Brand new course eliminates the guesswork & reveals simple, proven & practical steps to...

"Tune Into Inspiration, Effortlessly Generate Brilliant Ideas & Become An Unstoppable Creative Force" you the ultimate advantage in today's fast-paced, rapidly-changing new world... boosting productivity & output... & transforming your earning potential & impact forever! 

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From The Desk Of:
Bogdan Juncewicz

Consider this:

What is the difference between those who do solid work & those who produce work — a book, song, app, poem, physical product, scientific theory, art, etc — that is extraordinary, loved & adored?

What is that separates those who make a living vs those who make a fortune (& enjoy the type of lifestyle others only dream about?)

And what's the secret of those who not just work in society... but an impact on it, leave a legacy & make the world better...?

Well, let me tell you this...

It's not luck...

But, it's not just 'skill' either...

No... it's actually a very specific attribute (that typically works together with skill & layers upon expertise). Or, what we call...

A highly skilled musician, speaker, artist, or entrepreneur/business owner, for example, can earn well...

...but a highly creative one can go on to make a fortune with their viral hits, their masterpieces & revolutionary new business ideas...

The same applies to the speaker, architect, producer, educator, etc...

A highly skilled one can do their part for society, putting out good work... but a highly creative one can change society for the better...

The great thinker, leaders & 'geniuses' throughout history understood this well... (think Socrates, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Mozart, Sigmund Freud, etc)...

More recent high achievers understand this too... (think Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, J.K. Rowling, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, etc)...

They understood that the difference between those who do solid work & those who go on to change the game (& the world!) isn't just knowledge, skill or intelligence (that's not enough!)...

You also need... creativity.

A more complete list of benefits that comes from unleashing your creativity (as proven by 6+ decades of creativity research) includes...

"How To Earn More (While Enjoying The Work You Do A Whole Lot More Too!)"

At whatever level you're at in your work or career, training up your creativity can help you get to the next level...

Specific work & career benefits of improving your creativity include:

  • ​​Better Problem Solving & Creative Solutions: Highly creative individuals bring valuable new ideas, insights & solutions wherever they go... leading to better results, as well as greater recognition & career advancement (promotions, leadership positions, pay raise)
  • Freedom & flexibility: Creative individuals also possess highly transferable skills that allow them to adapt, excel & add value in various different jobs, domains & industries... giving them greater freedom & flexibility in their work & career!
  • ​​Leadership potential:being better at fostering creativity in others too). A survey of 1500 leaders from 60 countries & 33 different industries & found the most important quality for a CEO in the 21st century is creativity.. with creative individuals making better leaders, inspiring others more easily &
  • ​​Entrepreneurial success: Given the critical role idea generation & creativity plays in the entrepreneurial process, ​​​highly creative people are also more likely to succeed when striking out on their own, becoming entrepreneurs & building their own businesses.
  • ​​Work satisfaction: Regardless if it's a job, it's self-employment (freelance) or if you're running a business, those who engage in more creative work report higher levels of work satisfaction, meaning & lower risk of burnout... (vs mundane, monotonous & repetitive tasks/work, which leads people to hate their jobs!)
  • ​​Higher income potential: For the reasons mentioned above as well as many others (e.g. passion, enjoyment & flow makes working longer hours easier, which leads to greater productivity)... highly creative individuals tend to earn more & do better in their careers than their peers.

Of course, the benefits of creativity are not just professional...

In our personal lives, creativity is a must too...

"A Healthy, Healing Way To Process Thoughts, Emotions & Hardships... For Better Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing!"

With rising rates of mental health problems (anxiety disorders, depression, suicide, etc), we all need more & better ways to manage our mental & emotional health & wellbeing...

Creativity & creative expression is proven to be one of the best ways to do this...

Irrelevant of whether this is part of your work, or something you do as a hobby / in your free time / as part of everyday life (e.g. painting, woodworking, cooking new dishes, making miniature figurines or creatively rearranging the furniture in your house, etc)...

