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Melt Away Stress. Unlock Instant Energy. Detox Your Body. Access Peak States Of Consciousness... With The World's Most Powerful New Breathwork Program!

Known as the 'Bruce Lee of Breathwork', 'Yoda of Breathing' & 'Godfather' of the movement... Dan Brulé has 53+ years of hands-on experience with breathwork, teaching 250,000+ people in 67+ countries. And today, he wants to teach you how to use this free, natural resource to transform your health, sharpen focus, elevate consciousness & activate high performance on demand.

Mastering The Breath is an in-depth mastery program which will take you by the hand & guide you step-by-step to master this ancient, timeless practice (also proven by modern science).

It will teach you to apply the full power & potential of breathwork to... release any stress anxiety or tension in seconds, optimally manage your energy levels & access peak states of consciousness on demand.

Course Includes:

  • 6 Modules (& 35 Sub-Modules)
  • 20+ Guided Breathing Exercises
  • 120+ Unique Video Lessons
  • 40+ Frameworks / Illustrations
  • Certificate Of Completion
  • Free Course Updates
  • Accountability & Ongoing Support
  • Instant, Digital & Lifetime Access
  • Special Bonuses Included
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Or keep scrolling to learn more...

00Hours: 05Minutes: 00Seconds

Mastering The Breath is an in-depth mastery program developed by breath master, Dan Brulé... which will take you by the hand & guide you step-by-step to master this ancient, timeless practice (also proven by modern science)

You'll learn to apply the full power & potential of breathwork to... release any stress anxiety or tension in seconds, optimally manage your energy levels & access peak states of consciousness.

Course Includes:

  • 6 Modules (& 35 Sub-Modules)
  • 20+ Guided Exercises
  • 120+ Unique Video Lessons
  • 40+ Frameworks / Illustrations
  • Certificate Of Completion
  • Free Updates
  • Accountability & Ongoing Support
  • Instant, Digital & Lifetime Access
  • Special Bonuses
  • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Or keep scrolling to learn more...

"Breath is the ultimate key to your well-being & if done right, it has the power to transform your entire life - physical, mental, and spiritual… & Dan Brulé is the master to show you how. I love his teaching & it’s made a huge impact on my life."


World's Leading Business & Life Strategist, Globally-Recognized Speaker & Philanthropist


"Dan Brulé is a true master & deeply inspiring"


Retired Navy Seal Commander, NYT Bestselling Author, Founder Of SealFit


"Dan has put in years of exhaustive & thorough study of every element of breathing... I practice some of the techniques... & I am an enthusiastic convert!"


NY Times Best Selling Author, Business Woman & Socialite

"I am a skeptic of nearly everything. I’ve trained with the Navy, helped an NFL player get on a team, raced Grand Prix motorcycles… all high stress environments. What works? Train. Eat. Sleep. That’s what works. But wait a second… Enter Dan Brulé & Breathwork. To me THIS technology is the 4th pillar of achievement. It makes a huge difference in performance, & I am all in. Today I might miss a workout, I might miss a meal, but I’ll never miss a breathing session. Welcome to the fourth pillar, & welcome Dan as your coach."


Bestselling Author of 'Pitch First', One Of The World's Leading Experts On Sales & Negotiation

"Dan Brulé is one of the world’s great breathwork masters of our time. He weaves together breathing physiology, psychology & spirituality in uniquely practical ways that most anyone can learn for improving health & performance"


Ph.D., President of the Graduate School of Behavioral Health Sciences

Special Invitation:

Today's Your Chance To Leverage Dan's 53+ Years Of Experience & Master What May Very Well Be...

Leverage Dan's 53+ Years Of Experience & Master What May Very Well Be...

"The Most Powerful (& Free) Tool For Managing Your Energy, Evaporating Stress, Melting Away Anxiety, Detoxing Your Body... & Accessing Peak States Of Consciousness — For Heightened Focus, Creativity & Performance — On Demand"

(Anywhere, At Any Time... & No Matter What's Happening In The World Around You!)

From The Desk Of:
Dan Brulé
Los Cabos, Mexico

Dear Reader,

When was the last time you paid close attention to your breath?

For most people, unless they are lost for breath...

Or their breathing is particularly heavy (like after exercise, or in high-stress situations)...

...the answer is they rarely pay attention to it...

....which over time can lead people to unconsciously develop breathing habits & rhythms that have a negative impact on their physical health, mind, mood, stress & performance...

(it can even shorten your life!)

Some estimates go as far as to suggest that as many as 90% of all people suffer from some type of minor breathing problem (chest breathing, over-breathing, mouth breathing, etc) — usually without us even realizing it...

Or, even if your breathing isn't 'broken'...

The unfortunate reality is we waste our precious time looking for "hacks", "tricks" or "shortcuts" that may offer a small, incremental improvement to our health or performance...

...while neglecting (& failing to take full advantage of!) what is perhaps the simplest, yet most powerful & potent (free!) tool for...

"Rapid Physical, Mental, Emotional & Even Spiritual Transformation"

...which is breathwork.

In fact, here are just some of the well-documented, scientifically-validated, research-backed benefits that breathwork can start providing you with as soon as tonight...

"The Simplest Way To Detoxify Your Body, Lower Your Risk Of Sickness Or Disease & Live A Longer, Healthier Life"

Given that good health is the basis of a good life... everybody, everywhere is attempting to uncover new ways to optimize their health, fitness & physical wellbeing...

And these options have become increasingly complex, complicated & extreme in more recent years...

Today, we've got people trying extremely-restrictive diets, doing crazy workouts, spending a fortune on expensive supplements or 'biohacking'...

...when there's a simpler way proven to detoxify your body, supercharge your immunity & heal your body from sickness (which also happens to be 100% free!)

Breathwork is scientifically proven to:

Reduce Stress & Anxiety, Fast

Reduce Stress & Anxiety, Fast

With stress connected to virtually every lifestyle disease out there, reducing day-to-day stress is critical to good health.

Breathwork is the best way to do this, proven to trigger your body's natural relaxation response, lower cortisol levels, heart rate & blood pressure, reduce any stress & melt away any anxiety, often in less than 60 seconds.

Supercharge Your Immune System

Supercharge Your Immune System

Your immune system is your last barrier of defence against the world around you.

Breathwork is proven to strengthen your immune system & boost self-healing... keeping you safe, happy & healthy.

Detoxify Your Body & Cells

 Detoxify Your Body & Cells

Did you know that 70% of all toxins inside our bodies are removed through our lungs (a.k.a. breathing), with only the remaining 30% leaving through the skin, or as waste via the bladder & bowels?

Learning to breathe optimally therefore will help you to detoxify your body, flush out toxins & improve your overall wellbeing.

Lower Your Risk Of Sickness & Disease

Lower Your Risk Of Sickness & Disease

Based on this, breathwork is also proven to lower risk of sickness, various health problems & disease overall, as well as aid healing & recovery for those already suffering from these health problems.

