Ever Struggle To Motivate Yourself Or Stay Disciplined?

How To Go From Un-Motivated & Procrastinating... To Become A Highly-Motivated, Driven, Focused & Self-Disciplined Powerhouse... Capable Of Achieving Virtually Anything That You Set Your Mind To!

It's Time To Eliminate That Procrastination, Break Those Bad Habits, Learn How To Activate Motivation On Demand & Develop Monk-Like Self-Discipline!

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Ignition is a mastery program designed to teach you the science of motivation... including how to activate motivation on command, eliminate procrastination & train monk-like self-discipline (even if it's something you've struggled with this in the past)

By the end of this program, you'll know precisely how to motivate yourself to do anything you set your mind to, stop delaying / procrastinating & take massive action.

Do You Know The 1 Key 40+ Years Of Scientific Research Has Proven To... Create Better Health, More Money & Better Relationships In Life?

A number of important research studies, conducted over 40 years, uncovered 1 very specific & important factor required for success...

They found that the people who possessed this 1 factor were...

  • HEALTHIER & FITTER... they were in better shape, had more energy, vitality, skinner, healthier, etc
  • EARNED MORE MONEY... they had better jobs, received more promotions, earned more money, had better businesses, etc...
  • HAD BETTER RELATIONSHIPS... with their partner, kids, friends & family... had a lower divorce rater... better connections...

By almost every definition of the word 'success', the people who possessed this 1 factor ended up more 'successful' in life...

Now, you may be thinking...

"What is this 1 factor these studies found to be essential for success?"

Well, it's simply this...

The Ability To Motivate Yourself, Be Self-Disciplined & Delay Gratification

The studies found that the people who had this 1 ability & were able to 'delay gratification' (which simply means they were better at resisting temptation that provided pleasure right away, & instead make decisions that created better long-term results)...

These individuals achieved more & were more successful :-)

The researchers also found that this 1 factor - the ability to self-motivate & delay gratification - was a more accurate predictor of success in life that IQ, grades from school, education level or family income & upbringing...

It's Really Just Common Sense, Isn't It?

For some, hearing about the results of this study, may be shocking!

However, for others, it may not be...

That's because this is very much the same as what we already know, intuitively, about what creates success...

Most people already understand just how important this ability to motivate yourself, be self-disciplined, avoid procrastinating & do the things that matter over the long-term, rather than getting tempted by instant-gratification, is!

In fact, at some point, you've probably thought this to yourself...

"If only I had more motivation"... or... "I wish I had more willpower"...

...this is because you already know, intuitively, that if you were only able to master motivation & become more self-disciplined in life, you'd be able to:

  • ​Supercharge your progress towards your goals...
  • ​​​Achieve your goals... much faster & easier than before...
  • ​Make more of the right decisions... leading to better results, & a better quality of life, for you & your loved ones...
  • ​​Unleash your full potential... & be the person you want to be!

Deep down, you already know this to be true...

You know the inability to motivate yourself when you need it is what has held you back, at times, from making progress & achieving more...

You know mastering your motivation & becoming more self-disciplined is what's going to help you attain your goals much easier & faster...

The question, of course, is "HOW can you do this?"

Well, I've actually got some good news for you today...

If you've ever wished you had more motivation... that you could be more self-disciplined... that you stop procrastination on the important tasks you know you need to get done... easily resist temptation... change your habits... & start achieving your goals quicker & easier... then here's the good news...

Motivation Can Be Developed!

The other fascinating insight that modern scientific research has now proven is that this factor - the ability to motivate yourself, be self-discipline, eliminate procrastination & delay gratification - is something that you can develop!

It's not a 'fixed' attribute that you either have, or don't have...

It's not something you're either born with, or born without...

NO - it's something which can be learned, trained & developed.

And beyond that, there are methods for this... so, let me ask you this...

Did You Know There Are Scientifically-Proven Strategies, Tactics, Frameworks & Processes That Will Enable You To Consistently, Predictably & Controllably Activate Motivation, Combat Procrastination & Make Rapid Progress?

A lot of people don't know that motivation & self-discipline can be developed, and have very little understanding of the strategies & methods available to us when it comes to our motivation & ability to take massive action...

This is, in large part, the fault of the education system...