Various forms of creative expression are shown to be therapeutic, healing & to deliver a positive boost to one's overall wellbeing...

Here are just some personal benefits of creative expression:

  • ​​In​creased Self-Awareness: Engaging in creative tasks encourages self-reflection, leading to a deeper understanding of one's own emotions, desires, goals & values... (note: if you're not sure what you want in life, being creative can help you to figure it out!)
  • Emotional Regulation & A Form Of Therapy: Creative expression offers a positive, healthy way for people to process thoughts & channel strong emotions (anger, sadness, frustration, etc) into something productive, as well as work through hardships in life... (it's no coincidence many creative geniuses throughout history experienced great hardship — not a requirement, just to be clear!)
  • ​​Resilience & Adaptability: Creative thinkers also exhibit resilience & adaptability, enabling them to navigate challenges & setbacks with a more positive outlook as well.
  • Fulfillment, Meaning & Happiness: Consistently expressing one's creativity in small or big ways leads to a greater sense of meaning, fulfillment & moments of joy in life... all contributing to overall happiness & life satisfaction.

But wait, it gets even better...

"Become The Most Confident, Interesting & Attractive Version Of Yourself..."

Given what creativity is, what it entails, how it's developed in the first place (curiosity, broad range of interests, diverse inputs, etc) as well as the unique perspective, approach, style that it generates...

Research also backs up what we intuitively know to be true...

  • ​​​Self-Esteem & Confidence:... Highly creative people are more self-confident, have higher self-esteem, a positive self-image & have a greater overall belief in themselves
  • ​​Problem-Solving Abilities: Creative people are generally better​ at problem solving, as well as calmer under pressure​​...
  • ​Interesting & Attractive: Highly creative people are also generally considered more interesting & attractive by others...

As Daniel Lieberman & Michael Long put it:

"The creative mind is the most potent force on earth. No oil well, gold mine, or thousand-acre farm can compete with the wealth-producing possibilities of a creative idea. Creativity is the brain at its best."

But unleashing your creativity is not only your brain at its best or a proven way to help you become a better version of yourself...

It can also help others too (& even the world as a whole!)...

"How To Change The World For The Better, Make A Difference & Leave A Legacy!"

Creative people are also more likely to challenge the norms, push the boundaries of what's considered possible & foster innovation...

This can lead to the following benefits:

  • ​​​​​Positive Social & Cultural Change: Highly creative people are much more likely to drive positive change, addressing societal issues through artistic & innovative approaches...
  • ​​​Innovation & Advancement: Creativity is what fuels invention, tech advancements & scientific discoveries which then drive further progress in various fields... (just think about how different the world would be if it weren't for creative people & their inventions).
  • ​​Inspiring Creativity In Others: Research also proves that creative individuals serve as inspiration for others, encouraging individuals to pursue their own passions, challenge their own limits & unleash their own creativity... (note: a persuasive reason for why parents or teachers should strive to be more creative as possible, as it'll inspire their kids or students do the same!)
  • Impact & Legacy For Years (Or Centuries!) To Come: The most creative individuals & geniuses throughout history are not just those who changed the world at the time... but also had produced intentions, theories, works of art & masterpieces that people still flock to generations later... (creativity is what creates legacy!)

It's for these reasons (& many others!) that Sir Ken Robinson — who’s Ted Talk is the most popular on the topic of creativity — concluded...

"Creativity Should Be As Important To A Child’s Education As Literacy & Numeracy!"

Unfortunately, it is not...

And, in reality, traditional education & the modern world actively neglects the components required for creativity, further destroying our ability to think creatively, come up with brilliant ideas & generate out-of-the-box solutions...

At school, for example...

We're taught to sit in near rows, be quiet, not speak up or speak out of line, memorize useless facts, to conform in every way instead of expressing ourselves...

There's the constant emphasis on getting the "right" answers & the fear of making mistakes & being "wrong"...

There's also the modern world with its constant distraction as well as an emphasis on conformity...