Manage & Lower Acute / Chronic Pain

Manage & Lower Acute / Chronic Pain

Hundreds of millions of people suffer with various forms of pain (knee, neck, hip, back, etc)...

Breathwork is proven to help manage & even reduce pain by reducing tension in the body, increasing oxygen levels in the body, improving circulation & reducing inflammation.

Reverse Ageing, Look Younger & Feel Better

Reverse Ageing, Look Younger & Feel Better

Poor breathing habits can cause premature ageing (looking & feeling older than you are).

What breathwork does is retrains your body to optimize its use of oxygen, helping to stop this... or even to reverse the negative effects of ageing, helping you to look & feel younger!

Live Up To 5 Years Longer

Live Up To 5 Years Longer

As ancient Yogis first noticed, it's the animals with a slower breathing rate that live longer than animals that take short, shallow breaths...

Tortoises or whales take only 4 - 6 breaths per minute & live an average of around 110 - 150 years for example... while dogs or monkeys take 20 - 30 breaths per minute & live 10 - 20 years.

Studies on humans have uncovered the same thing, showing that it's those who learn to breathe slower & have a lower resting heart rate that live longer — up to 5 years longer lifespan as per one study!

But it doesn't stop there...

Breathwork is not just a surefire way to heal your body, boost your immune system & improve your health...

It can also totally transform your work, career & performance...

"The Secret Ingredient Behind Elite Athletes, Champion Martial Artists, Navy SEALs, As Well As Top CEOs, Business Leaders & Entrepreneurs"

Elite performers, Olympic athletes, Martial Artists, Pilots, First Responders, Musicians, even Navy SEALs...

They are all turning to their breath as a proven & reliable way of managing their energy, calming stress or nerves & get into the 'flow state' to boost performance & achieve better results...

I know this not only from my research but because I've had the privilege of working with many of these groups first hand (as well as others like business leaders, corporate executives, healthcare practitioners, etc) over my 53 years doing this work...

...helping them to use breathwork to improve their performance everywhere from the classroom to the boardroom, to the courtroom, to the bedroom, to the battlefield...

Just some of the work, career & high performance benefits include:

Tune Into The 'Flow State' On Demand

 Tune Into The 'Flow State' On Demand

In what are known as 'flow states', motivation becomes automatic, staying focused becomes a breeze, time feels like it's flying by or standing still & work feels completely effortless.

Many refer to this state as the "optimal state of consciousness" & "the source code of ultimate human performance".

And breathwork is a proven way to get into this 'flow state' more quickly, easily & consistently.

Unleash Your Creative Genius

Unleash Your Creative Genius

Not only is stress terrible for your physical health, but it also kills your creativity...

The deep states of calm & relaxation that breathwork helps you achieve on the other hand are proven to boost creativity, insight, intuition & your creative problem-solving abilities.

Boost Your Energy Levels

 Boost Your Energy Levels

"The world belongs to the energetic", Ralph Waldo Emerson once said. And he's right...

The precursor to productivity & effectiveness is energy.

And breathwork is also a proven way to raise your energy (often faster than any cup of coffee ever could!) & sustain those high levels of energy all day long.

Improve Your Focus & Concentration

Improve Your Focus & Concentration

Breathwork is also proven to boost your focus levels & improve your concentration (as well as shown to help with ADHD or other attention disorders too)

Enhance Productivity & High Performance

Enhance Productivity & High Performance

Overall, breathwork can transform your productivity, creative output & performance in your work, career or business.

Add all of these scientific discoveries together & it's clear to see why breathwork is the new 'drug of choice' for so many of the world's highest achievers to boost their focus, productivity & high performance...

But wait, it gets even better...

"The Doorway To Altered States Of Consciousness, Profound Mystical Experience & A Bliss-Filled Life"

As Albert Einstein once said,

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

The reality is there's an entire new realm of insights, solutions & experiences beyond most people's wildest fantasies, that cannot be accurately described in words, but give life a whole new meaning...

And the door to this other realm, as other research has discovered, is breathwork, with this timeless practice also strongly connected to...

Altered States Of Consciousness & Mystical Experiences

Altered States Of Consciousness & Mystical Experiences

Specific breathwork patterns can also be used to induce altered states of consciousness, leading to profound experiences of self-discovery, spiritual awakening & personal transformation.

Deep States Of Calm, Bliss & Inner Peace

 Deep States Of Calm, Bliss & Inner Peace

Many who learn to use breathwork properly report experiencing deeper states of calm, bliss & inner peace than they've experienced in years (or even in their entire life), a clear mind, as well as feelings of euphoria, expanded awareness & even spiritual connection.

The Best Sleep Of Your Life

 Best Sleep Of Your Life

Numerous studies, as well as good old fashions common sense, show that we look, feel & perform better after a good night's sleep.

And breathwork is a proven practice for inducing this, helping you fall asleep easier than ever before, as well as leading to higher quality sleep during the night as well...

Better Mental Health, Emotional Wellbeing & Happiness

Better Mental Health, Emotional Wellbeing & Happiness

Research has also uncovered that breathwork can also reduce or heal various anxiety disorders, depression or other mental health problems (even trauma or PTSD)... as well as boost mental health & emotional wellbeing overall, leading to greater happiness & life satisfaction.

As you can see, the benefits of breathwork are diverse, incredible & far-stretching...

That's why breathwork is already being used by people from all walks of life who truly care about their health, mood, wellbeing & high performance...

Here's a partial list of settings & situations where breathwork is now being taught & applied:

  • ​​Alternative Health Care
  • ​Anger Management
  • ​Athletic Coaching
  • ​Attention Training
  • ​Biofeedback
  • ​Bodywork
  • ​Childbirth
  • ​Chiropractic Corporate Training
  • ​Counseling
  • ​Dentistry
  • ​Drug Abuse Prevention
  • ​Drug Rehabilitation Education (at all levels)
  • ​Fitness Training
  • ​Flight Training (aviation)
  • Martial Arts
  • Medicine
  • ​Meditation
  • ​Midwifery
  • ​Military Training
  • ​Neurofeedback
  • ​Nursing Occupational Therapy
  • ​Orthodontics
  • ​Pain Management
  • ​Peak Performance Training
  • ​Performing Arts
  • ​​​Personal Coaching
  • ​​Physical Therapy
  • ​Psychology
  • ​Public Speaking
  • ​Respiratory Therapy
  • ​Self-regulation
  • ​Learning
  • ​Skill Acquisition
  • ​Social Work
  • ​Speech Therapy
  • ​Stress Management
  • ​Test Taking
  • ​Trauma & PTSD
  • ​Yoga
  • ​Zen
  • ​Fitness Training
  • ​Flight Training (Aviation)
  • Martial Arts
  • Medicine
  • ​Meditation
  • ​Midwifery
  • ​Military Training
  • ​Neurofeedback
  • ​Nursing Occupational Therapy
  • ​Orthodontics
  • ​Pain Management
  • ​Peak Performance Training
  • ​Performing Arts
  • ​​​Personal Coaching
  • ​​Physical Therapy
  • ​Psychology
  • ​Public Speaking
  • ​Respiratory Therapy
  • ​Self-regulation
  • ​Learning
  • ​Skill Acquisition
  • ​Social Work
  • ​Speech Therapy
  • ​Stress Management
  • ​Test Taking
  • ​Trauma & PTSD
  • ​Yoga
  • ​Zen

But, as essential & life-changing as the practice of breathwork already is, it's my belief that breathwork is...