Despite the fact that this is perhaps the single most important factor that'll help you start achieving better results across all important areas of your life, the education system fails to teach us this.

And so, most people are left confused when it comes to motivation...

Most people understand how important this is for success, but don't know what to do to actually make these shifts in their life...

Most people just wake up each morning & "hope" that today they'll have the motivation & self-discipline to make progress on their goals...

However, "hoping" isn't a particularly good strategy, for success...

Which is why most people, despite their best intentions, continue to struggle to apply what they know, take consistent & focused action & achieve what they truly desire in life...

My Goal Is To Change This...

I've spent the last 8+ years studying performance psychology, neuroscience, human behavior & the brain, searching for answers...

I also studied so many of world's highest performing & highest achieving individuals (across countless fields, from business to sport, from investing to acting, from to science, to music, to art - you name it!)... figuring out what separated them from the everybody else...

Then came rigorous testing & personal experimentation...

I became my own 'guinea pig' & put everything I discovered to the test!

I experimented with everything I learned to figure out what actually worked consistently & predictably, as well as what didn't...

Lots of things I had read about motivation, surprisingly, didn't actually work so well in the real world...

But, some of the things I learned did work, so I focused in on these!

I applied them into my life & by doing so, I starting to see a massive change in my motivation & self-discipline (& my results!)...

However, most importantly, after my initial learning, discovery & personal experimentation... I started to take on clients & start replicating the results...

I took the strategies, methods, frameworks & transformative processes I've learned, tested & developed, & I used these to help my clients create amazing breakthroughs as well, in their lives...

I've worked with, helped & coached people from so many different walks of life... including multi-millionaires, TEDx speakers, marketers, sales people, musicians, teachers, fitness professionals & more.

And I've helped clients to start businesses they've been delaying on starting for years, transform relationships they've struggled with, write books they've always wanted to write, stop procrastinating on big goals & projects for them, quit smoking, stop drinking, get off drugs, overcome fears & phobias, & much, much more!

Through this, by working with people from many different countries, various professions, backgrounds, education level's, etc... I found that there really are some frameworks, methods & processes that are universal & work for anyone!

At the very beginning of this journey of discovery, I also realized that...

Highest Achievers Think About Motivation Differently (They Don't Just 'Hope' For It!)

The world's highest achievers dont wake up & "hope" they're motivated to do the things they know they need to do to achieve their goals...

No - they, either consciously or unconsciously, follow certain frameworks & use certain psychological methods, that inspire them into action every single day...



On demand...

It's what allows them to do what others aren't willing (or "don't feel like" doing) & therefore achieve things other's only wish they can achieve!

When I first realized this, that's when I became obsessing with figuring out, decoding how I can do the same in my life... & I did :-)

What really enables me to create the results I've created so far in my life was learning to go from "hoping" for motivation to show up when I need it, to knowing exactly what I had to do to activate motivation on demand (just like the world's highest achievers do it!)...

And the same applies to the results I've been able to help my amazing clients as well - it all comes down to thinking about motivation just like the world's highest achievers do it, instead of how the average individual does, "hoping"...

Now, here's the best part - the very best news I've got for you today...

I'm finally 'peeling back the curtain' & sharing EVERYTHING with you...

I'm going to share with you the motivation secrets of the world's highest achievers... & show you how to go from "hoping" for motivation to learning how to activate it on demand in your life...

I'm going to show you the universal, proven & research-backed frameworks, strategies & processes that'll help you transform your motivation & your life...

See, after all of this, I've finally decided to package up everything I've learned, & the methods & processes I've refined over the years to transform my life (& the lives of my customers & clients around the world)... & I packaged it all into a program to help you do the same!



Motivation & Self-Discipline Mastery

— Bogdan Juncewicz —

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Ignition is a mastery training program, which decodes, deconstructs & demystifies the topics of motivation & self-discipline.

The program consists of 8 modules, 45 in-depth training videos & combined 14.5 hours of world-class content, curriculum & training, meticulously crafted to teach you how to activate motivation on demand & develop monk-like self-discipline.

This top-rated program walks you through eye-opening ideas, cutting-edge insights & discoveries, transformative frameworks, as well as highly-practical & instantly-implementable steps, strategies & methods to help you:

Activate motivation on demand

Activate motivation on demand

There's a science & a formula for motivation. You'll learn how to apply this to ignite, activate & sustain high level of motivation all day long, so you can get more done & start achieving what you're truly capable of.