We're expected to be, feel & to function in a certain way (& we do!)

And that further kills our creativity as we get older...

...which is why, despite increasing education, higher rates of educational achievements (degrees, PhDs, etc), even increasing IQ scores...

The unfortunate reality is creativity rates are falling off a cliff...

That's right, as a society, we are unfortunately getting less & less creative year over year...

...with many now calling it a 'creativity crisis'...

And they are right, it absolutely is a 'crisis'...

And the reason that it is indeed a 'crisis' is that this decline in creativity is coming at the worst possible time imaginable, with the importance of creativity actually on the rise...

Put another way...

We Are Becoming Less Creative, Yet The Need For Creativity Has Never Been Higher!

The biggest reason for the increasing need & importance of creativity is the rise of automation, technology & artificial intelligence (A.I)...

In case you haven't noticed, automation & A.I has already been silently taking over jobs & replacing humans for a couple decades now...

(for example, machines replacing human labour in factories many decades ago... to the self-checkout machines that we see at supermarkets or at self-check-in counters at airports... more recently, machine-powered stores with no employees, delivery drones, etc)... now, the shift we've seen with A.I. tools (like ChatGPT) which are replacing other elements like basic design or editing, writing or formatting, marketing, outreach, support, etc.

Based on this, in their report titled "What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages", McKinsey warns that...

"75 - 375 Million Jobs Will Be Replaced By Automation & Artificial Intelligence By The Year 2030"

The question, of course, is which ones?

And how do you protect yourself from this change?

Or, not just protect yourself, but actually thrive in this new world we're entering?

The answer is again is... creativity.

Researchers have identified the common characteristics of the jobs which are considered most safe & least vulnerable (least likely to be taken over by automation or A.I)...

These 2 characteristics are:

1) Social (e.g. therapist, lawyer, teacher, tutor, social worker, etc)

2) Creative

That's right, creativity is the ultimate advantage...

That's because while A.I. may be able to handle basic tasks or even increasingly complex ones now (e.g. ChatGPT)...

...but not to produce the truly new, novel, original works of art, or science, literature, etc that humans can produce...

That's our ultimate advantage as a species...

It's what we do best...

And it's why we need to double down on this...

And we absolutely can...

The "I'm Not Creative" Lie & How Creativity Can Be Developed...

"I'm not just creative" you might have thought to yourself...

Well, here's the next piece of good news I've for you...

It doesn't matter how creative or not you were before, or are now..

Because the reality is that creativity (like almost any skill, or much like a muscle)... it can be trained, strengthened & developed over time.

This is what modern scientific research proves...

First, it proves that the heritability of creativity (how 'genetic' it is) is close to 0...

It's not like eye, hair or skin colour, height, appearance, or even other parts of personality or IQ which are passed down to use genetically...

Creativity is not like that...

Meaning that it's not 'genetic' or something you're born with...

And there is no 'creativity gene' that some have & others lack...

Secondly, modern scientific research proves that creativity can be developed over time...

You absolutely can train yourself to think more creatively (all you need to do is be willing to apply the right methods, approaches & put in the effort to do this...)

...effort which will, in turn, produce astonishing work, career, financial & life benefits (like mentioned before)...

And that's precisely what I want to help you to do...

I'm Going To Help You To Unleash Your Creativity, Starting Today...

Hey, my name's Bogdan...

And if you have not come across my work, read any of my bestselling books, or experienced any of my top-rated training programs before, I wanted to quickly introduce myself here & share how I can support you, starting now...

See, the whole trajectory of my life changed when I was 13 years old...

It's because, at age 13, I made what I, to this day, consider to be "the best decision of my life"...

The decision was to voluntarily drop out of high school...

I made this decision (together with my parents) because I already started to feel how broken the traditional education system is...

But the most important part is what came next...

See, after dropping out, I proceeded to spend the 8, 9, 10 hours that other kids were spending in school educating myself on the topics that I considered to be more important & the education system fails to teach us...

