Brand new course reveals a proven blueprint & scientifically-backed methods to...

"Optimize Your Energy, Design Your Perfect Daily Routine & Take Back Control Of Your Life"

...instantly levelling up your focus, multiplying your productivity, enhancing creativity & improving overall effectiveness... as well as leading to significant improvements to your health, fitness, physique, work, career, finances & relationships with others, fast!

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There are many metrics for measuring one's life...

The average human lifespan is approximately 80 years, for example...

In months, that comes out to 960 months...

Or, just over 4000 weeks...

Which is about 29000 of these units of time that we call days...

And sure, you can break it down further into hours, minutes or seconds...

...but having the privilege of working with people from virtually all walks of life & coaching clients from all around the world...

...I've found the unit of the day is...

...the perfect starting point for transforming your success in work & life forever!

Optimizing your day & daily routine truly is the secret to...

  • ​​​​​boosting your focus levels
  • ​multiplying your productivity
  • ​enhancing creativity
  • ​sharpening your cognition
  • ​boosting mental health
  • ​improving emotional wellbeing

And also, more broadly to...

  • ​Improving your health, fitness & physique
  • ​Transforming your work, career & finances
  • ​Bettering friendships, social bonds & relationships with others
  • ​Improving quality of life, happiness & life satisfaction

The motto is simple:

Transform the quality of your *days* & you transform the quality of your *life.*

That's because, sure, while we may take vacations, enjoy time travelling, or spend our time very differently during the weekends or the holidays (Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, etc) than we do most days of the year...

Those are the exception, not the norm...

And those are but a few days in the entire 365-day-long calendar we live by...

Which means that the vast majority of your entire life is going to be spent within our typical, normal day & daily routine...

And, if you can't find a way to optimize (as well as to enjoy!) your typical days & daily routine (which again, is the biggest chunk of your time on this planet)...

...then you'll probably never actualize your full potential, achieve the success you desire...

...or experience the true happiness, joy & fulfillment you want either...

I know that sounds harsh, but it's true...

(& it also serves as a powerful wake-up call that helps people start turning their situation around & begin to produce extraordinary shifts in their life going forward!)

Most days, you'll wake up in the same bed as the previous morning...

You'll proceed to do the same things as the day before...

Play out those same habits.. (research shows that 40% of the things we do are the same as the day before... & as much as 95% of the thoughts we think & emotions that we feel are the same as the day before too.)

...before falling back asleep in that same bed at the end of the night...

...& repeating it all again the very next day.

(a.k.a. your typical day & daily routine.)

Now, to be clear...

This is absolutely *not* a bad thing...

We are creatures of habit & routine.

We have evolved to function in precisely this way...

And so, while the thought of packing up everything to escape to Hawaii, or to spend every week in a new city as you travel the world non-stop, might sound like fun, it also comes with consequences...

Trust me, I've spent many months at a time travelling, Nomad-style... (last year for example, travelling to 12 countries in just 2.5 short months)... & while it was a lot of fun & very freeing... a certain point, I actually started to miss my daily routine & couldn't wait to get back to my 'normal life'...

(also, it's the daily routine & self-discipline in the first place which then allows you to break out of it at times... or, as the saying goes 'Discipline = Freedom.')

Research proves & validates all of this...

It shows that while breaking out of our routine sometimes, going on vacation or exploring the world is good for us... we also need a great daily routine to be truly healthy, happy, as well as to achieve the success you desire...

Just some of the research-backed benefits of designing & executing a perfect daily routine, include:

  • ​​Better health, fitness & physical wellbeing
  • ​Lower risk of pain, disease & health problems
  • ​Improved sleep (during the night) & energy levels (during the day)
  • ​More focus, productivity & output
  • ​Enhanced creativity & creative problem solving
  • ​Improved relationships with others
  • ​Better mood, mental health & emotional wellbeing

And a whole lot more...

Put another way, what you really want is to craft a perfect day & daily routine you don't feel like you need to 'escape' from... (as again, this is what the majority of your life will be spent in)

Also, while a daily routine is important no matter who you are...

...the consistency that comes from a daily routine becomes even more important if you have loftier ambitions & would like to totally revolutionize your health, fitness, work, career, or relationships with others...

The bigger the goal, the more critical crafting a perfect daily routine becomes.

High achievers, for example, achieve success not based on the things they do once or twice... but because of the things they do consistently, as part of their daily routine.

It's the carefully crafted daily routine (including dialed-in nutrition, training, recovery time, etc) that then enables athletes to step up at the Olympics years later & take home Olympic gold...

(& the same applies to anyone who want to reach high performance & join the ranks of the world's highest achievers)

Put simply, your daily routine is the best indicator of who you are today, who you'll become tomorrow & what you'll ultimately achieve in your life...

The question is...

What would your current daily routine say about you?

Let's consider the average people's day & daily routine for a moment...

It might start with the pesky alarm clock that wakes them up...

(often, mere hours after you finally managed to fall into that deep restorative sleep you need to feel fully refreshed the next day... as they had to work late, or you spent the night binge-watching tv, mindlessly scrolling social media... or many hours tossing & turning unable to sleep...)

Or, the alarm fails to wake them up as they hit the 'snooze' button...

And then hit 'snooze' again...

Eventually, 1, 2, or 5 (!) 'snoozes' later, they finally wake up...

Now, realizing what time it is, they rush out of bed, already feeling stressed that they are 'behind' on their day...

They take a quick shower & eat a rushed breakfast, as their mind starts racing thinking about all the different things they need to get done today...

They race out of the front door in hopes of beating the morning traffic...