Eliminate procrastination & get more done

Eliminate procrastination & get more done

You'll learn the root causes of procrastination & proven steps you can take to diagnose, fix or prevent your procrastination, now & in the future... so that you stop delaying, take action & make rapid progress forward.

Easily resist temptations

Easily resist temptations

Temptations are all around us. You'll learn to not only avoid temptations, but also how to change your automatic, subconscious response to certain temptations in your life, so that resisting them becomes completely automatic & effortless...

Break bad habits easily & build new, good ones rapidly

Break bad habits easily & build new, good ones rapidly

"Change your habits, change your life." You'll learn a proven system for breaking bad habits with total ease & building new, good, empowering habits, rapidly.

Consistently make the best possible decisions

Consistently make the best possible decisions

You'll learn how to consistently make the best possible decisions in your work, career, relationships & life (instead of ones that you later go on to regret.)

Develop inner strength & monk-like self-discipline

Develop inner strength & monk-like self-discipline

You'll also learn proven steps to develop inner strength & monk-like self-discipline in your life, so that high levels of motivation as well as resisting temptations, avoiding procrastination & making the right decisions, becomes automatic for you...

Ignition is unlike any other motivation, self-discipline or personal growth program out there...

That's because it goes to the real core of what drives human motivation, demystifies this topic in a simple-to-understand & easy-to-implement way & also gives you the practical steps you need to take to think about (& work with) motivation (just like the world's highest achievers do it)...

It's going to guide you on precisely what to do (& how to do it) to activate motivation on demand, eliminate procrastination, hack your habits, make better decisions & develop monk-like self-discipline in your life!

And ultimately, it's going to support you to achieve 2X, 3X (even 5X) better results... in less time... across all the important areas of your life!

What's Included With The Ignition Program:

The first thing you're getting are the 8 core modules which walk you through the entire motivation & self-discipline curriculum, step-by-step...

Here's what you'll learn in each one...

Module 1 of 8:

The Motivation Formula

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Motivation is not some mystical, magical thing that has to elude you. It's actually a science. And there's a 'formula' for motivation that if you follow will lead to consistent, heightened & sustained levels of motivation, all day long...

Right out of the gate in module 1, I will teach you this scientifically-backed 'formula' for motivation, as well as the exact psychological switches that you can flick to switch on high levels of motivation for any goal, task, or project you want...

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​Want to create better health & fitness, improve your relationships, advance your career & improve your finances? Start here...you’ll learn exactly why mastering your motivation is critical to getting better results across all the important areas of your life… (plus: how you can get started improving your motivation in the most effective way possible!)
  • ​The 3 big reasons why motivation is not only important, but more important now than it’s ever been before... (including: how certain industries & big corporations prey on people’s lack of self-discipline & self-control to rack in record profits… & what we can do to stop playing into their hands today!)
  • ​The #1 misconception about motivation that holds people back from getting better results in their life... (note: learning this will change how you think about motivation forever!)
  • ​Skeptical that you can change & ever become a highly motivated & self-disciplined person? Don't be! ’Change is hard’ is a lie we’ve been programmed to believe but, new psychological research proves just how elastic & malleable the human brain really is. I’ll share this with you… as well as how you can begin to make remarkable changes & transformative in your own life (even if you don’t believe it’s possible for you right now!)
  • ​The #1 'mindset shift' you must make if you want to master your motivation & achieve your goals, faster... (note: making this shift will give you a greater sense of control over your results in life than you’ve ever experienced before!)
  • The 3 variables of ‘the motivation formula’ explained — You’ll learn how to ignite motivation to complete virtually any task, project, or goal in your life by practically applying the motivation formula & its psychological variables...
  • ​The 1st thing you should always do when learning anything new, pursuing any new goal, or encountering a new situation... (note: this takes less than 5 minutes, but will boost your motivation & help you follow through on what you want!)
  • ​The only 3 questions you need to ask yourself if you want more motivation to do anything... (note: learning this will crystalize your understanding of the 'motivation formula' you’ll learn in module 1 & help you implement what you get from this program into all of the important areas of your life!)

4 In-Depth Training Videos

Module 1 contains 4 high-quality training videos (MP4), which sequentially guide you through the module & program curriculum. 