Over the next few years, I read more than 500+ books, attended hundreds of events & learned from a number of highly-successful mentors...

I've also dove deep into the fascinating research that had been conducted in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, neurobiology, performance psychology, sociology & more...

For fun, I also meticulously researched, studied & deconstructed the mindset, the habits & the daily practices of the world's highest achievers — from Olympic athletes, to CEO's, billionaire business owners, wealthy investors, extraordinary scientists, wise philosophers, world leaders & most influential historical figures...

Of course, the more I learned, the more I implemented into my life...

I become my own "guinea pig", rigorously experimenting & testing everything I could get my hands on, to optimize my own life... before, eventually, starting to share what I had learned with my early clients!

Fast Forward To Today...

Today, I'm the author of multiple bestselling books, including Skilled Success & Self Mastery (which have been ordered from & delivered to 80+ countries!)

I'm an internationally-recognized speaker & coach, having spoken on stages & platforms (live, in person, as well as online) to people all around the world...

And, perhaps most importantly, I am the founder of 'Potencia' — an online education platform that I founded as part of my mission to change education & to transform people's lives all around the world...

Our mission here at Potencia is to deliver world-class products & programs on the topics that the traditional education system, unfortunately, falls short...

And to date, we've already helped tens of thousands of customers & clients from more than 90 countries around the world, to improve their work & their life (& we are only just getting started!)

So, that's a bit about me...

But, this isn't about me... it's about you.

Specifically, it's about...

...Training Up What Is Your Ultimate Advantage In Today's World: Creativity.

Since writing my very first book many years ago now, creativity has been an active & ongoing part of my work...

And training up my own creativity is what helped me to write 5 books, create 10+ online courses, a number of 20+ hour mastery programs, 100's of newsletters & pieces of content, videos & more...

I figured out how to unlock & unleash my own creativity & it's something that has served me incredibly well since...

(in fact, without this, I wouldn't be doing anything that I do today)...

And I want to help you do this in your own life...

It's why I packaged up everything & put it into this brand new course on the topic, which eliminates all the guesswork when it comes to creativity & reveal simple, proven & practical steps to...

...train up your own creativity & unleash your full creative potential...



How To Tune Into Inspiration, Effortlessly Generate Brilliant Ideas & Become An Unstoppable Creative Force

— Bogdan Juncewicz —

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In the Creativity Unleashed  course, you will learn cutting-edge insights, transformative frameworks & game-changing understandings that'll first change how you think about creativity, how your brain operates, high performance & success forever...

You'll also learn scientifically-proven & highly-practical steps, hacks, strategies & methods that will help you to tune into inspiration & effortlessly generate brilliant, out-of-the-box, ideas... well as how to turn those ideas into creative 'masterpieces' that can help change your life (as well as the world!) for the better...

...ultimately, becoming an unstoppable creative force; more capable & confident than you've ever been before...

Here's Precisely What You'll Learn Inside Each Part Of This Course:

Part 1 of 3:

Patterns Of Creativity

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Creativity may seem like an elusive, unpredictable & uncontrollable thing... but it's not!

There are certain 'patterns' that continue to show up amongst the world's most creative geniuses (e.g. Einstein, Darwin, Picasso, Beethoven)... golden periods of innovation (Classic Athens, the Renaissance, today's Silicon Valley, etc)... the world's most game-changing inventions (the light bulb, telephone, printing press, etc)... as well as world-changing ideas (Newton's laws, Theory of Relativity, etc)...

If you do not understand these 'patterns', sure, being creative is hard... but once you do learn, know & deeply understand them — as part 1 of this course will teach you to do — creativity becomes a whole lot easier & you'll start unleashing your full creative potential!