More Important Today Than It Has Ever Been Before...

(& Perhaps In All Of Human History!)

Here's why:

Picture a tall building...

Even a building with relatively weak foundations will be fine in most conditions & can stand for a few decades...

And it's only when there's greater external pressure (like an earthquake!) that those foundations are truly tested & a building with poor ones will unfortunately collapse...

...while another one (with stronger foundations) will stand, largely unaffected by those external forces.

The lesson being that in ordinary conditions, you can have weak foundations & still get away with it...

But as external pressures get stronger, you must have a stronger foundation, or else everything can fall apart...

And that's, in a nutshell, why I believe breathwork (as well as other practices that improve your underlying health, mental health & emotional wellbeing) are more important today than ever before...

It's because we now live in a world of...

Mass Conflict (Political, Economic, etc), An Abundance Of Confusion, Mistrust & Misinformation, As Well As Constant & Accelerating Change & Disruption...

...all of which is taking a toll on the human mind & body!

In today's world, when surveyed, 84% of people report feeling 'stressed' at least 1 day in a typical week...

(of which 18% of people report feeling stressed non-stop, all the time & can't even imagine a life without high stress & anxiety anymore!)

And nowadays, workplace stress alone is also said to contribute to over 120,000 deaths each year...

(more than drug use, fire, violence & natural disasters combined!)

And that's in the US alone...

Globally, it's...

7 people dying worldwide from stress... every... 2... seconds!

We also live in a world in which pain, disease & health problems are rising at an alarming rate (e.g. diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc) & are only projected to keep rising...

And anxiety disorders, depression & other mental health problems are following the same (unfortunate) trajectory...

More people are experiencing chronic fatigue or low levels of energy than ever before...

(just relying on many cups of coffee, or increasing-potent energy drinks just to function normally — with worldwide coffee consumption at 2.25+ billion cups per day & the energy market recording explosive growth)...

Ironically, more people are also struggling to fall asleep than ever before...

(becoming increasingly-dependant on sleeping pills & aids to get their needed rest.)

And more broadly, we live in a world in which we spend trillions of dollars ($4 trillion dollars per year by one estimate) attempting to change how we feel, or numbing our feelings altogether...

...including both legal & illegal substances (alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, painkillers, marijuana, adderral, cocaine, heroin, etc)... as well as various experiences activities, behaviors & habits (e.g. video games, gambling, pornography, etc)...

That's the world we live in today... & it's a world in which our foundations are being truly tested...

And it's in this world (compared to 30, 40 or 50 years ago when I first started getting fascinated with breathwork) in which breathwork truly is even more important than it's ever before...

And so, whether you're struggling physically, mentally, or emotionally, really feeling the pressure of the modern world... 

Or you're already happy, healthy & well-off... but you're always looking for that edge to help you get to that next level in your life...

Also whether you're already practicing breathwork, or you're completely new to this world...

I'm Excited To Coach You To Start Reaping The Life-Transforming Benefits Of Breathwork, Starting Today...

Hi, my name's Dan...

And if you have not come across my work, read any of my bestselling books, or experienced any of my training before, I wanted to quickly introduce myself & share how I can support you, starting right now...

Today, people refer to me as the 'Bruce Lee of Breathwork', the 'Yoda of Breathing' & the 'Godfather' of the modern Breathwork movement, as well as the world’s foremost expert & renowned pioneer of this field...

But it certainly did not start that way...

I got started as just a curious kid who heard the pastor at the Catholic school I attended, smitten by the words from Genesis...

"God took the dust of the earth and formed the body of man; and breathed into the nostrils of man the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

To this day, I remember thinking...

"wait, every time I breathe, God is breathing into me?!"

I know it's silly, but those words really stuck with me...

Then, while serving in the United States Navy as a medical deep-sea diver — in the process of which, experiencing multiple near-drowning & near-death experiences — is when my interest in breathwork really deepened (pun intended).

I got somewhat obsessed with the magic, the art & the science of the breath, breathwork & how it can be applied to improve one's health, mood & performance...

(as well as serve as a tool for personal & spiritual growth & evolution!)

In the 5 decades since then, I have followed this passion wherever it has taken me...

From Chi Kung Masters in China to yogi masters in India, from dojos to monasteries, from Russia to Bolivia...

I've been endlessly researching, studying & experimenting with every school & style and method & approach to breathwork...

I have run events, workshops & retreats around the world to share what I have learned...

To date, having taught with 250,000+ people in 67 countries...

I have written multiple bestselling books about breathwork & related topics, including "Just Breathe: Master Breathwork for Success in Life, Love, Business & Beyond” which has been translated into 15 languages & distributed to all corners of the world...

And I've had the privilege of coaching Olympic athletes, elite martial artists, leading psychotherapists & medical experts; monks, meditators, hospice workers & yoga teachers, performing artists, personal trainers, substance abuse & pastoral counselors, health practitioners, life coaches, business executives, & peak performers (like Tony Robbins) & others from virtually all walks of life...

And so, that's a bit about me & my work...

But, this isn't about me... it's about you.

Specifically, how breathwork can help you in your own life...

A Healthier, Happier & Longer Life; More Energy, Focus, Creativity & Productivity; Altered States Of Consciousness, Mystical Experiences & Profound States Of Relaxation & Bliss — It's All Yours!

Imagine how amazing it would be to finally have a tool you can rely on (which also doesn't cost you anything to use!) to change how you feel anywhere, at any moment...

The next time you're stressed, anxious, or nervous for example...

You just use this tool & it calms your nervous system & brings you into deep states of relaxation, calm & even bliss, incredibly quickly?

Or helps you to transform tiredness, laziness, or distraction into high energy, motivation, a clear mind, razor-sharp focus & improved performance (enabling you to achieve your goals & actualize your potential), also in mere minutes...

Imagine having this tool that you know you can consistently count & rely on, proven to detoxify your body, supercharge your immune system & help you heal/prevent sickness & disease (as well as extend your life!)...

...or, you can even use to raise your consciousness, entering entirely new realms of insights, solutions & experiences (beyond most people's wildest fantasies, that cannot be accurately described in words) at any time you choose as well...

Just imagine the power of this...!

Well, it's a power I have developed in my life, helped my clients develop & now I want to help you develop as well, starting today...



The Art & Science Of Using Your Breath To Achieve Optimum Health, Peak Performance & Express Your Ultimate Human Potential


The Art & Science Of Using Your Breath To Achieve Optimum Health, Peak Performance & Express Your Ultimate Human Potential

— Dan Brulé —

Inside the Mastering The Breath program, you'll learn what breathwork is (including powerful & eye-opening ideas, insights & understandings) & how to apply it practically... optimally manage your energy levels, evaporate any stress or anxiety & access peak states of consciousness (for heightened focus, creativity, productivity & high performance).