In the car, they might listen to the news which makes them feel even worse, causing them to worry about all types of different things...

They hurry into the office, down a gallon of coffee & quickly check their email & messages before they start on their important projects for the week...

However, it doesn't turn out to be quick at all...

One email or message turns into another & another...

30 minutes, 1 hour, 90 minutes fly by & they still haven't made it out of their inbox & social media, or gotten to the things on their to-do list...

Despite knowing about the priorities for the day, they instead opt to do some of the easier work...

They procrastinate & distract themselves with mindless social media scrolling instead of getting what they know they need to do done...

Lunch time rolls around, but they're already thinking about when today will be over...

They down some more coffee to attempt to get over the 'afternoon slump' & stop themselves from falling asleep at their desk...

After a few more hours of, to be honest, largely unfocused, highly-distracted & poor quality work, they wrap up for the work day...

They drive home dreaming of just crashing onto the couch with a beer or a glass of wine in hand & just experiencing a moment of peace from the chaos that seems to follow them everywhere...

After getting home, they don't have the energy or motivation to go to the gym, to exercise (& they didn't have time to do so in the morning either)... or even to make a healthy meal for themselves...

So, they order takeout, heat up some leftovers, or quickly microwave something... (not the healthiest options, which gives them less energy in the future in a vicious cycle.)

They check their 'screen time' on their phone & see that they've picked up their phone 97 times today & wasted 3+ hours on it during the day...

Finally, they start to wind down a little & prepare for bed...

However, despite feeling so tired for large parts of the day & longing for some good quality rest... as they prepare to go to sleep, they start flicking through shows on Netflix or scrolling social media on their phone...

10 minutes of scrolling turns into 30, 45, 1 hour, plus...

1 episode turns into 3...

Before they know it, it's well past the time they intended to go to bed, leading to less sleep, worse quality sleep & poor energy the next day...

And the whole cycle repeats the following day...

See, despite the critical importance of a daily routine & how it can help to transform your focus, productivity, creativity, mental health & wellbeing, most people do *not* take the time to consciously craft their perfect daily routine...

Instead, they might fall into a daily routine like what I described...

And even for those who have a lot of good habits, their daily routine still isn't as dialed in as it could be... (I'm met maybe only a handful of people in my entire life that truly do have their daily routine dialed in as they should)...

Which brings me to the most important part...

If that's what you'd like to avoid, let me ask you this...

Now, tell me what would your perfect day & daily routine look like?

Of course, fill in the specifics for yourself, but it might be a bit more like this...

You wake up feeling totally refreshed & energized, ready to take on the day...

You get out of bed, stretch your body & take a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm & contentment within...

Instead of wasting your time scrolling social media or hitting 'snooze', you get up & follow your perfect 'morning routine' filled with powerful habits & practices (maybe some exercise, meditation, breathwork, journalling, some reading, or whatever is right for you)...

...which proceed to make you feel even more amazing & even better prepare you for the incredible day ahead...

You would also probably have a clear plan for the day ahead, knowing exactly what's important & what's not... & feel genuinely excited to tackle your biggest challenges head on...

Filled with energy & enthusiasm, instead of procrastinating, delayed, getting caught up in distractions, or settling for lower-value tasks... you would start your workday right... by working on the things you know are truly the most important & will undoubtedly move the needle for your career, business & life!

Knowing how to manage your energy effectively, you would feel high levels of energy throughout the entire day...

...which would make it easy for you to stay focused, be highly productive, creative & show up as the very best version of yourself all day long (which also inspires those around you to do the same).

Instead of rushing through your lunch, you would actually enjoy it (as well as other small parts & magical moments during your day)...

You would be fully present in your interactions...

You might come home & greet your husband, wife, or kids, for example, being fully present & showing them how special they are...

Throughout the day, you'd be filled with gratitude for the amazing life you have, as well as the even bigger, loftier & exciting things that you're working on & progressing towards...

As the workday winds down, you might feel a sense of accomplishment & satisfaction too...

You take a few moments to reflect on your day, thinking about what went well & what you could improve on...

You make a plan for the next day, setting yourself up for success...

Upon getting home, you still have plenty of energy in the tank, so you go for a run, swim, or you hit the gym...

You also eat well & manage your emotions optimally...

In the evening, instead of binge-watching shows, watching re-runs, or mindlessly scrolling social media, you might spend time with your loved ones, read a great book or take a warm bath...

As you prepare for bed at the end of the day, you also feel a sense of peace & relaxation wash over you, helping you to fall asleep easily, get a good night's sleep & wake up the next morning full of energy...

Armed with a perfect daily routine like this, imagine what would become possible for you...

Remember earlier when I said, "transform the quality of the days & you transform the quality of your life"...

Well, how do you think your life would change if you crafted & executed a perfect daily routine (something like what I described, or whatever you find to be 'perfect' for you)...

If you were able to craft & consistently execute your very own perfect day & daily routine... just imagine how much more focused, productive, creative & successful you would be...

What results would that help you to achieve in your work, career & finances?

Also, how much healthier, fitter & better off physically would you be?

And how much happier, more joyous & fulfilled you would be in your life?

Well, that's exactly what I'm going to help you to create, starting today...

Hey, my name's Bogdan...

And if you have not come across my work, read any of my bestselling books, or experienced any of my top-rated training programs before, I wanted to quickly introduce myself here & share how I can support you, starting now...

See, the whole trajectory of my life changed when I was 13 years old...

It's because, at age 13, I made what I, to this day, consider to be "the best decision of my life"...

The decision was to voluntarily drop out of high school...