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​​​​Want to transform your work, career, impact, as well as mental​ & emotional wellbeing? Start here... you'll learn how creativity can help you achieve all of these powerful work & life benefits (plus: first steps to get you started today!)
  • ​Creativity & A.I — how does the emergence of artificial intelligence (A.I) change the landscape of work as well as affect the importance of various attributes & skills, including creativity... (note: you'll learn how to not only thrive in​ work, but also protect yourself & set yourself up for success for decades to come!)
  • ​Creativity, Defined — to start, you'll learn what creativity really is as well as what it is not... you'll learn the myths & misconceptions, the arguments & debates, about this critical topic... & the basics you need to understand to get the most value from this course, unleashing your full creative potential!
  • The 2 contradictory modes of thinking that are central to 'creativity' & creative output, explained... (note: this is what makes creativity so valuable, as well as so hard for many to figure out... it's because they are good at either one of these, but struggle to combine them together... you'll learn how to do this!)
  • ​You'll also learn the 2 key brain regions that underpin these modes of thinking, which normally oppose one another, but​ actually work together in 'creativity'...
  • ​The structural difference in the brains of highly creative people & why this change is *not* the result of fixed genetics, but rather the result of behavior changes over time... (including: a number of fascinating studies — like the shocking London Taxi driver study — which proves how elastic/malleable your brain is & how you can use this to rewire your brain for maximum creativity!)
  • ​You'll learn also how more basic elements & components combine together to form new combinations... & a new way of thinking which can help you get creatively 'unstuck' & start generating brilliant new ideas!
  • ​Is it possible for 2 people to have the same idea or insight & produce the same innovation *without* knowing about each other's work? Yes, it is! (& this is what happens a lot actually!)... Except, it's not luck, serendipity, or coincidence... it's because of how the creative process actually works... (a.k.a. the 'adjacent possible framework')
  • The #1 thing that acts like oxygen for creativity (without it creativity, originality & inventiveness fall off a cliff!)... But don't worry, as you'll learn many ways to ensure that always have plenty of this essential creativity resource... so your creativity flourishes!
  • ​Just like 'talent hotspots' (extraordinary ability) & blue zones (health/longevity), there are also specific geographic locations in the world now & throughout history where creativity soars (e.g. Classic Athens, Florence during the Renaissance, modern day Silicon Valley). You will learn the creativity secrets of these places & how to apply them to transform your own creative output...
  • ​The #1 personality trait best correlated with creativity & how to develop it... (note: yes, you can train it up because personality is not permanent & can be transformed through conscious choice, as we'll also cover...)
  • ​What did amazing writers, novelists & poets throughout history like Ernest Hemingway, Maya Angelou & Mark Twain do differently to channel such authenticity, originality, storytelling, creativity & inspiration in their writing? You'll learn the 1 common secret to their creative writing & how to apply it yourself (note: this advice can​ be applied to any creative work, not just writing!)
  • More expertise = more creativity? Wrong! While there is a baseline level of knowledge, skill & intelligence that's required for high levels of creativity, more expertise doesn't necessarily need more creative output. In fact, research suggests that too much specific expertise can actually block you from being optimally creative... You'll learn how to navigate this to ensure you're positioned for the best possible results in your work & life!
  • ​What did everyone from Aristotle or Archidemes in ancient Greece, to Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Verrocchio, or Botticelli during the Renaissance, the founding fathers of the US like Thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin, to even some of the most individual people of our time like Steve Jobs or Elon Musk... what did they all have in common? Well, they were all X___X___X — You'll learn what this 'creativity secret', the specific advantages it comes with & how to become this type of person in your own life...
  • Specialists vs Generalists vs Polymaths — You'll discover the advantages & disadvantages of various skill models, as well as which is optimal for creativity... (note: 15 out of 20 of the most significant scientists in all of human history fell into 1 of these 3 skill models so you want to make sure you pick the right one!)
  • Kind vs Wicked Environments, Explained — you'll also learn this distinction critical to deciding what you should learn, which skills you should develop & how you should invest your time for maximum success... (note: most people fail to consider this, leading to poor/mediocre results!)
  • ​Is having "too many interests" a bad thing? You'll learn the nuance to the advice of 'stay focused' or 'don't be distracted' & what the best approach is at each stage of the creative process... (advanced​ distinctions few people know!)
  • ​ The theory from evolutionary biology which — together with the adjacent possible' framework — perfectly explains how most creativity & innovation happens... (including: walkthroughs of how Steve Jobs, James Dyson & even NASA have consciously used this surprisingly-simple approach to tune into inspiration, defy the norms & produce creative breakthroughs!)
  • ​Why traditional 'brainstorming' doesn't work & the approach you should follow instead proven to generate up to 2x as many​ ideas in the same amount of time!
  • Another critical factor for creative achievement is ________. You'll learn how to apply this to be more creative... (just like so many of the world's most creative geniuses including Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie, Charles Darwin, Alexander Graham Bell, Mozart, Beethoven, Virginia Woolf, Marcel Proust, etc.)
  • ​A stupidly-simple, highly unorthodox 'hack' for reducing distraction, boosting productivity & enhancing creative output...
  • ​The simple fitness principle which helps explain the poor attention spans as well as declining creativity rates... (note: I'll also teach you how to use this same approach to reverse the cycle & rewire your brain for brilliant ideas & astonishing creative output!)
  • ​Book Writing Case Study — I share the story of how I wrote 2 of my 200+ page books in just 6 days & 4.5 days respectively, as well as created many courses, programs, keynotes & more... (including: the ​creativity secrets I deployed in my own life to achieve this level of creative output & how you can too...)
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Training Video