​Whether you're completely new to breathwork, or you've already been working with the breath (or similar practices like meditation or yoga) for many years... this program is designed to meet you where you are & guide you to the next level of understanding, transformation & personal evolution.

The Program Includes:


Core Course Modules

(& 35+ Value-Packed Sub-Modules)

Each module stacks upon the last & introduces new ideas, insights, techniques & exercises to help you progress with ease... guiding you step-by-step all the way from the basics/fundamentals of the practice to total breath mastery.


Unique Lessons

(Including 120+ Videos)

With each lesson diving deep into (& exploring) key ideas, insights, approaches, techniques, nuances & distinctions about various aspects of the breath & breathwork.


Guided Breathe-Along Exercises

To make it easy for you to master key breathwork techniques with ease, we created these guided breathe-along exercises. Just click play, listen & breathe along.



(With In-Depth Explanations)

Some things are much better explained with visual aids, which is why we also created these illustrations for you... to help you better retain the information, learn faster & develop a deep, mastery-level understanding of breathwork. 


Certificate Of Completion

Once you complete all the lessons in the course you're eligible to receive a certificate of completion for this mastery training program.

A Whole Lot More...

And A Whole Lot More...

Here's What You Will Learn Inside Each Of The Modules Of The Program:



Introduction To The Breath

You've been living with your lungs/breath your entire life... yet my suspicion is you've never been properly introduced...

​In this module, I introduce you to your breath... sharing about it's secret properties, hidden talents, magic-like abilities, as well as all of the remarkable ways it truly can become your greatest companion in this life (if you learn to treat it as such & collaborate together with it of course...)

​More specifically, I'll share — in a very pragmatic, down-to-earth & practical way; based on decades of incredible scientific research — how everything starts & ends with your breath, including your nervous system function, your stress levels, emotions, how you think, your health/fitness, focus at work, career results, relationships with others... everything!

​​Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn:

  • ​​​Ever wonder what happens when your body is under stress? ​You'll learn how your body's 'fight-or-flight' response (as well as its 'rest-&-digest response') really works & what you can do with this information to improve your health, wellbeing, mood & life...
  • ​Nervous System Controllability — While your nervous system is largely automatic, there are a few elements you do have conscious control over including 1 channel that is the most controllable of them all: your breath. You'll get a full guide to switching off 'autopilot mode' & using your breath to consciously steer your nervous system in whatever direction you want, boosting your baseline mood & helping you to feel your best every single day!
  • ​An even deeper dive into the 2 branches that make up your autonomic nervous system... & how to use these particular understandings to transform any anxiety, stress, fear, or nervousness into calm, presence & confidence incredibly quickly!
  • ​Lessons about the human body from Dr. Richard P. Brown, Dr. Patricia Gerbarg, Stephen W. Porges PhD, Dr. Sue Carter & other top researchers, highlighting the holistic benefits of breath... as well as the simple applications of these cutting-edge biological insights to help you to reduce stress, regain balance & feel truly in control of your life!
  • ​You'll also learn how to 'change the interoceptive messages going from the respiratory system to the brain' to consciously alter how you think, the way you feel & emotions that you experience every day — as well as the cravings, motivations, behaviours & habits that stem from these emotions — all on command!
  • ​The 14-word quote from one of the greatest, most influential scientists of all time which reveals the hidden secret to overcoming any challenge you face in life... (plus: how to use breathwork to practically apply this timeless wisdom & access these 'altered states of consciousness' to think clearer, be more creative, take back the reigns & design your life as you choose!)
  • ​Harvard Medical School doctors were able to successfully help people to heal from anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD & other mental health problems by using a very specific breathing practice... You'll learn what this practice is, as well as how it can be used by anyone, anywhere, to reduce stress or anxiety, overcome (or, to prevent) mental health problems... as well as tune into deep, desirable states of calm, relaxation, bliss & peace anywhere, at any time.
  • ​The phenomenon of “heart resonance”, explained... as well as how you can also use breathwork to bring about this particular magic-like state in less than 5 minutes!
  • ​Modern scientific research shows not just a connection between how you breathe & how you think/feel but also in how you relate to others including our abilities to trust, love, connect, bond, be intimate, communicate emotionally, as well feel empathy as human being... You'll learn how to apply this to improve not just your own being, but your social bonds, love, family & intimate relationships as well!
  • ​A healthy heartbeat isn't actually regular (like a metronome), it's supposed to be irregular... You'll learn all about Heart Rate Variability (HRV) — which is considered the best indicator of heart health, recovery, balance & physical wellbeing; strongly linked to longevity — including, how you can use breathwork to predictably increase your HRV, starting today! (based on David O’Hare's incredible work studying the connection between heart-rate variability & breathing since 1977!)
  • ​Inspiration for those who already use (or teach) other practices like meditation, yoga, traditional therapy, hypnotherapy & various psychological interventions, exercise, chiropractic care, massage therapy, etc... & how they can use breathwork to get even better benefits for themselves (or for their clients.)
  • ​42 powerful examples of the ways breathwork is already being used to improve a wide range of life situations & events... as well as more information about how you can customize breathwork to fit your own work, schedule, goals, intentions & situations in life.

Module Value: $197.00



How To Breathe 

Look to your left, look to your right... the numbers suggest a mind-boggling 9 in every 10 people in the world today don't breathe properly ('properly' meaning in a way that supports optimal, physical functioning & wellbeing)

And no, we're not even talking about consciously altering your breath in any particular way, for some higher purpose ('breathwork')... but simply your basic, everyday, default breathing habit (how you breathe when you're not consciously thinking about it)...

These various forms of 'dysfunctional breathing' (mouth breathing, chest breathing, over-breathing, etc) — that this estimated 90% of people today are falling victim to, often without even realizing it — cause an entire catalog of unfortunate physical, mental & emotional problems...

In this module, you'll learn not just what these negative effects of dysfunctional breathing are, but more importantly, I'll coach you how to re-train your breathing (which is 100% possible to do & I'll show you practical methods for doing precisely this!) to reverse any of these negative effects, reap incredible positive benefits instead & transform all dimensions of your wellbeing, with ease...

