New course removes all the guesswork & reveals a practical, highly-methodical approach to...

"Develop True Emotional Control & Change How You Feel On Command"

...helping you replace fear with courage... convert any stress or anxiety into deep states of calm, relaxation & bliss... & transform tiredness or laziness into high energy, motivation & inspiration... all in minutes (or often, less than 60 seconds!)

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Can we get real for a second...

Do you ever feel like your life is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster?

As in... you feel various emotions & your mood changes throughout the day...

But you're not entirely sure why these changes in how you feel really occur; let alone have any real control over them...

Sure, when good things happen in your life, you feel good...

And when bad things happen, you feel bad...

That part's pretty straightforward...

But beyond this, it gets a lot more confusing...

Anxiety, fear, worry, low energy, procrastination & emotional self-sabotage — can you relate?

For example...

Maybe you have an important task, project, or goal to work on that has the potential to positively impact your life (& understand this importance well)...

...yet, you cannot seem to muster the motivation & inspiration to work on it...

...& instead, you keep pushing off it for 'later', or for 'tomorrow'...

...opting to distract yourself with social media or chitchat or low-value priorities like checking your email for the 17th time today, or sorting files on your desktop, instead...

Or, you're given the opportunity to move closer to something you really want (e.g. a promotion, starting your own business, financial freedom, a date, start of a new relationship, love, intimacy, family)...

...but instead of feeling excited by the opportunity... actually start to worry instead?

Or, feel scared?


Nervous about it?

"Why do I feel this way?!"

"Why am I not excited, motivated, inspired to do this?" you think...

"It makes no sense!" you might even think...

...which then further fuels the cycle as you now feel frustrated, irritated, annoyed, confused, lost, etc...

Or perhaps, you do start finally start taking action & making real progress...

...but it doesn't last...

The energy, motivation & enthusiasm you had one day seems to completely desert you the next...

"I thought this is what I wanted," you reason...

"This made me so happy before" you rationalize...

But no matter how much you attempt to think your way out of your problems, how you feel doesn't really change, does it?

Or, perhaps you do understand full well that you're sabotaging your own progress or doing things that you very well know are bad for you...

...yet, this knowledge doesn't change anything, or make you feel better?

Large parts of your life seem to be ruled by negative thoughts & emotions (e.g. stress, anxiety, sadness, disappointment, tiredness, lack of motivation, etc)... well as the impulsive behaviors, poor choices, bad habits & poor results that inevitably follow these negative emotions you feel...

Or perhaps — one more example — you finally do seem to be doing everything right, making progress, hitting your goals & have every reason in the world to be truly happy...

"Finally everything in my life is great" you might even say to yourself...

...but then — for some unknown reason that further eludes you — you're suddenly stuck by deep sense of sadness, apathy, or hints of depression...

...& just as quick as you rose, you fall back down to the pit of emotional turbulence & turmoil that you started from...

If you were to be completely honest with yourself for a moment...

Does any of this feel (at least a little) familiar?

Can you relate to any of this?

If you can, that's ok...

In fact, I'm here to tell you that you're absolutely *not* alone...

(& that it's actually not your fault — but more on this later)...

The reality is that the vast majority of people nowadays experience some degree of this in their life (usually attempting to spend their way out of their emotional pain)...

Both science & math actually prove this...

$4 trillion dollars we spend on this...

...that's just one (rather conservative, if I may add) estimate of just how money we collectively proceed to then spend on various things that are specifically designed to 'change how we feel' ...

...including both legal & illegal substances (alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, painkillers, marijuana, adderal, cocaine, heroin, etc), as well as various experiences (music festivals, EDM raves) activities & behaviors (video games, gambling, pornography, etc)...

Yes, you read that right...

$4 trillion dollars... (yes, with a 'T')

And that's every... single... year...

It's also for America alone (let alone the rest of the world!)...

(nor does this include how much time we spend / waste on these things).

And most importantly, this is a very 'conservative' estimate...

...for example, this study only included specific things that invoked the most significant changes in how we felt in the shortest amount of time (e.g watching movies in 3D/IMAX cinemas was included in the tally, but buying/streaming a movie at home was not)...

But, that's not even the reason $4 trillion dollars per year is 'conservative'...

The real reason is that, as psychologists, neuroscientists & philosophers tend to agree on, in reality...

*Everything* that we do, we do in order to *feel* a certain way...

For example, ask yourself:

"What do you want in life?"

Bring to attention 1 specific thing that you'd like to achieve, buy or experience in your lifetime...

Got one


Now, ask yourself...

*Why* do you want this thing?

Come up with an answer (going 1 level deeper)...

Ok, now continue to ask "why" again to this new answer that you just came up with...

Now keep going... asking yourself "why" a few more times to each answer that you offer...

What you'll inevitably arrive at is a sort of feeling...

"I want to earn 6 figures a year" might end up as "I want to make a lot of money so that I finally feel worthy & respected in life"...

...or "so that I can feel like I'm successful & have total freedom"...

...or "so that I don't want like such a failure anymore."

The goal to "get married & have kids" might end up as... "I want a family so that I love them & can feel loved"...

How we feel is what makes the world go round...

Or, to put it another way...

Everything that we do we do in life, we do it to feel good (happy, fulfilled, blissful, excited, full of hope, joyous, grateful, etc)...

...or to avoid feeling bad (sad, scared, hopeless, anxious, stress, angry, nervous, etc)...

And hey, if you've ever experienced joy, your brain & body succeeded in their mission to make you feel good...