I made this decision (together with my parents) because I already started to feel how broken the traditional education system is...

But the most important part is what came next...

See, after dropping out, I proceeded to spend the 8, 9, 10 hours that other kids were spending in school educating myself on the topics that I considered to be more important & the education system fails to teach us...

Over the next few years, I read more than 500+ books, attended hundreds of events & learned from a number of highly-successful mentors...

I've also dove deep into the fascinating research that had been conducted in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, neurobiology, performance psychology, sociology & more...

For fun, I also meticulously researched, studied & deconstructed the mindset, the habits & the daily practices of the world's highest achievers — from Olympic athletes, to CEO's, billionaire business owners, wealthy investors, extraordinary scientists, wise philosophers, world leaders & most influential historical figures...

Of course, the more I learned, the more I implemented into my own life...

I become my own "guinea pig", rigorously experimenting & testing everything I could get my hands on, to optimize my own life... before, eventually, starting to sharing what I had learned with my early clients!

Fast forward to today...

Today, I'm the author of multiple bestselling books, including Skilled Success & Self Mastery (which have been ordered from & delivered to 80+ countries!)

I'm an internationally-recognized speaker & coach, having spoken on stages & platforms (live, in person, as well as online) to people all around the world...

And, perhaps most importantly, I am the founder of 'Potencia' — an online education platform that I founded as part of my mission to change education & to transform people's lives all around the world...

Our mission here at Potencia is to deliver world-class products & programs on the topics that the traditional education system, unfortunately, falls short...

And to date, we've already helped tens of thousands of customers & clients from more than 90 countries around the world, to improve their work & their life (& we are only just getting started!)

So, that's a bit about me...

But, this isn't about me... it's about you.

Specifically, it's about...

...creating your perfect day & daily routine!

I've spent a decade at this point studying topics related to crafting the perfect daily routine, as well as many, many years refining my own daily routine & helping my clients do the same...

And I want to do the same for you...

...which is why I packaged up everything & put it into this brand new course, which will walk you through the entire process (step-by-step)... you absolutely everything you need to optimize your energy levels, craft the perfect daily routine & take back control of your life & your destiny.



How To Optimize Your Energy, Design The Perfect Daily Routine & Take Back Control Of Your Life

— Bogdan Juncewicz —

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In this Perfect Day online course, you'll get a complete walkthrough (including eye-opening ideas, insights & game-changing frameworks) of the blueprint & scientifically-proven methods for...

...optimizing your energy levels (so you're highly focused, productive, creative & consistently feel your best)... well as designing your perfect day & daily routine (so you essentially ensure your success, happiness & wellbeing)... take back complete control of your life (in a world that wants to take that control away from you!)

Here's Precisely What You'll Learn Inside Each Part Of This Course:

Part 1 of 3:

Biology, Rhythms & Zones

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It may come as a surprise to some, but the best starting point for elevating your daily routine, productivity, creativity & results in life has nothing to do with changing your thinking, or what's on your to-do list... it's biology.

Specifically, since biology is the hardest element to change, we mustn't fight it, but rather learn how to best align with it... which is precisely what this first part of the course will teach you how to do...

In part 1, you'll learn the underlying biology, structure & blueprint for designing & executing the 'perfect day', which will naturally enhance your productivity, creativity, output, as well as overall sense of wellbeing in life (even if you change nothing else!)

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​​​​Want better health, more money, to improve your relationships & create more happiness? Start here... you'll learn why in the chaotic, fast-paced world we live in​ mastering your 'daily routine' is the most controllable, predictable, strategic approach to changing your life! (including: the very first steps to get started creating your very own perfect daily routine based on your goals & preferences!)
  • How your 'circadian rhythm' (a.k.a. your internal clock that regulates your energy, alertness, focus, sleep, appetite, etc) really works... & how to better align yourself with it (instead of fighting against it / swimming upstream!)... so you're naturally a lot more productive without doing anything else...
  • ​​The 2 specific hormones that control your energy levels (during the day) as well as rest & sleep (during the night)... You'll also learn specific insights to help you take full advantage of these hormones too, to further boost focus, get more done & multiply your daily productivity!
  • ​Psychological research proves we have​ naturally-elevated levels of willpower, focus & decision-making capacity during the first 2 - 4 hours each day... I’ll coach you to plan out these first few hours of your day optimally, so even if you took the rest of the day off, you'd still make more meaningful progress than your peers!
  • ​You'll also learn precisely why starting your work in 'reaction' mode (e.g. email, messages, social media, demands from the environment, etc) is no longer an effective approach in today’s fast-paced, rapidly-changing world... (plus: how to practically adopt a 'proactiveness-first' approach so you can get more done before noon than others get done all day!)
  • The 'focus-rest loop' which teaches you how to balance work & life... (including: the 2 biggest mistakes people make & how you can avoid them to give yourself the greatest competitive advantage over the long-term!)
  • ​The simple, yet profound, 4-part productivity framework the 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower used to manage the endless requests, demands & priorities of the White House... (plus: how to apply the same productivity to manage the busyness of your own life.)
  • The 'Big Rocks First' framework which explains how to make time for the things that are of greatest importance in your life... (plus: how to practically start implementing this framework to not only achieve more, but create the life you've always wanted!)
  • '4 Zones', explained — The game-changing daily structure framework (which brings together all the others as well) that will change how you think about your daily planning, work & life forever... (note: this is one of my all-time biggest secrets to productivity, creativity, output & overall success & will be yours too!)
  • Sleep & Productivity — we all know sleep is important, but how does it affect our focus, energy, daily productivity, mood & success? I’ll share with you a number of eye-opening research studies that’ll change how you think about your sleep (& productivity) forever!
  • Sleep Optimization — you'll learn the '3 factors of sleep' & how to improve each of them so you start falling asleep faster & easier than ever before (instead of wasting time counting sheep all night long) as well as ensure you consistently get the right amount of sleep & that your sleep is the deepest & highest quality it can possibly be...
  • ​You'll also learn the 7 things to must avoid in the evening that block melatonin release & make it incredibly hard to fall asleep (as well as ruin your sleep *quality* during the night) making you feel tired & groggy the next morning...
  • Bringing it all together — you'll learn how to apply all the frameworks together (e.g. 4 Zones, Focus-Rest Loop, Big Rocks First, Sleep Optimization, etc) to align with your biology & maximize daily productivity, creativity, output, joy, wellbeing & results...
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Training Video

