how you feel, in an instant... at will... on command... & irrelevant of what's happening around you.

In this module, you'll learn this superpower, including proven 'state-shifting strategies' for replacing fear with confidence & courage... or, converting your stress & anxiety into deep calm & relaxation... or, transforming tiredness & laziness into high alertness, energy & motivation... all in mere minutes (or often, less than 60 seconds!)

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • The 'Chain Of Action' framework... which explains precisely how your thoughts & feelings affect your decision making, behavior & results in life... (including: the first steps on how to use this framework to not only change how you feel, but also the decisions, actions & results that follow...)
  • Emotion DE-Construction, explained — You'll learn how to consciously go against the grain & to 'de-construct' emotions back into their constituent parts... enabling you to put them back together in new ways (as I'll also teach you how to do!)
  • ​You'll also learn how to apply the 3 basic principles of 'focus', 'meaning' & 'code' to change your thinking easily... (note: mastering this is the real secret to removing negative thinking, becoming a more positive person & being in control of your life!)
  • 'Spinning Away Anxiety' process — I'll teach you a specific process for melting away any nervousness, anxiety, or stress you may be experiencing, in seconds!
  • ​How a single thought can spiral out of control, leading to a full-blown panic or anxiety attack... or, how another can spiral generating to total enthusiasm & exhilaration... & how to use this mechanism more intentionally to generate more of what you truly want in life!
  • ​Nervous System Controllability — You'll learn the 5 core parts of your nervous system which you have the most conscious control over... (plus: how to use these as levers for your own experience to further change how you feel, virtually on command)
  • ​Breathing, Heart Rate & Body Temperature — you'll learn how to use these 3 core indicators of physiological arousal to summon either high alertness, energy & motivation... or, deep states of calm, relaxation & bliss... depending on what you'd prefer at the time!
  • ​The 4 'focus shifts' you can make to almost-instantly boost your self-confidence... (including: one of my all-time favourite ways to tune into a strong feeling of self-confidence before a big speech, presentation, an important meeting, etc!)
  • ​Powerful insights & key distinctions into how you can also use your physiology & body language to also change how you feel incredibly quickly!
  • ​The 1 strategy that turned a salesman afraid of making sales calls into one earning $500,000 a year in commissions... (note: it takes just minutes to implement!)
  • ​The breakthrough 2007 study which reveals just how things like smoking, obesity & even unhappiness spread amongst friends & to what extent the people that you spend time affect your life choices... (based on the data from one of the largest & longest-running health studies to date!)
  • ​The 1 simple, very underrated, strategy that Larry King, Ellen DeGeneres & Tim Ferriss use to connect with A-star celebrities, icons & world-changers... (& how you can begin to use it too!)
  • ​What do Oprah Winfrey, Henry David Thoreau, Mark Zuckerberg & Leonardo Da Vinci have in common? They had... mentors! (plus: you'll learn valuable ideas you can use to find mentors, advisers & peer groups in your own life...)
  • ​9 actionable steps to surrounding yourself with amazing people that help you achieve more & live a better quality of life... (note: these are the practical steps that many people are missing when attempting to implement the advice of 'you are the average of the 5 people you spend time with...')

3 In-Depth Training Videos

Module 4 contains 3 high quality training videos (MP4), which sequentially guide you through the module & program curriculum. 

2+ Hours Of World Class Content

Between the 3 in-depth training videos, module 1 contains 2+ hours of world-class content, eye-opening ideas, insights, frameworks & more.

Downloadable Audio Files (MP3)

You also get the audio files so you can listen to the training anywhere, at any time... (e.g. while you're driving, exercising or doing stuff around the house.)

Downloadable Slides (PDF)

For each training video, you can also download the entire slide desk (for easy reference of the material & better recall)

Exercises & Action Steps

Each module also includes instantly implementable exercises + action steps to help you implement & get the best possible results.

110 Page Program Workbook (PDF)

The program comes with a workbook for you to easily refer back to the material covered, as well as make notes of your own.

Module Value: $197.00

Module 5 of 8:

Decision-Making Mastery

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Decisions shape our destiny. That's why in this module, you'll learn the same models & models that millionaires & billionaires, top CEO's, renowned investors, as well as business & world leaders (now & throughout history) have used to consistently make the best possible decisions...