1+ Hour Of World Class Content

Between the 4 in-depth training videos, module 1 contains 1+ hour of world-class content, eye-opening ideas, insights, frameworks & more.

Downloadable Audio Files (MP3)

You also get the audio files so you can listen to the training anywhere, at any time... (e.g. while you're driving, exercising or doing stuff around the house.)

Downloadable Slides (PDF)

For each training video, you can also download the entire slide desk (for easy reference of the material & better recall)

Exercises & Action Steps

Each module also includes instantly implementable exercises + action steps to help you implement & get the best possible results.

90 Page Program Workbook (PDF)

The program comes with a workbook for you to easily refer back to the material covered, as well as make notes of your own.

Module Value: $197.00

Module 2 of 8:

The Science Of Motive

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Not only is motivation a science, but all human behavior can broken down into constituent parts that can be then be modified to produce new, betterresults (in the same way everything in the entire universe can be broken down into the 118 elements in the periodic table)...

In this module, I'll teach you these underlying building blocks & mechanisms that underpin everything that you think, feel & do... before giving you 5 powerful, highly-practical strategies & processes for generating strong desire to make progress on your goals at any moment.

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​The 2 guiding forces that drive​ motivation, decisions & actions... (warning: if you don’t understand how these 2 guiding forces affect your behavior… you’re likely falling victim to them right now, without even noticing it!)
  • ​Do you ever find yourself 'avoiding' things that you logically know you should be doing (e.g. eating well, exercising, being vulnerable, committing in a relationship, working hard, saving money, etc)? I’ll explain what happens in the brain that causes this & how you can begin to flip it so that you do follow through, take action & get better results... (including: how to practically apply Dr. Jeffrey Alan’s game-changing “biopsychological theory” to take back control of your motivation!)
  • ​'Association Formation' explained — You'll learn the 5 parameters through which our brain forms connections & associations... (note: learning this eye-opening framework will help you understand why it is you do what you do… as well as help you to easily avoid making bad decisions, developing bad habits & self-sabotaging yourself in the future!)
  • Procrastination, Decoded — you’ll learn why you sometimes procrastinate, delay & postpone on important tasks, projects & goals… (including: a step-by-step guide to what you can do to eliminate procrastination & start getting more done!)
  • ​The 6 attributes that have been scientifically proven to increase your chance of procrastination… as well as how to counter-act each of these 6 attributes to skew your odds of success in your favour!
  • ​Where does motivation actually come from? I’ll walk you through the ‘3 Parts Of The Brain’ framework & explain exactly where motivation comes from in your brain... (note: I wished I had learned this in school, but this isn’t something that the education system, or mainstream media is ever going to share with you!)
  • ​Logic vs Emotion — you may have heard that the key to self-discipline & achieving success is to only listen to the logical part of your brain & ignore any emotional impulses that you may have… but this advice is only half-true! In reality, your emotions can quickly become your best friend when achieving your goals, but only if you understand the ‘2 Models of Motivation’ framework that I’ll share with you in this 2nd module…
  • ​The '1-Page Motivation Worksheet' — I created a simple, but powerful 1-page worksheet that’ll help you to practically apply a lot of the ideas from this module, in a quick, easy & fun way. I’ll give you access to this worksheet as part of this module...
  • Willpower Made Simple — You’ll learn exactly how your willpower works, how it’s drained during the day, how to regenerate it, the ‘decision fatigue’ theory & best practices that you can implement into your own life, almost instantly, to use your willpower optimally! (just like the world’s highest achievers do it!)
  • ​Sleep & Motivation — we all know sleep is important, but how does it affect our motivation? I’ll share with you 2 eye-opening research studies that’ll change how you think about your sleep (as well as motivation) forever!
  • A stupidly-simple 'brain hack' that you can use to stop delaying & take immediate action on your goals, even if you "don’t feel like it"... (note: almost nobody is using this brain hack, even though it takes just seconds to implement & immediately get you into action!)
  • The 'Brains Universal Language' strategy — you’ll learn how to rapidly change how your brain encodes incoming information so that avoiding bad choices & making good ones becomes not just easy, but automatic... (note: this is the basis of what makes methods such as NLP, Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis so effective!)
  • ​How to connect with a future result that you want more strongly, deeply & intensely so that your brain is automatically drawn towards it... (including: a powerful visualization that you can use to do this, for any goal that you have, in just 10 minutes!)
  • ​Have you ever heard the expression "the straw that broke the camel's back?" Well, I’ll show you exactly how to use the mechanism behind​ this, known as 'Threshold Patterns'... to make permanent & lasting changes in your life!
  • ​A complete breakdown of exactly how I help customers & clients change limiting, break lifelong bad habits & overcome virtual kinds of addictions in as little as 90 minutes, on a single coaching call... (note: a magician is meant to never reveal his tricks, but I'm going to do just that... not only do I give you the exact processes I use, but I’ll also explain exactly precisely why they work so well, letting you in behind the curtain!)
  • ​You'll also learn exactly when to apply each of the 5 game-changing motivation strategies you’ll learn in this module, for optimal results... (note: learning these strategies & knowing exactly when to apply them is the key to activating motivation on demand, eliminating procrastination, hacking your brain, getting more done & achieving your goals faster!)