You get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that will guide you through part 1 of this course.

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Audio Files

You get access to the audio files... which  you can download & listen to anywhere, at any time.

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Slides + Exercises

You'll also access to the slides - for easy reference & better recall - as well as the actionable exercises.

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Lastly, you get the course workbook to take notes, refer back to - boosting implementation.

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Training Video

You get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that will guide you through part 1 of this course.

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Audio Files

You get access to the audio files... which  you can download & listen to anywhere, at any time.

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Slides + Exercises

You'll also access to the slides - for easy reference & better recall - as well as the actionable exercises.

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Lastly, you get the course workbook to take notes, refer back to - boosting implementation.

Value: $97.00

Which leads us to...

Part 2 of 3:

Maximum Energetic Range

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The precursor to all productivity, creativity, influence, as well as fun, connection & enjoyment in life is... energy.

(or, as Ralph Waldo Emerson put it, 'The world belongs to the energetic.')

But it's also not true that we just want more energy all the time...

What we really want is 'maximum energetic range'... (or, the ability to generate & sustain high levels of energy during the day... followed by the choice to just as easily switch off, unwind & relax as well).

In this 2nd part of this course, you'll learn how to create this 'maximum energetic range' in your daily life... doubling, tripling (even quadrupling!) your energy levels during the day... as well as tune into deep states of relaxation, calm, bliss & peaceful sleep at night...

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​​​How to maximize the release of your 2 primary energy & rest hormones (from video 1)... at the exact right times during the day... to further elevate your daily routine & long-term high performance...
  • ​Nervous System Controllability — You'll learn the 5 core parts of your nervous system which you have the most conscious control over... (plus: how to use these as levers for your own experience to further change how you feel, virtually on command)
  • Breathing, Heart Rate & Temperature — you'll learn how to use these 3 core indicators of physiological arousal to summon either high alertness, energy & motivation... or, deep states of calm, relaxation & bliss... depending on what you'd prefer at the time!
  • ​​The 4 'focus shifts' you can make to almost-instantly boost self-confidence... (including: one of my all-time favourite ways to tune into a strong feeling of self-confidence before a big speech, presentation, an important meeting, etc!)
  • ​How your bodies 'fight-or-flight response' (as well as its 'rest-&-digest response') *really* works... & how to get in or out of each of them at will!
  • ​Powerful insights & key distinctions into how you can also use your physiology & body language to also change how you feel incredibly quickly!
  • ​The #1 practice shown to boost dopamine (your 'motivation molecule') by 250%... & increase norepinephrine ('your energy molecule') by a shocking 530%... radically boosting your alertness & giving you a flood of energy instantly after doing it!
  • ​Control vs Can't Control — How shifting your mental focus between the things that you have direct control over vs those that you don't also affect your emotional state in specific ways... (plus: how to use this to also bring about desirable changes in your life in both directions!)
  • 1 simple 'mental reframe' that can instantly melt away almost any stress or anxiety you may be experiencing (as famously used by the great Stoic philosophers throughout history!)
  • ​How to also use 'power poses' to reduce cortisol, boost testosterone, increase assertiveness & make yourself 33% more likely to take action (instead of backing out, delaying, or procrastinating!)
  • Chronobiology secrets & smell... to overcome fatigue, get rid of brain fog, boost focus & radically increase your energy levels during the day... — How to use sight (light, size, distance, direction), sound (volume, tempo, pitch), as well as touch, taste
  • ​You'll also learn how to the same chronobiology insights to go in the other direction... to reduce stress, melt away anxiety, tune into deep states of calm, relaxation, bliss&fall asleep easier than ever before!
  • ​3 stupidly-simple things you can do with your eyes to change how you feel... (also based on cutting-edge new neuroscientific & chronobiological research.)
  • ​Aromatherapy basics — how to use specific scents to either energize & invigorate you... or to bring you into even deep states of relaxation!
  • 'High energy checklist' — this 19-point checklist will help you to practically implement everything that you learned in this 2nd video of the course to predictably 2X, 3X (even 4X!) your energy levels during the day!
  • ​'Relaxation & energy checklist' — meanwhile this detailed, step-by-step checklist will help you implement everything but go in the other direction, helping you to create deep states of calm, bliss, relaxation & peaceful sleep during the night!
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Training Video

You get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that will guide you through part 1 of this course.

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Audio Files

You get access to the audio files... which  you can download & listen to anywhere, at any time.

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Slides + Exercises

You'll also access to the slides - for easy reference & better recall - as well as the actionable exercises.

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Lastly, you get the course workbook to take notes, refer back to - boosting implementation.

Value: $97.00

Which leads us to...