​​Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn:

  • ​​Truth: you can be inhaling the cleanest, purest Alpine mountain air, but if you're breathing it in in the wrong way, it's still going to affect your body in a negative, harmful way... (similar to how even the healthiest foods become bad for your healthy if you start heavily deep-frying them). You'll learn the types of 'dysfunctional breathing' that sabotage your health & wellbeing, as well as the proper ways to breathe that'll help you feel better than ever before!
  • ​Based on Dr. Mark Burhenne's incredible work (a dental doctor who has studied the connection between breathing, sleep & dental health for many decades)... we'll explore the various ways that dysfunctional breathing contributes significantly to gum disease, dry mouth, bad breath & poor dental health in general... (as well as what you can do to indirectly improve your dental health!)
  • ​Shocking: you'll also learn the #1 cause of cavities shown to be even worse for your dental health than high sugar consumption, a bad diet, or poor dental habits (hint: it's a form of dysfunctional breathing!) — yes, you read that right, if you're breathing in this dysfunctional way, it's actually worse for your dental health than not brushing your teeth!
  • ​A lot of people believe their jaw, facial structure & appearance are all down to genetics & not something that we have any control over... THAT'S A LIE! As new studies prove many things can affect the structure of your jaw/face, including how you breathe... I'll share with you the simple breathing changes you need to make, starting today, to improve your jawline, your facial structure & facial appearance overall.
  • ​Do you (or others you know) snore at night? (does your partner ever complain about it?!) What about your sleep — do you ever struggle to fall asleep or find yourself feeling groggy or fatigued in the morning? We'll also explore the link between breathing & sleep including how dysfunctional breathing can lead to various sleep problems like snoring, sleep apnea, poor quality sleep & others... (including: how to stop snoring forever by changing your breathing — something your partner & family are sure to thank you for!)
  • ​2 Japanese studies reveal a previously unknown cause of poor focus, declined cognitive function, lower intelligence & even mental issues like ADHD or Bipolar. You’ll learn this shocking cause (hint: it's also to do with your breath), as well as simple changes you can make this reverse these negative brain effects too, boost your ability to concentrate, think critically & thrive in today's fast-paced, rapidly-changing world that needs you to be at your best!
  • ​We'll also cover all of the other negative effects of 'dysfunctional breathing' which include other physical effects (e.g. worsening of asthma symptoms & other respiratory problems — which you can fix too! — a weakened immune system, poor heart health, higher risk of disease, decreased athletic performance, etc) as well as additional mental & emotional effects (like higher stress, anxiety, drastic mood swings, etc). In sum, I'll share how you can reverse all of these negative effects with simple changes to your everyday, default, breathing pattern!
  • ​The profound 19-word quote from an ancient yogi that, once understood, will help you provide a better approach to reversing/preventing most of the modern lifestyle diseases that plague the modern world...
  • ​Revealed: the true power, hidden advantages & benefits of your nose & nasal breathing, including how it naturally activates the parasympathetic system, leading to a calming, relaxing effect on the mind & body throughout the day, which in turn, strengthens your immune system, as well as makes you mentally sharper, better able to think clear, more creative & more... all in all, supporting you to live the long, happy, healthy, success-filled & abundance life you deserve!
  • ​The evolution-based approach you can follow to not only start breathing correctly, but also make it feel completely normal & natural for you... so that maintaining optimal, healthy breathing is completely effortless, automatic & you don't have to even think about it! (note: this approach also explains why this works & you absolutely can make these changes — no matter your age, if you have existing respiratory conditions, or even if you don't know if your breathing is healthy or not right now!)
  • ​To help you implement all the insights in this module, I'll coach you through 5 highly-practical & proven strategies for fixing dysfunctional breathing patterns, breathing better & reaping the wonderful benefits from it... (note: 4 of them can also be applied more broadly to help you make other positive changes in your life!)
  • ​----------------- is the first step to change! You'll learn how to apply this first, proven psychological, therapeutic & coaching strategy to this particular issue of dysfunctional breathing to not only make the change, but make the change stick.
  • ​How to apply what is perhaps the #1 strategy uncovered from decades of habit research to make sure you implement this consistently to make the change & get the results you want!
  • ​You'll also learn simple breathing practices you can do today to start re-conditioning your brain, body & nervous system to breathe properly... (these take it takes less than 10 minutes per day to do, but can be completely life-changing!)
  • ​The #1 piece of advice from an American artist that will not only help you to breathe better but can help you support your friends, family & especially your kids to develop healthy breathing patterns in their lives too (they'll​ thank you for this!)
  • ​Disclosed: a step-by-step walkthrough of what is the single fastest & most effective strategy (successfully used by tens of thousands of people around the world) for rapidly changing your natural, automatic breathing for healthier respiration, starting today!

Module Value: $197.00



Understanding Breathwork

Much like meditation, yoga, sports (or anything in life!) there are basic frameworks, principles & understanding that guide this practice...

Failure to understand or utilize these guiding principles can lead to difficulty learning (let alone, mastering!) it & reaping the wonderful benefits available for those who do...

​In this module, we cover these breathwork fundamentals so you can have a better understanding of this practice in less than 2 hours than 99% of people in the world today... (as well as have the foundation you need in place to move ahead quickly, learn efficiency, train optimally & master this incredible modality in rapid time!)

​​​Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn:

  • ​​The 2 fundamental skills of breathwork that'll help you to start in the right way, even if you're brand new to this... (plus: how to use them to become more mindful, present & self-aware within just minutes of beginning the practice.)
  • ​1 simple yet incredibly powerful 'breathing mantra' that'll help you not only become more relaxed but can also support you to raise to higher levels of awareness, connection & consciousness...
  • ​There's a 'Formula For Transformation' I've uncovered by doing this work for the past 50+ years that I will teach you at the start of this module too... (note: every healing experience; positive shift, emotional release, miracle event or lasting behavioral change is based on changes in the parameters that make up this formula, as you'll see for yourself...)
  • ​Do you know the '3 convergences of breathwork?' (They are the basis of all other breathwork methods & key to mastering this practice) If not, no worries... at the start of this module, I'll walk you through them & show you how you can use them to drop into a deep state of relaxation whenever you want, raise your energy levels just as easily, as well as ​get into the 'flow' state virtually on command!
  • ​Think you can either be calm/relaxed or you're full of energy/excited, but you can't be both at the same time? THINK AGAIN... As great saints, yogis, famous artists & legendary warriors, now & throughout history, demonstrate... it's possible to tune into a paradoxical state sometimes described as 'energized calm' or 'dynamic peace' where you're experiencing the benefits of both at the same time... (note: not only do we cover this, but I'll show you how you can get here...)
  • ​1 extremely simple shift you can make to your breathing that is sure to melt away any tension in your body in less than 60 seconds...
  • ​I will also break down the '5 principles of breath therapy' framework I uncovered which explains how it's possible for someone to experience drastic positive transformations (even miracles) in just a few breathwork sessions... as well as why other kinds of therapeutic practices may be able to get you results, but not as rapidly! (hint: it has everything to do with these 5 principles & if/when/how they are implemented.)
  • ​A walkthrough of the #1 most popular breathing protocol (researched by Stanford, featured in 100's of magazines & renowned in the breathwork community!) which provides immediate & complete relief from tension & other undeniable physiological, psychological, emotional & even spiritual benefits… (note: it not only helps to cleanse your body but also activates crucial areas of the brain critical to optimal functioning & brain health!)
  • ​The simple, yet powerful, exercise I learned from one of my earliest mentors — that takes less than 60 seconds to implement — for effectively processing any energy/emotions you're experiencing, returning back to balance & deeply connecting with the present moment.
  • ​Think yawning is bad? A sign of tiredness & nothing else? And something to avoid, especially in public? THAT'S A MYTH! I'll share with you the incredible benefits of yawning which include the balancing of the nervous system, release of toxins & cleaning of subtle energy blocks in your system, as well as the activating of emotions like empathy, bonding & even creativity!
  • ​The 2 'Core Techniques' that are the essence of all work done on the breath which I require all my clients to master & will guide you to do as well in this module... (note: learning these breathwork foundations will help you get the most incredible benefits from this practice, also in the shortest amount of time possible)

Module Value: $197.00



Breathwork Protocols

A hammer is great for hitting in nails... but for screws, the screwdriver is a much better tool for the job... do you agree?