9 In-Depth Training Videos

Module 2 contains 9 high-quality training videos (MP4), which sequentially guide you through the module & program curriculum. 

3+ Hours Of World Class Content

Between the 9 in-depth training videos, module 2 contains 3+ hours of world-class content, eye-opening ideas, insights, frameworks & more.

Downloadable Audio Files (MP3)

You also get the audio files so you can listen to the training anywhere, at any time... (e.g. while you're driving, exercising or doing stuff around the house.)

Downloadable Slides (PDF)

For each training video, you can also download the entire slide desk (for easy reference of the material & better recall)

Exercises & Action Steps

Each module also includes instantly implementable exercises + action steps to help you implement & get the best possible results.

90 Page Program Workbook (PDF)

The program comes with a workbook for you to easily refer back to the material covered, as well as make notes of your own.

Module Value: $197.00

Module 3 of 8:

Hacking Belief

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Belief is strongly linked with motivation... it doesn’t matter how much you want something, if you don’t believe that you can do what's required to make it happen, you're not going to be motivated to even start.

The good news is that belief can be 'hacked'... by you.

That's right, you can raise your level of self-belief (as a result, boost your motivation)... by applying the proven 'belief hacking' strategies that I'll reveal to you in this module.

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • The research-backed link between belief & motivation... & how you can build up your belief so that you are automatically more motivated to act... (including: jaw-dropping scientific breakthroughs which demonstrate the power of belief & its impact on your success or failure in life!)
  • ​Why do the rich get richer & the poor get poorer? It all comes back to the 3 parts of the 'momentum cycle'... (important: once you learn this framework, you’ll know exactly how you to 'hack' it… so you can get out of ruts / plateau’s quickly, get 'unstuck' & get into positive, forward momentum, whenever you’d like!)
  • ​'Belief Hacking' explained — You’ll learn the structure of belief & how our brain forms a strong sense of belief / doubt… (plus: the '7 building blocks of belief' you can use to hack this mechanism & generate an unshakeable sense of self-belief & self-confidence in a controllable & predictable way!)
  • ​How to strategically remove any limiting beliefs you may have, holding you back from greater success in your life. I’ll give you a powerful & highly-practical strategy you can use to do this…
  • ​The eye-opening '3 Categories Of Conditioning' framework, which explains why we do what we do & the exact things you can begin to shift to change your results rapidly!... (this is must-know information for anyone on the journey of personal growth, self-help & success!)
  • Environment Design — You'll learn how to design an optimal environment around you that sets you up for maximum motivation, high performance & greater results across all the important areas of life!
  • ​The breakthrough 2007 study which reveals just how things like smoking, obesity & even unhappiness spread amongst friends & to what extent​ the people you spend time affect your life choices... (based on the data from one of the largest & longest-running health studies ever conducted!)
  • ​How to change your 'role models' so you're subconsciously motivated towards different kinds of decisions, actions & results in your life... (note: doing this changed my own life in the most amazing ways & it can do the same for you too!)
  • ​How to psychologically 'trick your brain' into staying motivated & focused on anything for much longer... by using this 1 stupidly-simple 'environment hack!'
  • ​The Progress-Motivation Cycle, explained — I’ll deconstruct the link between progress & motivation, as well as show you how you can hack this to multiply the motivational effect that the initial progress you make has on your ability to stay motivated over the long term & absolutely crush your goals!
  • ​A complete walkthrough of my 'Belief Hacking Process' & how to use it to create unshakeable belief that you can overcome some challenge, or achieve some goal, in your life... in less than 30 minutes!