And if you've ever felt bad, but managed to get rid of it (e.g. the temporarily relief from stress)... again your brain & body succeeded in their mission...

But... at what cost?

See, because we're never been taught to develop emotional control & to consciously shift our own internal emotional state (more on this in a moment)...

...we end up paying other people, companies & corporations to help us change how feel for us...

To stop feeling sad, we eat, shop or distract ourselves by binge-watching an entire season of a new show in a single sitting...

Over time — to both avoid pain or to feel even better — we develop toxic habits & addictions (like smoking, drinking, drugs, social media, phone, video games, sugar, porn, gambling)...

These make us feel better in the short-term, only to make us feel 10x worse in the long-term...

...which further fuels the cycle of irrational behavior, poor choices, self-destructive habits & poor results in life...

But where did it start again?

It all started with... your desire to change how you feel!

Put another way...

Our inability to effectively manage, control, change & shift how we feel internally (without having to rely on things in the world around us) is not only what makes us feel lost, confused & hopeless...

...but is also the root cause of all poor, impulsive decisions (which we then later regret), all bad habits & addictions (which we used to avoid or numb those painful emotions)... well as the poor results we get in the important areas of our life (health, fitness, work, career, finances, dating, family, relationships & others)...

...all of which makes us feel even worse & continues to fuels this cycle...

And if poor emotional control & the inability to manage how you feel leads to all of these consequences, it must also mean that...

If you were to learn how to develop greater emotional control & how to develop proven strategies for changing how you feel (internally; without having to rely on the world around you) on command...

...not only would you feel better (obviously!)...

...but you'd also be a lot less likely to act out impulsively & then suffer with the regret that so often follows...

...bad habits, compulsions & addictions would fall away naturally...

...& you'd actually do the things you know you should do to achieve the results you want...

...which in turn, would fuel the cycle in the other direction, making it even easier for you to think, feel & perform at your best going forward...

Science also proves all of this to be true...

Decades of rigorous scientific research show that people with better at managing how they feel are more satisfied with their jobs, make for better leaders, have better interactions with others & can even be more likely to get promoted or advance in their careers...

Financially, they are a lot better off for a number of reasons including higher income (due to a greater likelihood of career & business growth), less impulsive purchases & overall wiser financial decisions.

Physically, they tend to be healthier, fitter & live longer...

And in their personal lives, those who better manage how they feel also have an advantage as they build better, healthier relationships with friends, family & loved ones, are better communicators, better at resolving conflicts, as well as a lot less likely to say or do something in the heat of the moment that leaves scars (e.g. lashing out verbally, aggression, physical violence, etc.).

Every area of life (& life in general) is made significantly when you develop emotional control & learn how to change how you feel on command...

Or, when you develop what I call...

The Ultimate Superpower: State Shifting!

While 'invisibility' or 'super-strength' are superpowers reserved for superhero's in the movies...

...there is a very real human superpower you can develop in your own life...

This superpower is everything we've covered here — what I call 'State Shifting' — which is this ability to not just understand or manage, but to be able to change & shift how you feel, in an instant... at will... on command... (& irrelevant of what's happening in the world around you).

'State Shifting' is a practical & highly methodical approach (which involves the use of timeless practices, coupled with breakthrough research from the fields of psychology, neuroscience, biology, chronobiology & other relevant fields) for changing how you feel on command... turn, stopping you from falling victim to the companies & corporations preying on your lack of emotional self-control to make billions for themselves & for their shareholders...

...& finally putting yourself back in the driver's seat of your own life!

What's better, this superpower we're call 'State Shifting' is not a superpower in the traditional sense...

As in, it's not something that you have to be born with... (or, unlock when you hold an infinity stone...)

No, it's a superpower that you (or, virtually anyone for that matter) can develop in your own life, starting today...

Which brings me to the only reason you don't have this superpower already...

The (broken) education system!

I truly believe that the only reason that you haven't developed this superpower (which would radically improve your success & quality of life forever) is because the education system failed to teach you this...

Despite both common sense & modern scientific research, showing us just how essentially emotional control & the ability to change how we feel on command is... the traditional education system doesn't teach us this...

The mainstream media doesn't seem to be fond of informing us about this either (it may be because they'd prefer to keep their billions in ad revenue paid to them by from their sponsors — like fast food companies, alcohol brands, pharmaceutical companies, etc — who profit off our inability to effectively manage our own emotions...)

So, you didn't learn this in school & the mainstream media is unlikely to ever inform you about this...

...yet, you can still learn this game-changing approach & develop this superpower in your own life...

In fact, it's what I want to help you, guide you & coach you to do, starting today...

Hey, my name's Bogdan...

And if you have not come across my work, read any of my bestselling books, or experienced any of my top-rated training programs before, I wanted to quickly introduce myself here & share how I can support you, starting right now...

See, the whole trajectory of my life changed when I was 13 years old...

It's because, at age 13, I made what I, to this day, consider to be "the best decision of my life"...

The decision was to voluntarily drop out of high school...

I made this decision (together with my parents) because I already started to feel how broken the traditional education system is...

But the most important part is what came next...

See, after dropping out, I proceeded to spend the 8, 9, 10 hours that other kids were spending in school educating myself on the topics that I considered to be more important & the education system fails to teach us...

Over the next few years, I read more than 500+ books, attended hundreds of events & learned from a number of highly-successful mentors...

I've also dove deep into the fascinating research that had been conducted in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, neurobiology, performance psychology, sociology & more...