Part 3 of 3:

Perfect Planning Process

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Finally, in part #3 of the course, you'll learn the 6-part, 1-page, daily planning process & productivity plan (that layers upon the underlying structure you learned in parts #1 & #2)... which will help you to focus on the things that truly matter (& prioritize like a pro!)

When you start planing out your days following this new approach, you'll also become a lot more efficient in all that you do (wasting less valuable time, energy & attention) & start accomplishing exponentially more in less time!

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​​Our brain is *not* designed to store ideas & reminders in short-term memory all day long! In fact, doing this is another thing that contributes to the 'overwhelm' so many people feel each & every day... Instead​, I’ll show you how to set up & manage a 'capture process' that keeps track of all of these things, make sure things don’t 'slip through the cracks' & frees up your mind to focus on the activity at hand!
  • 10 timeless practices to help you win the first hour of your day, scientifically proven to boost your mood, energy & readiness in the short term & transform your physical, mental & emotional health & wellbeing in the long-term...
  • ​-What do Marcus Aurelius, Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain & George Lucas have in common? They all used 1 specific strategy to better reflect on situations, introspect, gain clarity & find answers to important questions...
  • ​The 1 stupidly-simple daily habit that a very highly-regarded United States Navy admiral does every single morning to mentally prepare himself for a great day...
  • ​Want an antidote to fear, anger & other negative emotions? I’ll share with you another daily practice that modern research shows to be this antidote...
  • ​3000+ scientific studies show that this 1 practice leads to better focus & concentration You'll not only learn what it is, but also how to build it into your daily routine to elevate your life..., enhanced creativity, improved performance at cognitive tasks, greater emotional control & increased compassion.
  • The 1 activity scientifically proven to reduce stress levels by 50% in just 6 minutes... (& the best times of the day to use this particular practice!)
  • ​How to effectively & consistently 'construct' not just a productive morning, but productive & meaningful days by following the '4 zones' framework +​ 6 specific steps as part of the 'daily planning process'... (including: a 1-pg downloadable worksheet so you can easily implement this process into your daily life!)
  • ​​'To-Do Lists' vs 'Outcome-Driven Blocks' — one of these approaches sets you up for major inefficiency, while the other enables you to get more done in less time (while simultaneously reducing your overwhelm & stress!)...
  • Hacking Meetings — 4 counterintuitive steps to optimize meetings, improve effectiveness & get more done each day!
  • ​You'll also learn how to set up a structure so you stop forgetting to follow-up with / reply back to the people that you promised you would… (note: this will not only save you from having to apologize about forgetting to reply, but will also help you achieve more as you begin to make connections, build stronger relationships & seize opportunities that otherwise may have 'slipped through the cracks')...
  • Summary & Recap — We wrap up by going through a summary of everything we covered in this course, as well as how you can start implementing what you learned right away to start seeing tangible, measurable results in your life, fast!
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Training Video

You get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that will guide you through part 1 of this course.

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Audio Files

You get access to the audio files... which  you can download & listen to anywhere, at any time.

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Slides + Exercises

You'll also access to the slides - for easy reference & better recall - as well as the actionable exercises.

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Lastly, you get the course workbook to take notes, refer back to - boosting implementation.

Value: $97.00

But That's Not All...

You're also getting access to a number of very special bonuses that'll further elevate your Perfect Day course experience!


Bonus 1:

Implementation Worksheets

You also get highly-practical, fill-in-the-blank exercises & worksheets you can download & start using to better track, measure & optimize various parts of your daily routine.

Bonus Value: $47.00

Bonus 2:

High Achiever Daily Habits

You'll learn the specific habits & practices (based on the world's highest achievers & validated by thousands of scientific studies) which you can build into your daily life to...

  • ​​Boost mental sharpness & cognitive performance...
  • ​​Raise energy levels, focus & alertness...
  • ​​Transform mood & happiness...
  • ​​Heighten your productivity & creativity...
  • ​​Improve self-compassion & self-confidence...
  • ​​Increase willpower & self-control...
  • ​​Elevate mental health & emotional wellbeing...

Bonus Value: $97.00

Bonus 3:

'Morning Power-Up' Training

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In this 'Morning Power-Up' bonus training, you'll learn how to combine specific habits or practices together to form an incredible 'morning routine' that will elevate your morning, boost your mood & get your every day of to a roaring start... (also leading to even greater productivity, creativity, energy, joy & better results in all you do all day long!)

Bonus Value: $67.00

Bonus 4:

'Evening Wind-Down' Training

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In this additional 'Evening Wind-Down' bonus training, you'll learn how to then stack a number of other habits to form a perfect 'evening or wind down routine'... to reduce stress, boost relaxation, improve your sleep & elevate your long-term high performance!

Bonus Value: $67.00

Bonus 5:

Facebook Community

Sometimes, personal growth & self-discovery can feel like a lonely journey! This will not be the case with the Perfect Day training course...

Not only do you get access to me, but you also get access to a community of members also going through this course at the same time as well!

You get access to a Facebook Community Group, where you can also ask questions, engage with others & share your progress!

Bonus Value: Priceless

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In Summary, Here's Everything That You're Getting Today...