6 In-Depth Training Videos

Module 3 contains 6 high-quality training videos (MP4), which sequentially guide you through the module & program curriculum.

2+ Hours Of World Class Content

Between the 6 in-depth training videos, module 3 contains 2+ hours of world-class content, eye-opening ideas, insights, frameworks & more.

Downloadable Audio Files (MP3)

You also get the audio files so you can listen to the training anywhere, at any time... (e.g. while you're driving, exercising or doing stuff around the house.)

Downloadable Slides (PDF)

For each training video, you can also download the entire slide desk (for easy reference of the material & better recall)

Exercises & Action Steps

Each module also includes instantly implementable exercises + action steps to help you implement & get the best possible results.

90 Page Program Workbook (PDF)

The program comes with a workbook for you to easily refer back to the material covered, as well as make notes of your own.

Module Value: $197.00

Module 4 of 8:

Comparative Importance

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What's the easiest way to replace negative thinking, disempowering emotional states, bad habits & self-sabotaging behavioural patterns, with empowering thoughts, feelings, decisions & actions?

The answer is a psychological phenomenon I call 'Comparative Importance', which is what you'll learn how to apply in this module of the program...

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​The 2 biological & 6 psychological needs that we all, as human beings, share... & how they affect our motivation & behavior... (plus: I’ll show you how you can connect any task, project, or goal you have, to these core human needs, so that your motivation is triggered & unleashed rapidly!)
  • ​If we are all driven by the same needs, then why do some people get such vastly different results in life than others? Well, It all comes down to 2 differences (that make all the difference!)... I’ll share these with you in detail & reveal exactly how you can begin to make these 2 specific to transform your life in the most incredible ways...
  • ​The 2 best ways to figure out exactly what your actual, subconscious 'priorities' have been up until now... (warning: not knowing this critical information about ourselves is what, unfortunately, leads people all around the world to stay stuck & struggling in life… learning this will help you to 'know thyself' & thrive in all areas of your life!)
  • ​I’m also going to give you access to a special process I created which will help you practically identify what your actual, subconscious priorities... (that have been driving your motivation & behavior up until this point in your life)… in as little as 20 minutes!
  • ​I'm then going to teach you how anyone can begin to transform what their conscious & subconscious 'priorities' have been up until this point... so that bad decisions, bad habits & temptations begin to fall away naturally!
  • ​Ever struggled to eat right, exercise consistently & improve your health? I’ll show you exactly why this is & how you can apply everything from the first 4 modules of this program to break bad habits & transform your health & fitness forever!, develop empowering health habits, lose weight, look younger, feel better
  • ​You'll also learn how to transform not just your health, but also your love life & relationships... by applying the scientifically-backed principles, practical strategies & transformative processes from the first 4 modules of this program!
  • ​Want to make more money, advance your career & improve your finances? I’ll also show you specifically how you can apply everything from this program to do exactly this... (note: health, relationship, money or any other goal really comes down to doing the right things consistently… which is why everything you will learn in this program can be immediately applied to transform not just 1, but all of these important areas of your life!)
  • ​The '3 big dominos' motivation framework explained — there are 3 specific characteristics that you can develop within yourself, which will raise your level of motivation to do not just 1 individual thing, but all of the important things in your life simultaneously... (important: learning this is the secret to lasting motivation, which just flows through you naturally & automatically!)

4 In-Depth Training Videos

Module 4 contains 4 high-quality training videos (MP4), which sequentially guide you through the module & program curriculum.

1.5+ Hours Of World Class Content

Between the 4 in-depth training videos, module 4 contains 1.5+ hours of world-class content, eye-opening ideas, insights, frameworks & more.

Downloadable Audio Files (MP3)

You also get the audio files so you can listen to the training anywhere, at any time... (e.g. while you're driving, exercising or doing stuff around the house.)

Downloadable Slides (PDF)

For each training video, you can also download the entire slide desk (for easy reference of the material & better recall)

Exercises & Action Steps

Each module also includes instantly implementable exercises + action steps to help you implement & get the best possible results.