For fun, I also meticulously researched, studied & deconstructed the mindset, the habits & the daily practices of the world's highest achievers — from Olympic athletes, to CEO's, billionaire business owners, wealthy investors, extraordinary scientists, wise philosophers, world leaders & most influential historical figures...

Of course, the more I learned, the more I implemented into my own life...

I become my own "guinea pig", rigorously experimenting & testing everything I could get my hands on, to optimize my own life... before, eventually, starting to sharing what I had learned with my early clients!

Fast forward to today...

Today, I'm the author of multiple bestselling books, including Skilled Success & Self Mastery (which have been ordered from & delivered to 90+ countries!)

I'm an internationally-recognized speaker & coach, having spoken on stages & platforms (live, in person, as well as online) to individuals all around the world...

And, perhaps most importantly, I am the founder of "Potencia" — an online education platform that I founded as part of my mission to change education & to transform people's lives all around the world...

Our mission here at Potencia is to deliver world-class products & programs on the topics that the traditional education system, unfortunately, falls short...

And to date, we've already helped tens of thousands of customers & clients from more than 85 countries around the world, to improve their work & their life (& we are only just getting started!)

So, that's a bit about me...

But, this isn't about me... it's about you.

Specifically, you developing this superpower we call 'State Shifting'...

Well, one of the main things I've spent the past decades studying, researching, experimenting with (as well as helping my customers & clients around the world to exactly this): developing emotional control & shifting how they feel on command.

And I want to do the same for you...

It's why I packaged up everything & put it into this brand new course, which will walk you through the entire practical & highly-methodical 'State Shifting' approach (step-by-step)... giving you absolutely everything you need to develop emotional control & change how you feel on command (no matter what's happening in the world around you.)

Imagine what would become possible for you...

Imagine if you could replace your fear with confidence & courage, allowing you to tackle new challenges & pursue new opportunities with ease...

...or, transform tiredness & laziness into high energy, motivation, & inspiration... enabling you to achieve your goals & actualize your potential...

...or, convert your stress & anxiety into deep states of calm, relaxation & bliss, giving you greater peace of mind & a better quality of life

Just imagine the impact this would have on your health, fitness, work, career, dating, relationships with others, family & overall wellbeing in life...

Well, in that case, it's time to get started...

You'll learn this entire cutting-edge approach & methodology inside the brand new course I put together to teach you all of this...



How To Develop Emotional Control & Change How You Feel On Command

— Bogdan Juncewicz —

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In this State Shifting online course, you'll get a complete walkthrough of this new, breakthrough & highly-methodical approach...

In the 3 in-depth parts of this course, you will learn eye-opening ideas, insights & big-picture frameworks, together with highly-practical steps, strategies & protocols for...

...developing greater emotional control in your life (reclaiming your true personal power back from the world around you)... well as changing how you feel... on command... within minutes (or, often, in less than 60 seconds.)

Here's Precisely What You'll Learn Inside Each Part Of This Course:

Part 1 of 3:

State Shifting Basics

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In part 1, you'll learn how your mind & body work together to construct your mood & the emotional state that you experience every day... as well as the basic principles, frameworks & understandings required to them be able to consciously shift your emotional state!

(including: the 'state-shifting meta-framework' which offers a complete roadmap for understanding why you feel how you feel right now & what you can do to then shift how you feel, at will!)

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​​​The 'Chain Of Action' framework... which explains precisely how your thoughts & feelings affect your decision-making, behavior & results in life... (including: the first steps on how to use this framework to not only change how you feel but also the decisions, actions & results that follow...)
  • ​The 3 basic steps your brain & body follow to 'construct' each & every one of the emotions​ you experience each & every day... (including: how to consciously intercept this process to change how you feel virtually on command!)
  • ​The 2 parts that make up your nervous system... & how to use this understanding to also transform anxiety, stress, fear & nervousness into calm, presence & confidence incredibly quickly!
  • ​The 2 invisible, dual forces that affect you think, feel & do... (warning: if you don’t understand how these 2 guiding forces affect who you are & what you do, you’re likely living at their mercy, without even knowing it!)
  • Emotion DE-Construction, explained — You'll learn how to consciously go against the grain & to 'de-construct' emotions back into their constituent parts... enabling you to put them back together in new ways (as I'll also teach you how to do!)
  • ​You'll also learn my #1 biological hack for dissolving any anxiety, nervousness, or fear you may be experiencing... (note: when you learn to use this correctly, it'll supercharge your progress in life more than almost anything else you can ever do!)
  • The 'backwards law' which goes again everything we're been told about self-discipline, explains why resisting & fighting can often backfire & illustrates how surrendering to your emotions can sometimes be the very best approach... (note: when I first learned about this, I protested & resisted this change like crazy... but today, I know better, I use this & have never looked back!)
  • How to convert fear or anxiety into curiosity & excitement, in mere seconds... using a strategy known as 'Cognitive Re-Framing'... (based on a fascinating Harvard University research that goes completely against everything we've been previously taught to believe about anxiety & stress!)
  • ​​The 1 philosophical tool that'll help you stop overthinking, avoid unnecessarily overcomplicating things & greatly improve your mood (warning: training yourself to operate in this way can seem unnatural at first, but soon after will start helping you to radically improve your mood, emotional wellbeing & results!)
  • ​-You'll also learn how to apply the 3 basic principles of 'focus', 'meaning' & 'code' to change your thinking easily... (note: mastering this is the real secret to removing negative thinking, becoming a more positive person & being in control of your life!)
  • ​How a single thought can spiral out of control, leading to a full-blown panic or anxiety attack... or, how another can spiral generating to total enthusiasm & exhilaration... & how to use this mechanism more intentionally to generate more of what you want in life & avoid that which you don't!
  • ​How to start applying the '5 basic state-shifting techniques' that you'll learn in just the first part of this course alone, to already begin shifting how you feel, within minutes... (or, often, even in mere seconds!)
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Training Video

You get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that will guide you through part 1 of this course.