Core Course Curriculum

  • ​Part 1: Biology, Rhythms & Zones
  • ​Part 2:​ ​Maximum Energetic Range
  • ​Part 3: Perfect Planning Process

$97 Value

$97 Value

$97 Value

  • ​Part 1: Biology, Rhythms & Zones ($97 Value)
  • ​Part 2:​ ​Maximum Energetic Range ($97 Value)
  • ​Module 3: Perfect Planning Process ($97 Value)

Special Bonuses

  • ​​Bonus 1: Implementation Worksheets ($47 Value)
  • ​​Bonus 2:​ High Achiever Daily Habits ($47 Value)
  • ​​Bonus 3: 'Morning Power-Up' Training ($67 Value)
  • ​Bonus 4: 'Evening Wind-Down' Training ($67 Value)
  • ​Bonus 5​: FB Community Group​ (Priceless)
  • ​​Bonus 1: Implementation Worksheets
  • ​​Bonus 2: High Achiever Daily Habits
  • ​​Bonus 3: 'Morning Power-Up' Training
  • ​​Bonus 4: 'Evening Wind-Down' Training
  • ​​Bonus 5: FB Community Group

$47 Value

$97 Value

$67 Value

$67 Value


Combined Value:


This Is Highly Valuable Stuff

Think about it... if you could finally take back control of your life by designing the perfect daily routine & transforming your energy, productivity & results... what would that be worth to you?

Over the course of a week, month, year... or a lifetime?

Probably a lot more than $569, right?

Clients have paid me multiples of this amount to have me coach them through this material & help them in this way...

But, my goal now is to make this life-changing information accessible to as many people as possible...

Which is why, I'm not going to be charging you $569 (or anywhere near that) for this training course...

In fact, your investment if you want the 'Perfect Day' course, won't even be a tenth of this...

Today, you can get everything listed above at a massive discount of...

95% Discount

If you decide to invest in yourself... in your future... in this 3-part online video training course, you get everything at a massive 95% discount...

Total Value: $569

Just $27

That's about the price of a few Starbucks Frappuccino's, or a lunch at mid-priced restaurant...

Except here, you're getting access to a whole lot more...

You're getting what you need to design & execute your perfect daily routine & take back complete control of your life...

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Here's Everything That You're Getting For Just $27 Today...

Core Course Curriculum

  • ​​​Part 1: Biology, Rhythms & Zones
  • ​​Part 2:​ ​Maximum Energetic Range
  • ​​Part 3: Perfect Planning Process

$97 Value

$97 Value

$97 Value

  • ​Part 1: Biology, Rhythms & Zones ($97 Value)
  • ​Part 2:​ ​Maximum Energetic Range ($97 Value)
  • ​Module 3: Perfect Planning Process ($97 Value)

Special Bonuses

  • ​​Bonus 1: Implementation Worksheets ($47 Value)
  • ​​Bonus 2:​ ​High Achiever Daily Habits ($47 Value)
  • ​​Bonus 3: 'Morning Power-Up' Training ($67 Value)
  • ​Bonus 4: 'Evening Wind-Down' Training ($67 Value)
  • ​Bonus 5​: FB Community Group​ (Priceless)
  • ​Bonus 1: Implementation Worksheets
  • ​Bonus 2: High Achiever Daily Habits
  • ​Bonus 3: 'Morning Power-Up' Training
  • ​Bonus 4: 'Evening Wind-Down' Training
  • ​Bonus 5: FB Community Group

$47 Value

$97 Value

$67 Value

$67 Value


Total Value: $569.00

Just $27

Your Success Is Our Top Priority!

It may sounds cliche, but it's real for me...

I've seen too many courses out that are marketed well & promise you the world, but are put together poorly & fail to deliver results...

Or, the customer is left to figure things out on their own without the accountability, community, support that makes success possible...

Which is why, at Potencia, we do everything we possibly can to ensure that the programs we put out are of the highest possible standard & include everything you need to create the changes, transformations & results you desire in your life.

Here's how simple it is to get started...

Step 1: Place your order today

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Step 2: Receive your login details

Step 3: Log in & begin the program

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The whole process takes less than 5 minutes!

This means, just a few minutes from now, you could already be starting the 'Perfect Day' training...

Then, on top of this, you also get access to the processes & implementation worksheets, additional bonuses... & a community to support you as well!

Your order is also...

Completely Guaranteed

In fact, here's the rock-solid guarantee which comes with this program...

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Backed By Our Extended 30 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

If you get this new 'Perfect Day' training course & you don't consider it one of the best trainings on this topic you've ever come across, we'll refund your order 100% & let you keep the course, just as a thank you for trusting me & testing it out!

In essence, you have 60 days to test-drive 'Perfect Day', risk-free & if after those 60 days, you don't see tremendous value from it, just contact us & we'll refund your order 100%.

Lifetime Access

When you get the Perfect Day course today, you get access to it for life. It's yours to keep & you can go through the course as many times as you wish. 

Free Upgrades

Today, you're ordering version 1.0 of Perfect Day course. If this program gets updated in future, you'll get access to the upgrade for free.

Price Guarantee

This is the lowest price that this version of the Perfect Day course has been offered at & it's the lowest price it will ever be offered for in future as well.

Oh, if you're wondering...

"What's the catch?"

There is none...

There is no subscription that bills your card every single month...

This is not something that is here today, but gone tomorrow...

And it's definitely not some program that promises you the world, only to disappoint you later on... ("get rich quick", "manifest your dreams while sitting around the house in your sweatpants")...

Just world-class, no-fluff, no-BS habits training (including: practical processes, methods & strategies) to help you transform your life forever...

If anything, the only "catch" is this...

You Must Act Now

I'm not going to offend your intelligence & tell you that there are a "limited number of spots" available in the course...

There are not... (it's a digital course, duh!)

And this course is *not* going away anytime soon either... it's going to be available for many, many years to come...

The only thing that might change is the price you'll need to invest to get in...

As I said... this is the biggest discount & the lowest price this course has ever been offered for (as well as the lowest price will ever be offered for)...

Put another way, there is only one way the price can go... & that's up!

So, don't wait around...