This is a good example of the fact of life that there is no 'one size fits all' solution, 'cure-all', or 1 perfect 'tool' for every situation...

Based on that truth, there is no 1 perfect breathwork 'technique' that I recommend, universally, for every person in every possible life situation... (I wish there but, but it simply does NOT exist!)

Instead, there are a large number of very different & highly-unique techniques, practices & breathwork protocols you can apply... which, just like different tools in a toolbox, you can then pull out at different times to fix different problems & achieve different outcomes you want...

Some breathwork techniques will relax you, calm your nervous system, even help you fall asleep if that's what you need...

Others will rapidly energize or excite you (faster than a cup of coffee!)...

Some will bring about very positive states & others will make you very reflective...

(Some even greatly increase the likelihood of altering your state & experiencing a spiritual awakening or having a life-transforming mystical experience...)

This particular module is the equivalent of going to the hardware store & acquiring a complete toolbox full of equally wonderful, yet wildly different, tools (as well as learning how to use those tools — full instructions are provided here!) so you're fully prepared for every situation life can throw your way & able to create virtually anything you desire in this life...

​​​Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn:

  • ​​The Triangle Breath, Decoded — this is the natural human breathing rhythm but we can also engage/enhance it more consciously to restore balance to your brain, body & spirit... (plus: you'll learn a number of more advanced variations of this practice which few people cover to elevate it even further!)
  • ​In stress & high-pressure situations, there's a 4-phase breathing pattern that Navy Seals, First Responders & the alike turn to, to bring them back to center, rapidly calm their nervous system & help them to perform optimally in the times & situations when it matters most... We cover this simple, yet extremely potent, breathing pattern in great detail in this module.
  • ​You'll also learn what I often refer to as the 'anti-stress' breathing pattern (which goes against what most men & women do, for various reasons)... that is proven to calm your body, improve your mental clarity & elevate your wellbeing...
  • ​Wave goodbye to stress, tension & anxiety! I'm going to teach you another, even more advanced, breathing pattern I uncovered that makes stress, anxiety & tension vanish in mere seconds... (yes, it's that powerful!)
  • ​There's a highly popular breathing pattern that individuals & experts in the hundreds of thousands tend to turn to for falling asleep easier than ever. I'll share detailed instructions on how you can use this use & add it to your toolbox as well...
  • ​On the other side of the spectrum, there's a simple breathing technique you can use to excite your nervous system, making you awake, highly alert & energized​… (note: caffeine usually takes about 20 minutes to kick in & take effect, but with this breathwork pattern you'll experience a surge of energy less than a minute after doing it... or, you can combine the 2 for even more energy!) — what you can also do is add this to your morning routine to unlock superhuman levels of energy, mental clarity & laser-like focus in the early hours of the morning, practically a highly productive & successful day!
  • ​Stanford Medical has also been busy studying a relatively new, previously-unknown, breathing technique in recent years which is showing tremendous promise in the early studies... I'll also cover this cutting-edge breath technique & teach you step-by-step how to use it to better your life too!
  • ​We'll also cover the other side of the spectrum in the form of a very old, ancient breathing technique from the original yogic science of breath that has been used for generations as a way to calm your mind, body, emotions, as well as deeply cleanse the subtle energy channels within your body(note: this breathing technique will also help to activate both sides of your brain & making them work together more effectively!)
  • ​Did you know that, just like other bodily rhythms & physiological processes, your nose also operates on a cycle ('The Nasal Cycle' as it's known) with either your left or right nostril being more open/active at any specific time... (note: this is an advanced insight but I'll also teach it to you & show you how you can use this as part of your training to more deeply understand, train & master breathwork.)
  • ​Revealed: How I've helped countless people over many decades suffering with various anxiety disorders or who have been clinically diagnosed with 'depression' to heal & reverse their mental health issues (including those who have lost all faith that recovery is even possible for them). To do this, one method I use is what I call the 'Anti-Depressant Breath', which you'll learn the full details of in this module... which you can then use to overcome anxiety, depression, or any mental health problems you, or others you know, may be experiencing... (or, to prevent them from ever taking over your life in the first place — yes, it works preventatively too!)
  • ​You will also discover how a specific & subtle change in the sound we that​ make during breathwork can have a significant impact on the impact of the practice... (note: few people, including many other so-called 'breathwork experts' understand or teach deeper insights like this, but you will learn them in this module putting you far ahead of the pack!)
  • ​You'll also learn about phenomena such as 'Coherent breathing' (a term coined by Stephen Elliott), the '6 Bridges' & The 'Therapeutic Zone' in breathwork, as well as the corresponding steps, methods & techniques for practically implementing these game-changing findings in your own life! (note: learning this will help you access profound benefits such as heightened levels of creativity, intuition, mental clarity & even a much greater likelihood of spiritual awakening as you enter a theta-brain-wave-dominanted state sometimes referred to as 'the awakened mind'!)
  • ​Do you often feel tired, fatigued, stressed, or out of balance in the afternoon after a hectic morning? If yes, worry not as I will share with you a simple, 5-minute practice you can practice before/after lunch which will rebalance your mind & body, helping you keep your energy up & feel amazing all day long (as well as maintain high levels of performance, creativity & critical thinking into the afternoon as well.)
  • ​The stupidly-simple practice you can do whenever you're feeling upset, irritated, or frustrated which in less than 2 minutes, will help to ground you, center you, shift your emotional state & prepare you to proceed mindfully... so that you avoid making bad decisions you'll later regret, make better ones & staying on track to achieve your goals in life!

Module Value: $197.00



Breath Mastery

Acquiring the right tools is one thing, but learning the constituent parts that make up those techniques & being able to effectively use that deep understanding to make aligned tweaks, experiment on your own & even to design your own protocols if you wish is what 'mastery' is all about...

​In this module, you will learn these core building blocks (like LEGO blocks or the basic elements in the periodic table) that underlie all existing breathwork patterns & protocols, which you can then combine together in a near-infinite number of unique ways — based on your own personalized goals, intentions, desires — to get even better results with the practice... (note: this is one of the main things that makes this program unique & unlike any other 'breathwork' program out there!)