I'll also teach how you too can apply these same 'mental models' to all the important areas of your life — from your health, fitness, career, to your finances, relationships & personal life & more — to make better decisions, work smarter (not harder) & actualize your potential...

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • Good vs Bad decisions — What constitutes a 'good decision' vs a 'bad decision' to begin with? You'll learn eye-opening insights about decisions, progress & success that will give you the much-needed clarity required to consciously & consistently make well-aligned decisions...
  • The biggest myths, misconceptions & lies we've been told about decision-making, shattered! (plus: you'll learn a new way of thinking about decisions that'll better serve you on your quest to creating the life that you truly want!)
  • ​The '3 pre-requisites' framework... which explained the 3 most important things you need to have in place first, to consistently make the best, optimal decisions in your life... (note: these 3 things are so important that you can virtually ignore everything else & still get amazing results!)
  • 4 types of decisions — The better you can understand the decision making process, the easier it'll be for you to consistently make the right decisions. A big part of this is learning the 4 different types of decisions (do you know what they are?) that we're faced with in life...
  • ​The '2-way, 1-way' decision making framework (famously used by billionaire business owner, Jeff Bezos)... & how you can begin to apply it into your life right away to get far better results while massively simplifying your life at the same time.
  • Intuition, Explained — Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Steven Spielberg, Albert Einstein, Oprah Winfrey & countless other high achievers have all famously spoken about 'intuition' as a tool that helps them... but what is 'intuition' really? And how do you use it in your life? Well, you'll learn this in this 1st part of the course too...
  • 10 simple, proven 'attribution error prevention' strategies... that you can use to avoid arriving at the wrong conclusions, making faulty assumptions, dumb mistakes, which lead to poor decisions... (notes: these strategies will not only help you avoid these bad judgements, but will help you see patterns, connections & find insights others can't, sharpening your thinking & making you mentally bulletproof!)
  • 4 incredible 'perspective-shifting' strategies... that billionaires, top CEO's, top investors & innovators have famously used to make life-changing decisions that have transformed the course of their lives (& how you can do the same!)
  • ​You'll also learn the 5 'Action Optimization' strategies... that'll not only further optimize your decision making, but will also help accelerate your learning speed, multiply your productivity & boost your results!
  • ​How to shortcut success by 'modelling' the mindset, habits, methods & daily practices of the world's highest achievers... (note: this 1 mental model is largely responsible for much of the professional success I've achieved in my life so far!)
  • ​Revealed: Why considering our own mortality (& thinking about death before you make a decision) can actually help you to make judgements & improve your decision-making... (including: ancient, forgotten wisdom from great Stoic philosophies about how to get the most out of life!)
  • ​You'll also learn the highly-counterintuitive (almost backwards) decision making framework that Jeff Bezos used to start Amazon.com (& how you can apply it too, in as little as 60 seconds, to start making better decisions today!)
  • ​Do you ever feel confused, overwhelmed, or struggle with indecision? You'll also learn 2 simple rules that you can apply to 99% of all situations, that will massively simplify your life & help more to avoid a lot of unneeded confusion, worry, anxiety, or doubt...
  • ​Finally, you'll learn what I consider the most meta 'mental model' (known as 'the toolbox'), which will bring everything you learn in this module​ together, helping you to implement & get the best possible results now!

3 In-Depth Training Videos

Module 5 contains 3 high quality training videos (MP4), which sequentially guide you through the module & program curriculum. 

2 Hours Of World Class Content

Between the 3 in-depth training videos, module 1 contains 2 hours of world-class content, eye-opening ideas, insights, frameworks & more.

Downloadable Audio Files (MP3)

You also get the audio files so you can listen to the training anywhere, at any time... (e.g. while you're driving, exercising or doing stuff around the house.)

Downloadable Slides (PDF)

For each training video, you can also download the entire slide desk (for easy reference of the material & better recall)

Exercises & Action Steps

Each module also includes instantly implementable exercises + action steps to help you implement & get the best possible results.

110 Page Program Workbook (PDF)

The program comes with a workbook for you to easily refer back to the material covered, as well as make notes of your own.

Module Value: $197.00

Module 6 of 8:

Habit Hacking

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