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Audio Files

You get access to the audio files... which  you can download & listen to anywhere, at any time.

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Slides + Exercises

You'll also access to the slides - for easy reference & better recall - as well as the actionable exercises.

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Lastly, you get the course workbook to take notes, refer back to - boosting implementation.

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Training Video

You get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that will guide you through part 1 of this course.

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Audio Files

You get access to the audio files... which  you can download & listen to anywhere, at any time.

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Slides + Exercises

You'll also access to the slides - for easy reference & better recall - as well as the actionable exercises.

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Lastly, you get the course workbook to take notes, refer back to - boosting implementation.

Value: $97.00

Which leads us to...

Part 2 of 3:

Instant State Shifting Strategies

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Imagine that you're having a bad day, feeling worried, stressed, or unsure of yourself...

Or, you're about to walk into an important meeting, job interview, deliver an important presentation or go on a first date with someone, but you're feeling very anxious, nervous, filled with fear & sweating like a madman...

Or, you have an important project to complete on a tight deadline, a performance to give, or kids to play with when you get home... but you're very tired, irritated, or distracted?

In each of these situations (or virtually any other!) there are proven 'instant state shifting strategies' you can learn & deploy to shift how you feel, almost instantly... & these are the precise strategies that you'll find laid out in this 2nd part of the course...

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​​​Nervous System Controllability — You'll learn the 5 core parts of your nervous system which you have the most conscious control over... (plus: how to use these as levers for your own experience to further change how you feel, virtually on command)
  • ​​Breathing, Heart Rate & Temperature — you'll learn how to use these 3 core indicators of physiological arousal to summon either high alertness, energy & motivation... or, deep states of calm, relaxation & bliss... depending on what you'd prefer at the time!
  • The 4 'focus shifts' you can make to almost instantly boost self-confidence... (including: one of my all-time favourite ways to tune into a strong feeling of self-confidence before a big speech, presentation, an important meeting, etc!)
  • ​How your bodies 'fight-or-flight response' (as well as its 'rest-&-digest response') *really* works... & how to get in or out of each of them at will!
  • ​Powerful insights & key distinctions into how you can also use your physiology & body language to also change how you feel incredibly quickly!
  • ​The 1 strategy that turned a salesman afraid of making sales calls into one earning $500,000 a year in commissions... (note: it takes just minutes to implement!)
  • ​The #1 practice shown to boost dopamine (your 'motivation molecule') by 250%, & increase norepinephrine ('your energy molecule') by a shocking 530%... radically boosting alertness & giving you a flood of energy almost instantly!
  • ​Control vs Can't Control — How shifting your mental focus between the things that you have direct control over vs those that you don't also affect your emotional state in specific ways... (plus: how to use this to also bring about desirable changes in your life in both directions!)
  • 1 simple 'cognitive reframe' that can instantly melt away almost any stress or anxiety you may be experiencing (as famously used by the great Stoic philosophers throughout history!)
  • The 1 activity scientifically proven to reduce stress levels by 50% in just 6 minutes... (& the best times of the day to use this practice!)
  • ​How to also use 'power poses' to reduce cortisol, boost testosterone, increase assertiveness & make yourself 33% more likely to take action (instead of backing out, delaying, or procrastinating!)
  • ​Chronobiology secrets — How to use smell... to overcome fatigue, get rid of brain fog, boost focus & radically increase your energy levels during the day...sight (light, size, distance, direction), sound (volume, tempo, pitch), as well as touch, taste &
  • ​You'll also learn how to the same chronobiology insights to go in the other direction... to reduce stress, melt away anxiety, tune into deep states of calm, relaxation, bliss & fall asleep easier than ever before!
  • ​3 stupidly-simple things that you can do with your eyes to change how you feel... (also based on cutting-edge neuroscientific & chronobiology research.)
  • ​Aromatherapy basics — how to use specific scents to either energize & invigorate you... or alternatively to bring you into even deep states of relaxation!
  • How to change the 'meaning' that you give to things that you perceive & take back control of you feel... so that the things that used to upset you, frustrate you or annoy you don't have the same negative effect on your anymore... (& perhaps can even make you smile, laugh or bring you joy!)
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Training Video

You get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that will guide you through part 1 of this course.

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Audio Files

You get access to the audio files... which  you can download & listen to anywhere, at any time.

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Slides + Exercises

You'll also access to the slides - for easy reference & better recall - as well as the actionable exercises.

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Lastly, you get the course workbook to take notes, refer back to - boosting implementation.

Value: $97.00

Which leads us to...

Part 3 of 3:

Permanent Mood Boost

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Finally, in part 3, we look at how our biology & physical health (nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress), as well as environmental factors (e.g. other people, our physical surroundings, the information we consume) affect our baseline mood & how we feel...

You'll also learn how to make tweaks to these factors (e.g. change your food, specific exercises, mental detoxes, environment design, etc) to consistently think & feel your best, naturally... without having to really think about it!