​​​Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn:

  • ​​The 3 stages of mastery, revealed — We'll cover what these stages are, what each of them requires from you, as well as how they can be applied to your breathwork journey, helping you to upgrade your breathwork skills & master this timeless practice... (note: they can also be applied more broadly to the process of learning, training & mastering any topic, practice or skill in life!)
  • ​Inhale, Exhale & Pause, Deconstructed — You'll learn how each of these 3 basic elements that make up the breath can be altered/changed/shifted in various ways to transform the overall effects on the breath, your body, mind, emotions & more... (note: it's this understanding of the finer distinctions that makes someone a 'master' at something & gives them the power to create results others cannot.)
  • ​The profound benefits that can come from extending the inhale/exhale in breathwork... as well as insights into which lengths/ratios that can you can use to get the best possible results with your breathwork practice.
  • ​You'll also learn about the 'Inhale-Exhale Ratio' (an advanced insight!), as well as the '1-2 Breath Protocol' scientifically-proven to create profound effects in the mind & body including deep states of calm, relaxation, balance & health in mere minutes!
  • ​My unique 'AI-PE AE-PI AI-AE PI-PE' framework — anyone who wants to truly master breathwork & get the absolute most out of this practice needs to know these 4 basic modes/8 variations of the breath covered as part of this framework...
  • ​Mastering The Pause — You'll also learn about the '3 Types Of Pauses' as well as the '3 Pause Timings' framework which covers the specific places you can insert a pause + the effects that this has on your respiration, body, & physiology overall...
  • ​Holding your breath is a terrible habit 80% of the time & there are techniques that you should use to break this tendency ASAP! But when done in a particular way, in the other 20% of the time, it's incredibly powerful & a great advanced skill that those who master have the ultimate advantage in life (including living a longer & healthier life!)
  • ​The 2 'Breathing Channels' available to you in breathwork — you can either use one, the other or combine them together in your practice, as well as insights into which one is best for which technique, intention, or purpose... (e.g. you'll receive detailed advice like: 'for this particular technique, you want to use this channel vs for this one, this other one is better' far beyond what most people teach when it comes to breathwork!)
  • ​As the yogis first noticed & wrote about generations ago, there are also different 'spaces' you can breathe in/out from... we'll explore the 3/6 main breathing spaces, as well as how to combine them together as part of the 'Full Yogic Breath' (note: when I first learned this it was a game-changer & I know it'll have a similar effect for you, completely transforming your breathwork practice forever!)
  • ​How to use various intentions, affirmations & mantras together with different breathing techniques, spaces, paces, etc to take your breathwork practice to an even higher level... (note: in just 1 possible application of this I describe in this lesson, you'll tune into a deep state of inner safety & security, feel instantly grounded & connected with your heart/love center in your body.)
  • ​Revealed: The '2-Part Inhale' Variation of the Yogic Breath that I created & practice to this day... (note: this makes up a number of advanced breathwork practices & you want to understand to get the most out of those!)
  • ​Rhythm, Flow, Focus & More — we'll cover a number of advanced insights that'll help you get even more from your practice!
  • ​You'll also learn how to combine breathwork with other modalities like sound, music, touch & more to create even more profound effects on the mind, body, emotions, spirit & beyond...
  • ​Advanced practice: how to combine the breath, visualization & the basic elements that make up our world like earth, water, air & fire giving you a deep connection to not with yourself but the world around you (a state of 'cosmic consciousness' as it's sometimes called...)
  • ​Lessons from the late Carl Stough (a.k.a. 'Dr. Breath') on how to improve the sound of your voice by combining basic vocal training together with various breathing techniques & modalities like the sound, speed & shape of your breath... (note: this is applicable for everyone & especially so for speakers, singers, etc.)
  • ​Bringing it all together — you'll learn how to transform your body, shift your energy, mood, emotion & more by leveraging the true power of the inhale, exhale & pause (including: different lengths, ratios, volumes, paces, intentions & everything else we covered in this module) — I include plenty of examples, practices, exercises & more to make this practical & something you can really do, apply & master in rapid time.

Module Value: $197.00



Implementation & Integration

In this final module, we bring everything together & I guide you to implement what you learned in this program... bit-by-step... step-by-step... in a fun, engaging & practical way... into your life.

I share how you can apply all of the existing information (as well as some new insights unique to this module too) & practice all of the different techniques free from overwhelm or confusion... so you start seeing real, visible & tangible changes, fast.

I'll also teach how you integrate all of this into your daily life so that you're breath becomes a true champion for your success, your happiness & wellbeing in life (instead of holding you back!)... helping you to become who you were truly meant to be & life the life you've always wanted... It's possible & I'll teach you how...

  • ​​The best formula for daily breathwork practice that I’ve found over the past 50+ years, I recommend to all of my clients & share with anyone who wants to build this habit & easily integrate breathwork training into their everyday life, for complete physical, mental, emotional & spiritual transformation!
  • ​A 10 day challenge to help you implement everything practically... step-by-step... one day at a time... making it easy for you to start, progress & master the practice.
  • ​The simple daily practice that you can use to develop a deep, intimate connection with your breath & body, as well as more easily read other people's mood, feelings, emotions & more...
  • ​Examples of how to combine 2 other basic breathing practices covered in a previous module together to get to an even deeper level of relaxation, faster & easier than ever before...
  • ​An additional element you can practice that will make your everyday, default breathing pattern ever healthier & provide you with even more of the benefits (including: better dental, respiratory, heart & brain health, a stronger immune system, lower stress, better sleep, sharper cognition & higher performance) than ever before...
  • ​Incredible advice from dance & breathing instructor, Ilsa Middendorf & legendary Russian martial artist & breath specialist, Mikhail Ryabko on how to link the breath & movement together for even greater physiological, respiratory, fitness & whole body benefits... (plus: by just making this 1 little shift in your everyday life, you'll reap an entire host of benefits beyond those of your body... you'll start to enjoy everyday activity/movement more... you'll be more mobile & active - because it's not a chore anymore but something you want to do... you'll be more present & connected in your everyday life... & more!)
  • ​Want to master the art of breathwork but not sure how to do it? Start here… you’ll learn a simple 10-minute practice to kickstart your journey & set the right foundation… with this practice, you will also be able to notice the triggers between different emotional states like anger, nervousness, joy, love, etc & will finally be able to stay more in empowering states!
  • ​The precise steps to effectively practicing the 'Breathing Spaces', 'Full Yogic Breath' & other variations covered in the previous module, so that you not just learn about them or understand them intellectually, but actually master them & embody them fully as part of your breathwork practice.
  • ​The various approaches on how to choose which techniques, methods & protocols to devote more time, energy & effort to practicing & which approach you specifically should follow to get the best results in your own life...

Module Value: $197.00

Who Doesn't Love A Bonus, Right?

On top of the core curriculum, you're also getting access to a number of special bonuses to further elevate your Mastering The Breath program experience!


Bonus 1:

'Shut Up & Breathe' Ebook

In this guide you'll learn the basics of how to use your breath to clear your head, deal with stress & calm your nerves... anywhere, any time & no matter what!