You have an opportunity to lock in the biggest discount & lowest price this course has ever been offered for (& will ever be offered for!) right now...

Why wait?

Why risk returning to this page later & start kicking yourself for not having locked in this massive 95% special discount when you had the chance...

Lock in your discount today...

Thank you for taking the time to read this page...

And I look forward to hearing about the incredible results this course will help you to achieve in your life...

Bogdan Juncewicz

Meet Your Course Instructor:

Bogdan Juncewicz

Bestselling Author. International Speaker. Founder & CEO of Potencia. Voluntary High School Dropout.

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At the age of 13, Bogdan made what he considers to be "the best decision of his life", which was to voluntarily drop out of high school (because he believes the traditional education system is broken).

Today, he is a bestselling author having written 5 books, which have been ordered from & delivered to 90+ countries worldwide... (including the international bestsellers,
'Skilled Success' & 'Self Mastery', often referred to as "life-changing" & a "must-read".)

He is also an international speaker — having given motivational talks across multiple continents — prolific course creator & high performance coach.

Over the years, he's coached clients from many different walks of life to break bad habits & addictions (e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs, etc), overcome various fears, phobias & trauma's, shatter limiting beliefs... as well as set better goals, eliminate procrastination, boost self-discipline & maximize productivity!

His work has been featured in various publications & more than 100,000 have come across his work in recent years. More than 10,000 customers have bought, read or gone through one of this bestselling books, top-rated online courses or mastery training programs. And 28,000+ people receive this educational newsletters & other forms of content.

His most important role though is as the founder & CEO of the education platform & company,
Potencia (which he founded with the mission of changing education & transforming even more lives around the world in new ways — already serving tens of thousands of members spanning 100+ countries worldwide!)

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“He's A Genius!”


Bestselling Author & Holistic Health Coach

“Bogdan's Guidance Will Be Invaluable to Helping You Reach Your End Goal”


Australia's #1 Stress Coach

“Bogdan's Knowledge Combined With His Fantastic Ability To Explain Everything Simply... Will Leave Anyone Achieving Their Greatness.”


99.90th Percentile Student & Creator: ExamReadyTutoring

“Bogdan's Honest, Sincere Uncomplicated Manner Is A Breath Of Fresh Air. His Strategies Guided Me To Come Up With A System That Works For Me.”


TV Producer & Founder: Sunflower Productions

What Others Say About Bogdan's Work

"I don't drink alcohol anymore!"

I had the fortune of using your processes for my alcohol addiction. Many months have gone by & I don't drink alcohol anymore! The process works!

Grzegorz Woźniak

Warsaw, Poland

"Highly recommend"

With Bogdan's system, I got rid of my bad habits. I used it & it's super effective. I highly recommend it.

Jolanta Lindkvist

50 years of biting my fingernails, gone!


Consultant & Branding Expert

Sydney, Australia

"2 years have gone by & the change has stuck"

I would often snack very late at night (sometimes, even in the middle of the night). After using Bogdan's methods, I no longer have this bad habit. 2 years have gone by & the change has stuck. I am grateful to him for freeing me from this habit.

Krzysztof Suski

Business Owner


I have used Bogdan's incredibly-effective techniques on myself & with clients to successfully eliminate self-destructive habits & have gone on to teach his information to hundreds of people on how to implement life-changing healthy habits into ones life

Tom Broadwell

Author, Speaker, Health Coach


"Thanks to you Bogdan, I don't smoke anymore"


Thank you so much for being a great teacher. You teach not only the common material but the most research and most useful to human kind

Oromwatt Francis

Bogdan does such an incredible job of taking you on a journey from recognizing your true potential to mastering the transformation needed for you to become the best version of you possible. I highly recommend Bogdan & his work

Gary Moon


Washington, USA

What Others Say About Bogdan's Work

"I don't drink alcohol anymore!"

I had the fortune of using your processes for my alcohol addiction. Many months have gone by & I don't drink alcohol anymore! The process works!

Grzegorz Woźniak

Warsaw, Poland

"Highly recommend"

With Bogdan's system, I got rid of my bad habits. I used it & it's super effective. I highly recommend it.

Jolanta Lindkvist

50 years of biting my fingernails, gone!


Consultant & Branding Expert

Sydney, Australia

"2 years have gone by & the change has stuck"

I would often snack very late at night (sometimes, even in the middle of the night). After using Bogdan's methods, I no longer have this bad habit. 2 years have gone by & the change has stuck. I am grateful to him for freeing me from this habit.

Krzysztof Suski

Business Owner


I have used Bogdan's incredibly-effective techniques on myself & with clients to successfully eliminate self-destructive habits & have gone on to teach his information to hundreds of people on how to implement life-changing healthy habits into ones life

Tom Broadwell

Author, Speaker, Health Coach


"Thanks to you Bogdan, I don't smoke anymore"


Thank you so much for being a great teacher. You teach not only the common material but the most research and most useful to human kind

Oromwatt Francis

Bogdan does such an incredible job of taking you on a journey from recognizing your true potential to mastering the transformation needed for you to become the best version of you possible. I highly recommend Bogdan & his work.

Gary Moon


Washington, USA

Have Any Of These Questions?

Q: What is 'Habit Hacking?'

A: 'Habit Hacking' is a breakthrough methodology, system, set of step-by-step processes, as well as highly in-depth, 3-part, video training course walking you through it all... teaching you how to bad habits easily (often, in as little as 20 minutes!) & build new, good empowering habits rapidly (up to 1300% faster!)

Q: What included in this course?