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​​​The 4 non-negotiables for good physical, mental & emotional health & wellbeing... that also affect your baseline mood more than almost anything else that you can ever do! (note: getting these basics right is essential!)
  • ​The truth about sleep & how it *really* affects your mood, emotions, focus, productivity, decision making & more... (note: there are a huge amount of lies, myths & misconceptions surrounding sleep which we'll undo with!)
  • ​The 3 core components that make up our 'environment', which also explains why we feel how we feel & do what we do... (note: this is must-know information for anyone on the journey of personal growth, self-help & success!)
  • ​The breakthrough 2007 study which reveals just how things like smoking, obesity & even unhappiness spread amongst friends & to what extent the people you spend time with affect your life choices... (based on the data from one of the largest & longest-running health studies to date!)
  • ​9 actionable steps to surrounding yourself with amazing people that help you achieve more & live a better quality of life... (note: these are the practical steps that many people are missing when attempting to implement the advice of 'you are the average of the 5 people you spend time with...')
  • ​The 1 simple, very underrated, strategy that Larry King, Ellen DeGeneres & Tim Ferriss use to connect with A-star celebrities, icons & world-changers... (& how you can begin to use it too!)
  • ​What do Oprah Winfrey, Henry David Thoreau, Mark Zuckerberg & Leonardo Da Vinci have in common? They had... mentors! (plus: you'll learn valuable ideas you can use to find mentors, advisers & peer groups in your own life...)
  • ​'Environment design' — How to use the information in this course to design empowering 'environments' (e.g. your home, bedroom, office) that are optimized not just to look good, but to be effective at helping you feel how you want to feel & be the very best version of yourself!
  • ​You'll also learn how to use the physical environments that other people have created (e.g. restaurants, bars, coffee shops, libraries, parks) to also change how you feel incredibly quickly & easily...
  • ​How the information that you consume affects how you feel both in the short-term & in the long-term... (including: specific 'mental detoxes' that you can deploy to get rid of harmful programming, feel better & start creating the life you truly desire & deserve!), tangible, measurable results in your life, fast!
  • ​Summary & Recap — We wrap up by going through a summary of everything we covered in this course, as well as how you can start implementing what you learned right away to start seeing tangible, measurable results in your life, fast!
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Training Video

You get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that will guide you through part 1 of this course.

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Audio Files

You get access to the audio files... which  you can download & listen to anywhere, at any time.

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Slides + Exercises

You'll also access to the slides - for easy reference & better recall - as well as the actionable exercises.

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Lastly, you get the course workbook to take notes, refer back to - boosting implementation.

Value: $97.00

But That's Not All...

You're also getting access to a number of very special bonuses that'll further elevate your State Shifting course experience!


Bonus 1:

State Shifting Checklists

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To help you implement all the incredible information & ideas that you'll discover in the course into your life practically (& as quickly as possible) you'll also get access to the 'State Shifting Checklists' (PDF's) you can download / print & start following right away.

Bonus Value: $47.00

Bonus 2:

360° Journal

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One of the most powerful practices we can ever build is... journalling.

(throughout history, journalling was a habit that so many of the world's highest-achieving individuals used including Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Benjamin Franklin, Marie Curie, Mark Twain & Marcus Aurelius & many others!)

The problem: when we journal on the same questions or prompts every day (like most journals encourage) every single day, our brain starts to disengage with the process & it loses it's effect. Variety is important.

That's why, I created the 360° Journal, which is a new kind of journalling tool in which a diverse collection of 180 of the best, most powerful & thought-provoking journal questions... put together in a 90-day structure to help you to strategically elevate your thinking, consciousness & results in life!

Bonus Value: $27.00

Bonus 3:

Mental Detoxes

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The modern world is moving at a pace that our brains are struggling to cope with... which is causing the rapid rise in health problems, depression (& antidepressant medication), bad habits & declining attention span that we're seeing today. These 'Mental Detoxes' walkthroughs will help you to counteract this...


  • ​​Mainstream Media Detox — for reducing negativity & boosting positivity​​
  • ​​​Social Media Detox — for improving your mental health & brain function​
  • ​​​​Digital Detox — to eradicate distraction & multiply your productivity

Bonus Value: $97.00

Bonus 4:

High Achiever Daily Habits

You'll learn the specific habits & practices (based on the world's highest achievers & validated by thousands of scientific studies) which you can build into your daily life to...

  • ​​Boost mental sharpness & cognitive performance...
  • ​​Raise energy levels, focus & alertness...
  • ​​Transform mood & happiness...
  • ​​Heighten your productivity & creativity...
  • ​​Improve self-compassion & self-confidence...
  • ​​Increase willpower & self-control...
  • ​​Elevate mental health & emotional wellbeing...

Bonus Value: $97.00

Bonus 5:

Facebook Community

Sometimes, personal growth & self-discovery can feel like a lonely journey! This will not be the case with the State Shifting training course...

Not only do you get access to me, but you also get access to a community of members also going through this course at the same time as well!

You get access to a Facebook Community Group, where you can also ask questions, engage with others & share your progress!

Bonus Value: Priceless

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In Summary, Here's Everything That You're Getting Today...