90 Page Program Workbook (PDF)

The program comes with a workbook for you to easily refer back to the material covered, as well as make notes of your own.

Module Value: $197.00

Module 5 of 8:

Generating Vision & Clarity

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'Without a vision, people perish.' That's why in module 5, you'll learn how to develop clarity, vision & set inspiring goals that not only give you short-term bursts of motivation, but keep your motivation high over the long-term...

If you've ever felt stuck, confused, or lost in life, the 10 clarity & goal-setting strategies & insights I’ll share with you in this module will be invaluable to you!

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​The strong correlation between clarity (knowing what you want in life) & your level of motivation... (including: eye-opening psychological research that backs this up... & inspiring examples that’ll empower you to think about clarity, vision, purpose & goals in a whole new way!)
  • ​The '3 categories of human ambition' framework — learning this will help you set complete & holistic goals across all the important areas of your life!
  • ​Why 92% of New Years Resolutions fail, 97% of diets & 70% of change initiatives in the workplace fail… & proven steps you can take to actually sustain that elevated sense of self-awareness & motivation that people experience upon setting a new goal or beginning a new year... all year long!
  • ​Most people only stop a few times a year (New Years, their birthday, times of crisis, etc) to assess their progress in life & think about making changes! You’ll learn a powerful framework for strategically increasing your 'frequency of tracking' & multiplying your success as a result...
  • Setting goals is not enough! There are actually 3 parts (as you’ll learn) to developing true 'clarity' that you can actually move forward with! (note: Most people just do step #2, but forget about step #1 & the critical step #3… are you doing all 3?)
  • 5 simple, yet powerful, 'clarity-generation strategies' you can use to consistently & predictably create new ideas, find new solutions, identify new ambitions & develop a strong sense of purpose that pulls you towards ultimate success!
  • ​Marcus Aurelius, Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain & George Lucas all used the same daily practice to better reflect on situations, introspect, gain clarity & find answers to life’s toughest questions... I'll teach you what this practice is & how you can begin using it to your advantage too!
  • ​The 5 big biological, psychological & environmental reasons that keep people dreaming small & settling for mediocrity... (plus: how to counteract each one of them, to start achieving more & unlock your true potential!)
  • ​The #1 'limiting belief' that keeps people stuck in the same struggles, failures, mistakes, problems & disappointments... never changing! (hint: this 'limiting belief' has nothing to do with how little potential someone has, but rather with one's perception of the past vs the future!) — avoid this at all costs!
  • ​Do your goals sometimes fail to motivate you over the long-term? The 'hammer & nail' motivation framework will change how you think about goal-setting forever… (note: applying this framework will help you to generate maximum motivation from any goal that you set for yourself!)
  • Truth: If you focus too much on your goals, you will never achieve them! This may sound like a bad thing. But, it’s not! It’s just all about timing... I’ll show you exactly when you should be focusing on your goals & when you should ignore your goals & focus on something else entirely…
  • ​The counter-intuitive (almost backwards) 'ambition stacking' hack... that high achievers routinely use to achieve not just a single goal, but stack success upon success to achieve rapidly more, in much less time!
  • ​We'll also cover 5 additional goal-setting insights (modelled from the world’s highest-achieving individuals) to further fine-tune your goals for maximum motivation, inspiration, progress & multiplied results!

7 In-Depth Training Videos

Module 5 contains 7 high-quality training videos (MP4), which sequentially guide you through the module & program curriculum.

1.5+ Hours Of World Class Content

Between the 7 in-depth training videos, module 5 contains 1.5+ hours of world-class content, eye-opening ideas, insights, frameworks & more.

Downloadable Audio Files (MP3)

You also get the audio files so you can listen to the training anywhere, at any time... (e.g. while you're driving, exercising or doing stuff around the house.)

Downloadable Slides (PDF)

For each training video, you can also download the entire slide desk (for easy reference of the material & better recall)

Exercises & Action Steps

Each module also includes instantly implementable exercises + action steps to help you implement & get the best possible results.

90 Page Program Workbook (PDF)

The program comes with a workbook for you to easily refer back to the material covered, as well as make notes of your own.

Module Value: $197.00

Module 6 of 8:

Cultivating Confidence

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