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​​The truth about 'proper' breathing & why there's really no such thing! You'll learn how I (after 53 years of studying this; alongside top medical scientists & health professionals) think about this topic & how you should be breathing for optimal health, performance & wellbeing in life (note: this information may shock you!)
  • The basic breathing technique I've been teaching for decades that sends soothing signal directly to the oldest evolutionary part of your brain (sometimes referred to as the 'lizard brain')... making it essentially impossible for you to remain stressed or anxious... completing resets your nervous system & your state of mind.
  • Emotional Regulation & Control  You'll also learn about the intricate link between our breathing & our state of mind (plus: how every psychological, emotional & physiological state has a corresponding breathing pattern or quality that you can tap into to create that state on demand.)
  • ​How physical tension (especially in the jaw, neck, shoulders, chest, spine, belly and pelvis) can interfere with your breathing as well as sabotage your health & wellbeing in life (plus: what you can do about it right now!)
  • The "super-oxygenation" myth, debunked — Some breathwork teachers suggest that deep breathing can 'super-oxygenate' your cells but this is a myth. The reason being that your body is already 95%-99% oxygenated at any & all moment so more oxygen is not what you need. You need that oxygen to be spread around your body & for that the exact opposite is required, as we'll explore...
  • The game-changing discovery of the 'Bohr Effect', the importance of carbon dioxide in the breathing process (previously believed to be unimportant/the enemy), the wonderful benefits of 'nitric oxide' & how to apply all these scientific / technical insights into your life practically, elevating your health & wellbeing.
  • While over-breathing ('hyperventilation') is terrible for your health when done unconsciously & you want to stop it ASAP... when done consciously, intentionally & deliberately this otherwise-dysfunctional breathing pattern now becomes one of the greatest ways to hack your nervous system & create almost-magical changes to your body...
  • ​Medical science has identified what is called a “therapeutic” breathing rate (a rhythm which many signifant prayers, poems, songs, etc naturally follow). Once you learn this pattern & apply it it'll help you to bring about deep, healing states of calm & relaxation anywhere at any time.
  • ​You'll also learn what I sometimes refer to as the 'Coming Home Breath' which is a very conscious & deliberating, enhanced sighing pattern... (plus: how to use it to get in touch with your body, reconnect with your source & regain to balance in your life, no matter what's happening in the world around you.)
  • Other insights into the art, science & spirit of breathwork (as well as lessons from yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi & other disciplines) & how to apply it to not only improve your health but also elevate your mind, to 'dissolve time' (flow state) & tune into altered states of consciousness on demand.​

Bonus Value: $47.00

Bonus 2:

'Breath & Breathing' V.I.P Newsletter

You'll also get premium, V.I.P. access (no ads, no sponsorships, just amazing content) to the breathwork weekly newsletter which will deliver new breathwork insights & protocols — as well as powerful & prompt reminders — to your inbox...

...further helping you to implement the practice into your daily life & reap the extraordinary benefits that come with it!

Examples Of Newsletter Editions

The Antidote To Stress, Chaos & Uncertainty; Used By Military Personnel, NAVY Seals, Police Offers & First Responders

In this issue, we wrote about the breathing technique those in high-stress occupations (like Fire Fighters or Military Personnel) turn to deal with stress, think clearly & perform under pressure... & how you can apply the same technique in your own life to ease stress!

An Ancient, Yogic Technique With Great Therapeutic Effects On Health, Mind & Emotion!

A core practice in traditional “pranayama” (the yogic science of breath) — & deeply connected to the fascinating topic of 'Left/Right Nostril Dominance' — you'll learn a simple technique which in just 5 minutes can help you elevate your health, body, mind & emotions!

The Ultimate Scientifically-Validated Anti-Stress & Deep Relaxation Breathing Protocol

In this issue of the newsletter, I teach you a technique that I've been practicing + teaching for 40+ years which has recently been proven scientifically & gotten amazing media attention! Why? Because it has profound effects on mind, body & spirit + works faster than almost anything else they've tested.

Improve Heart Health, Lower Blood Pressure & Get Rid Of Stress In 5 Minutes Or Less With This Breathing Technique!

In this newsletter, we wrote about a protocol Stephen Elliott coined in 2015 that's proven to not only improve your physical health but also triggers what's referred to as “the awakened mind” which is brain state where theta waves are dominant, that's connected to creativity, intuition, meditation & spiritual awareness.

(Out of 157 survey responses, 127 (81%) rated the newsletter as 5 ★★★★★ ...with an average rating of 4.67★)

Bonus Value: $197.00

Bonus 3:

'Breath Hold Challenge' with Stig

The results of one of the most important, extensive & longest-running health studies ever conducted (it's still running today, 76 years later!) called the 'Framingham Heart Study'... found that the single most accurate known predictor of longevity is lung capacity!

More important than the specific diet people ate, how much they walked or exercised, or even their genetic makeup/DNA, it uncovered this simple truth:

The larger & more efficient the lungs, the lower rates of heart problems/diseases people experienced & the longer they lived!

(And inversely... smaller, less efficient lungs mean a higher risk of illness, disease & a shorter life span)

Here's the best part:

While many might assume 'lung capacity' is fixed or entirely the result of your genetics... it's not!

And the reality is that anyone, of any age, can increase (or better preserve) the capacity of their lung throughout their life... reaping the incredible benefits that come with it!

"How?" you might think...

With breathwork!

Or more specifically 'breath holding'...

(consciously training breath holding is to strengthening lung capacity what weight lifting or cardio is to improving your physical fitness.)

And to help you with this, my good friend, 10X Guinness Record Holder, 4X Freediving World Champion & the first human to ever hold his breath underwater for more than 20 minutes, Stig Severinsen...

He has agreed to add in a very special bonus for anyone who gets my 'Mastering The Breath' course today.

On top of everything else, you also unlock instant access to Stig's '7 Day Breath Hold Challenge'...

...which will the basics of 'breath holding' & how to use it as a tool to train your lung capacity, optimize peak performance, improve mental strength & more... all in just 7 days!

Bonus Value: $297.00

Bonus 4:

Exclusive Support Line

Going beyond just 'customer support.'

We have a team of people passionate & committed to helping our customers get the best possible imaginable.

Get quick responses to any & all questions you have as you begin (& progress) through the program. Get personalized recommendations, accountability & feel completely supported on your journey.

Bonus Value: $397.00

Bonus 5:

Community Group

Self-improvement can feel like a lonely journey sometimes... but this won't be the case for you with the 'Mastering The Breath' program!

Not only do you get access to the program, but also a community of other people going through it too, all learning & growing together.

​(across all of our newsletters, products & programs, we have 100,000+ people from 100+ countries already learning & improving their lives... you're joining this global community of lifelong learners & amazing individuals!)

Bonus Value: Priceless


RECAP | Here's Everything That's Included:

① 6 Core Modules

A Powerful Breathwork Curriculum Developed By Breath Master, Dan Brulé

Module #1

Introduction To The Breath

$197 Value

Module #1

Introduction To The Breath

$197 Value

Module #2

How To Breathe

$197 Value