Core Course Curriculum

  • ​Part 1: State Shifting Basics
  • ​Part 2:​ ​Instant State Shifting Strategies
  • ​Part 3: Permanent Mood Boost

$97 Value

$97 Value

$97 Value

  • ​Part 1: State Shifting Basics ($97 Value)
  • ​Part 2:​ ​Instant State Shifting Strategies ($97 Value)
  • ​Module 3: Permanent Mood Boost ($97 Value)

Special Bonuses

  • ​​Bonus 1: State Shifting Checklists ($47 Value)
  • ​​Bonus 2:​ 360° Journal ($27 Value)
  • ​​Bonus 3: Mental Detoxes ($97 Value)
  • ​Bonus 4: High Achiever Daily Habits ($97 Value)
  • ​Bonus 5​: FB Community Group​ (Priceless)
  • ​Bonus 1: State Shifting Checklists
  • ​Bonus 2: 360° Journal
  • ​Bonus 3: Mental Detoxes
  • ​Bonus 4: High Achiever Daily Habits
  • ​Bonus 5: FB Community Group

$47 Value

$27 Value

$97 Value

$97 Value


Combined Value:


This Is Highly Valuable Stuff

Think about it... if you could learn how to take control of how you feel & shift your emotional state on command... replacing fear with confidence... converting your stress & anxiety with deep calm & relaxation... & transforming tiredness & laziness into high alertness, energy & motivation... all in mere minutes (or often, in less than 60 seconds!)... what would that be worth to you?

Over the course of a week, month, year... or a lifetime?

Probably a lot more than $559, right?

Clients have paid me multiples of this amount to have me coach them through this material & help them in this way...

But, my goal now is to make this life-changing information accessible to as many people as possible...

Which is why, I'm not going to be charging you $559 (or anywhere near that) for this training course...

In fact, your investment if you want the 'State Shifting' course, won't even be a tenth of this...

Today, you can get everything listed above at a massive discount of...

95% Discount

If you decide to invest in yourself... in your future... in this 3-part online video training course, you get everything at a massive 95% discount...

Total Value: $559

Just $27

That's about the price of a few Starbucks Frappuccino's, or a lunch at mid-priced restaurant...

Except here, you're getting access to a whole lot more...

You're getting what you need to finally take control of how you state... & shift how you feel on command...

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Here's Everything That You're Getting For Just $27 Today...

Core Course Curriculum

  • ​​Part 1: State Shifting Basics
  • ​​Part 2:​ ​Instant State Shifting Strategies
  • ​​Part 3: Permanent Mood Boost

$97 Value

$97 Value

$97 Value

  • ​Part 1: State Shifting Basics ($97 Value)
  • ​Part 2:​ ​​Instant State Shifting Strategies ($97 Value)
  • ​Module 3: Permanent Mood Boost ($97 Value)

Special Bonuses

  • ​​Bonus 1: State Shifting Checklists ($47 Value)
  • ​​Bonus 2:​ ​360° Journal ($27 Value)
  • ​​Bonus 3: Mental Detoxes ($97 Value)
  • ​Bonus 4: High Achiever Daily Habits ($97 Value)
  • ​Bonus 5​: FB Community Group​ (Priceless)
  • ​​Bonus 1: State Shifting Checklists
  • ​Bonus 2: 360° Journal
  • ​​Bonus 3: Mental Detoxes
  • ​​Bonus 4: High Achiever Daily Habits
  • ​​Bonus 5: FB Community Group

$47 Value

$27 Value

$97 Value

$97 Value


Total Value: $559.00

Just $27

Your Success Is Our Top Priority!

It may sounds cliche, but it's real for me...

I've seen too many courses out that are marketed well & promise you the world, but are put together poorly & fail to deliver results...

Or, the customer is left to figure things out on their own without the accountability, community, support that makes success possible...

Which is why, at Potencia, we do everything we possibly can to ensure that the programs we put out are of the highest possible standard & include everything you need to create the changes, transformations & results you desire in your life.

Here's how simple it is to get started...

Step 1: Place your order today

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Step 2: Receive your login details

Step 3: Log in & begin the program

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The whole process takes less than 5 minutes!

This means, just a few minutes from now, you could already be starting the 'State Shifting' training...

Then, on top of this, you also get access to the processes & implementation worksheets, additional bonuses... & a community to support you as well!

Your order is also...

Completely Guaranteed

In fact, here's the rock-solid guarantee which comes with this course...

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Backed By Our Extended 30 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

If you get this new 'State Shifting' training course & you don't consider it one of the best trainings on this topic you've ever come across, we'll refund your order 100% & let you keep the course, just as a thank you for trusting me & testing it out!

In essence, you have 60 days to test-drive 'State Shifting', risk-free & if after those 60 days, you don't see tremendous value from it, just contact us & we'll refund your order 100%.

Lifetime Access

When you get the State Shifting course today, you get access to it for life. It's yours to keep & you can go through the course as many times as you wish. 

Free Upgrades

Today, you're ordering version 1.0 of State Shifting course. If this course gets updated in future, you'll get access to the upgrade for free.

Price Guarantee

This is the lowest price that this version of the State Shifting course has been offered at & it's the lowest price it will ever be offered for in future as well.

Oh, if you're wondering...

"What's the catch?"

There is none...

There is no subscription that bills your card every single month...

This is not something that is here today, but gone tomorrow...

And it's definitely not some program that promises you the world, only to disappoint you later on... ("get rich quick", "manifest your dreams while sitting around the house in your sweatpants")...

Just world-class, no-fluff, no-BS training (including: practical processes, methods & strategies) to help you transform your life forever...

If anything, the only "catch" is this...

You Must Act Now

I'm not going to offend your intelligence & tell you that there are a "limited number of spots" available in the course...

There are not... (it's a digital course, duh!)

And this course is *not* going away anytime soon either... it's going to be available for many, many years to come...

The only thing that might change is the price you'll need to invest to get in...

As I said... this is the biggest discount & the lowest price this course has ever been offered for (as well as the lowest price it will ever be offered for)...

Put another way, there is only one way the price can go... & that's up!

So, don't wait around...

You have an opportunity to lock in the biggest discount & lowest price this course has ever been offered for (& will ever be offered for!) right now...