A: The 'Habit Hacking' course that you can order on this page contains 3 core parts, together making up 4+ hours of video training content:

  • Part 1: Habits, Explained. In this part, you'll learn precisely how habits work — including, how they form to begin with, the mechanisms that drive them, as well as the steps required to change them!
  • Part 2: Breaking Bad Habits. You'll learn how to break bad habits easily (& often, in less than 20 minutes!)
  • Part 3: Accelerated Habit Building. In this 3rd part, you'll learn how to build new, good, empowering habits rapidly (up to 1300% faster than before.)

On top of this, you're also getting access to a number of special bonuses:

  • ​Bonus 1: Proven Process Suite
  • ​Bonus 2: Implementation Worksheets
  • ​Bonus 3: 'Morning Power-Up' Training
  • ​Bonus 4: 'Evening Wind-Down' Training
  • ​Bonus 5: FB Community Group

Q: Who is it course for? Will it help me if I ________?

A: In short, yes...

And that's because this course is about the underlying understandings, mechanisms & strategies which can be applied to virtually anything (or anyone) in life...

So, whether you're an employee, self-employed, or you run your own business...

Whether you're 22 years old, or you're 64 years young...

Wherever in the world you're from, you live, or you work...

What we all have in common is the topic of this course: habits.

Everybody has habits.

This is universal; it's what we all share...

The problem is we often form the wrong (bad) habits which then go on to ruin our life (& when attempting to build good ones, we struggle to make the change stick!).

This course will teach you how to overcome this & learn precisely how to 'hack your habits' to start getting better results in all areas of your life!

Q: Who Is Bogdan & why should I listen to him?

A: Bogdan Juncewicz is a bestselling author, international speaker, high performance coach & the founder & CEO of Potencia...

He has spent his life (ever since he dropped out of high school at the age of 13) decoding, deconstructing & demystifying various topics related to personal growth & high performance, including how the brain & emotions work...

Over the past years, he's coached clients from many different walks of life to break bad habits & addictions (e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs, etc), overcome various fears, phobias & trauma's, shatter limiting beliefs... as well as set better goals, eliminate procrastination, boost self-discipline & maximize productivity!

He publishes his expertise in his bestselling books, top-rated online courses (like this 'Habit Hacking'' course) & mastery training programs - which 10,000+ people to date bought, read or gone through (& counting)...

Regarding quality & trust... even though we offer a completely unconditional, extended & no-questions-asked, 60 day money back guarantee for all of products & programs... our refund rate is actually a shockingly-low 2% (with the industry standard at 7% - 10%)

And the reviews we get for our products & programs (including the Habit Hacking course) are nothing short of incredible!

Q: So, what's the investment for the course?

A: Today, you can get everything listed on this page for just $519... $27!

No hidden fees. No monthly subscription. No gimmicks.

Just $27 & you get instant, digital & lifetime access to everything (including, lifetime upgrades of the course if it gets updated in future.)

Q: Are you really giving me a 94% discount?

A: Yes!

And that's because our goal is wildly different than other 'educational institutions'...

While we could make more money selling this course at a higher price point...

And even if fewer people bought it at that higher price, the numbers would still add up & it would be more profitable, personally...

At the end of the day, this approach does not align with my mission or values...

My mission is to change education & to help transform people's lives...

And not a couple of lives, but hundreds of thousands & millions of people's lives all around the world... which can only be achieved by making my products & programs as accessible as possible... (instead of catering to the elite few who can afford to pay hundreds of dollars for a course like this!)

Put simply, I want to make this eye-opening, game-changing, life-transforming material accessible to as many people as humanly possible...

This is why I'm not charging you $519 (or anywhere near that) for the course...

Instead, I'm giving you a $94% discount, bringing the price down to just $27 for everything included as part of the 'Habit Hacking' course.

Q: Should I register now... or will I get a better price in the future?

A: Rest assured, this is the biggest discount & the lowest price ($27) that this course has ever been sold for & will ever be sold for...

Put another way... by placing your order today not only do you get everything this course contains (plus all the bonuses), but you also get the satisfaction of knowing you locked in the biggest discount & lowest price for this course ever (94% off!)

Q: I'm very busy, will this work for me?

A: Yes, the course can be consumed in a few hours (over a few evenings, or a few longer commutes even, as you can listen to the audio files to start).

And the processes & strategies that you'll learn inside the course also take about 15 - 30 minutes to apply as well.

So yes, even if you're short on time, this course is created to be concise, straight-to-the-point & help you create significant changes in your life in just a few hours total.

Q: What if I change my mind? Can I get my money back?

A: Yes, of course you can! If you change your mind, or you don't believe the course to be as good as it's made out to me, or any other reason... you can just contact us & we will give you your money back right away.

This is an extended 60 day money back guarantee... so even if it's 59 days, 23 hours & 59 seconds from now that you send us an email requesting a refund, you'll receive your money back.

Q: If I need help, who can I contact?

A: For any billing or technical issues, you can contact

If you have any specific questions about the course or content itself, you can contact Bogdan directly at

P.S. If you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the bottom of the page first, here's the deal:

You can get instant, digital & lifetime access to my Perfect Day training course, as well as all of the bonuses (value: $569.00)... at a kinda-crazy 95% discount.

This training course contains cutting-edge insights, big ideas, transformative frameworks, practical strategies & processes to help you to optimize your energy, design your perfect daily routine & take back control of your life.

Your investment today is $569 just $27!

Plus: if, for any reason, you don't absolutely love this training course & find it incredibly useful, you will get a full refund. No questions asked.

So, you can get started risk-free today!

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Total Value: $569

Today: Just $27

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