Why wait?

Why risk returning to this page later & start kicking yourself for not having locked in this massive 95% special discount when you had the chance...

Lock in your discount today...

Thank you for taking the time to read this page...

And I look forward to hearing about the incredible results this course will help you to achieve in your life...

Bogdan Juncewicz

Meet Your Program Instructor:

Bogdan Juncewicz

Bestselling Author. International Speaker. Founder & CEO of Potencia. Voluntary High School Dropout.

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At the age of 13, Bogdan made what he considers to be "the best decision of his life", which was to voluntarily drop out of high school (because he believes the traditional education system is broken).

Today, he is a bestselling author having written 5 books, which have been ordered from & delivered to 90+ countries worldwide... (including the international bestsellers,
'Skilled Success' & 'Self Mastery', often referred to as "life-changing" & a "must-read".)

He is also an international speaker — having given motivational talks across multiple continents — prolific course creator & high performance coach.

Over the years, he's coached clients from many different walks of life to break bad habits & addictions (e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs, etc), overcome various fears, phobias & trauma's, shatter limiting beliefs... as well as set better goals, eliminate procrastination, boost self-discipline & maximize productivity!

His work has been featured in various publications & more than 100,000 have come across his work in recent years. More than 10,000 customers have bought, read or gone through one of this bestselling books, top-rated online courses or mastery training programs. And 28,000+ people receive this educational newsletters & other forms of content.

His most important role though is as the founder & CEO of the education platform & company,
Potencia (which he founded with the mission of changing education & transforming even more lives around the world in new ways — already serving tens of thousands of members spanning 100+ countries worldwide!)

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“He's A Genius!”


Bestselling Author & Holistic Health Coach

“Bogdan's Guidance Will Be Invaluable to Helping You Reach Your End Goal”


Australia's #1 Stress Coach

“Bogdan's Knowledge Combined With His Fantastic Ability To Explain Everything Simply... Will Leave Anyone Achieving Their Greatness.”


99.90th Percentile Student & Creator: ExamReadyTutoring

“Bogdan's Honest, Sincere Uncomplicated Manner Is A Breath Of Fresh Air. His Strategies Guided Me To Come Up With A System That Works For Me.”


TV Producer & Founder: Sunflower Productions

What Others Say About Bogdan's Work

"I don't drink alcohol anymore!"

I had the fortune of using your processes for my alcohol addiction. Many months have gone by & I don't drink alcohol anymore! The process works!

Grzegorz Woźniak

Warsaw, Poland

"Highly recommend"

With Bogdan's system, I got rid of my bad habits. I used it & it's super effective. I highly recommend it.

Jolanta Lindkvist

50 years of biting my fingernails, gone!


Consultant & Branding Expert

Sydney, Australia

"2 years have gone by & the change has stuck"

I would often snack very late at night (sometimes, even in the middle of the night). After using Bogdan's methods, I no longer have this bad habit. 2 years have gone by & the change has stuck. I am grateful to him for freeing me from this habit.

Krzysztof Suski

Business Owner


I have used Bogdan's incredibly-effective techniques on myself & with clients to successfully eliminate self-destructive habits & have gone on to teach his information to hundreds of people on how to implement life-changing healthy habits into ones life

Tom Broadwell

Author, Speaker, Health Coach


"Thanks to you Bogdan, I don't smoke anymore"


Thank you so much for being a great teacher. You teach not only the common material but the most research and most useful to human kind

Oromwatt Francis

Bogdan does such an incredible job of taking you on a journey from recognizing your true potential to mastering the transformation needed for you to become the best version of you possible. I highly recommend Bogdan & his work

Gary Moon


Washington, USA

What Others Say About Bogdan's Work

"I don't drink alcohol anymore!"

I had the fortune of using your processes for my alcohol addiction. Many months have gone by & I don't drink alcohol anymore! The process works!

Grzegorz Woźniak

Warsaw, Poland

"Highly recommend"

With Bogdan's system, I got rid of my bad habits. I used it & it's super effective. I highly recommend it.

Jolanta Lindkvist

50 years of biting my fingernails, gone!


Consultant & Branding Expert

Sydney, Australia

"2 years have gone by & the change has stuck"

I would often snack very late at night (sometimes, even in the middle of the night). After using Bogdan's methods, I no longer have this bad habit. 2 years have gone by & the change has stuck. I am grateful to him for freeing me from this habit.

Krzysztof Suski

Business Owner


I have used Bogdan's incredibly-effective techniques on myself & with clients to successfully eliminate self-destructive habits & have gone on to teach his information to hundreds of people on how to implement life-changing healthy habits into ones life

Tom Broadwell

Author, Speaker, Health Coach


"Thanks to you Bogdan, I don't smoke anymore"


Thank you so much for being a great teacher. You teach not only the common material but the most research and most useful to human kind

Oromwatt Francis

Bogdan does such an incredible job of taking you on a journey from recognizing your true potential to mastering the transformation needed for you to become the best version of you possible. I highly recommend Bogdan & his work.

Gary Moon


Washington, USA

Have Any Of These Questions?

Q: What is 'Habit Hacking?'

A: 'Habit Hacking' is a breakthrough methodology, system, set of step-by-step processes, as well as highly in-depth, 3-part, video training course walking you through it all... teaching you how to bad habits easily (often, in as little as 20 minutes!) & build new, good empowering habits rapidly (up to 1300% faster!)

Q: What included in this course?

A: The 'Habit Hacking' course that you can order on this page contains 3 core parts, together making up 4+ hours of video training content:

  • Part 1: Habits, Explained. In this part, you'll learn precisely how habits work — including, how they form to begin with, the mechanisms that drive them, as well as the steps required to change them!
  • Part 2: Breaking Bad Habits. You'll learn how to break bad habits easily (& often, in less than 20 minutes!)
  • Part 3: Accelerated Habit Building. In this 3rd part, you'll learn how to build new, good, empowering habits rapidly (up to 1300% faster than before.)

On top of this, you're also getting access to a number of special bonuses:

  • ​Bonus 1: Proven Process Suite
  • ​Bonus 2: Implementation Worksheets
  • ​Bonus 3: 'Morning Power-Up' Training
  • ​Bonus 4: 'Evening Wind-Down' Training
  • ​Bonus 5: FB Community Group

Q: Who is it course for? Will it help me if I ________?

A: In short, yes...

And that's because this program is about the underlying understandings, mechanisms & strategies which can be applied to virtually anything (or anyone) in life...

So, whether you're an employee, self-employed, or you run your own business...

Whether you're 22 years old, or you're 64 years young...

Wherever in the world you're from, you live, or you work...

What we all have in common is the topic of this course: habits.

Everybody has habits.

This is universal; it's what we all share...

The problem is we often form the wrong (bad) habits which then go on to ruin our life (& when attempting to build good ones, we struggle to make the change stick!).

This course will teach you how to overcome this & learn precisely how to 'hack your habits' to start getting better results in all areas of your life!

Q: Who Is Bogdan & why should I listen to him?

A: Bogdan Juncewicz is a bestselling author, international speaker, high performance coach & the founder & CEO of Potencia...

He has spent his life (ever since he dropped out of high school at the age of 13) decoding, deconstructing & demystifying various topics related to personal growth & high performance, including how the brain & emotions work...

Over the past years, he's coached clients from many different walks of life to break bad habits & addictions (e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs, etc), overcome various fears, phobias & trauma's, shatter limiting beliefs... as well as set better goals, eliminate procrastination, boost self-discipline & maximize productivity!

He publishes his expertise in his bestselling books, top-rated online courses (like this 'Habit Hacking'' course) & mastery training programs - which 10,000+ people to date bought, read or gone through (& counting)...

Regarding quality & trust... even though we offer a completely unconditional, extended & no-questions-asked, 60 day money back guarantee for all of products & programs... our refund rate is actually a shockingly-low 2% (with the industry standard at 7% - 10%)

And the reviews we get for our products & programs (including the Habit Hacking course) are nothing short of incredible!

Q: So, what's the investment for the course?

A: Today, you can get everything listed on this page for just $519... $27!

No hidden fees. No monthly subscription. No gimmicks.

Just $27 & you get instant, digital & lifetime access to everything (including, lifetime upgrades of the course if it gets updated in future.)

Q: Are you really giving me a 95% discount?

A: Yes!

And that's because our goal is wildly different than other 'educational institutions'...

While we could make more money selling this program at a higher price point...

And even if fewer people bought it at that higher price, the numbers would still add up & it would be more profitable, personally...

At the end of the day, this approach does not align with my mission or values...

My mission is to change education & to help transform people's lives...

And not a couple of lives, but hundreds of thousands & millions of people's lives all around the world... which can only be achieved by making my products & programs as accessible as possible... (instead of catering to the elite few who can afford to pay hundreds of dollars for a course like this!)

Put simply, I want to make this eye-opening, game-changing, life-transforming material accessible to as many people as humanly possible...

This is why I'm not charging you $559 (or anywhere near that) for the course...

Instead, I'm giving you a 95% discount, bringing the price down to just $27 for everything included as part of the 'Habit Hacking' course.

Q: Should I register now... or will I get a better price in the future?

A: Rest assured, this is the biggest discount & the lowest price ($27) that this course has ever been sold for & will ever be sold for...

Put another way... by placing your order today not only do you get everything this course contains (plus all the bonuses), but you also get the satisfaction of knowing you locked in the biggest discount & lowest price for this course ever (95% off!)

Q: I'm very busy, will this work for me?

A: Yes, the course can be consumed in a few hours (over a few evenings, or a few longer commutes even, as you can listen to the audio files to start).

And the processes & strategies that you'll learn inside the course also take about 15 - 30 minutes to apply as well.

So yes, even if you're short on time, this course is created to be concise, straight-to-the-point & help you create significant changes in your life in just a few hours total.

Q: What if I change my mind? Can I get my money back?

A: Yes, of course you can! If you change your mind, or you don't believe the course to be as good as it's made out to me, or any other reason... you can just contact us & we will give you your money back right away.

This is an extended 60 day money back guarantee... so even if it's 59 days, 23 hours & 59 seconds from now that you send us an email requesting a refund, you'll receive your money back.

Q: If I need help, who can I contact?

A: For any billing or technical issues, you can contact

If you have any specific questions about the program or content itself, you can contact Bogdan directly at

P.S. If you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the bottom of the page first, here's the deal:

You can get instant, digital & lifetime access to my State Shifting training course, as well as all of the bonuses (value: $559.00)... at a kinda-crazy 95% discount.

This training course contains cutting-edge insights, big ideas, transformative frameworks, practical strategies & processes to help you to... develop emotional control & change how you feel on command!

Your investment today is $559 just $27!

Plus: if, for any reason, you don't absolutely love this training course & find it incredibly useful, you will get a full refund. No questions asked.

So, you can get started risk-free today!

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Total Value: $559

Today: Just $27

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