You get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that will guide you through part 1 of this course.

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Audio Files

You get access to the audio files... which  you can download & listen to anywhere, at any time.

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Slides + Exercises

You'll also access to the slides - for easy reference & better recall - as well as the actionable exercises.

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Lastly, you get the course workbook to take notes, refer back to - boosting implementation.

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Training Video

You get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that will guide you through part 1 of this course.

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Audio Files

You get access to the audio files... which  you can download & listen to anywhere, at any time.

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Slides + Exercises

You'll also access to the slides - for easy reference & better recall - as well as the actionable exercises.

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Lastly, you get the course workbook to take notes, refer back to - boosting implementation.

Value: $97.00

Which leads us to...

Part 2 of 3:

Insights, Aha Moments & Brilliant Ideas

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Everyone has a good idea once in a while... but others are full of them, effortlessly generating an endless stream of brilliant new ideas, insights & solutions that wow others. What are the secrets of these people? What do they do differently?

In part 2, we dive deep into the science of insight, as well as how your brain organizes information, mood & emotion, environment & other things that affect your brain's ability to connect things together to generate new ideas...

You'll learn proven, time-tested & scientifically-validated tips, tricks hacks, methods, strategies & protocols that you can start implementing into your life immediately to generate brilliant ideas with ease (even if you don't think you're particularly insightful!)

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​​​​​The 2 different (opposing) paths that your brain can take to generate a new idea, breakthrough & creative output. You'll learn what they are, the advantages of each approach & how to easily shift between them for the best results...
  • ​Associations, explained — You'll learn precisely how your brain stores/links information together, close vs far associations & how this is the basis of all creativity... (including: how to more actively play with this largely subconscious process to generate more creative insights almost at will!)
  • ​You'll also learn the 2 primary things that affect associations, information recall & therefore how creative the connections you make & ideas that you generate will be... (note: this in one of the biggest secrets to becoming a highly insightful & creative person, consistently generating brilliant ideas with ease!)
  • ​Mood & Associations — We'll explore how your mood, energy & emotional state affect your brain, associations & by extension, how likely you are to generate certain types of thoughts, ideas & solutions... (note: failing to recognize this is one of the reasons people, as well as entire companies, get creatively stuck & can't find a way out!)
  • ​I'll also teach you 5 simple, yet highly-effective & timeless mood-boosting practices that you can use to feel better, boost mental health & as a result, optimally prepare your mind for creative insight...
  • ​-3000+ scientific studies show that this 1 practice leads to better focus & concentration as well. You'll not only learn what it is, but also how to build it into your daily routine to elevate your results & wellbeing..., enhanced creativity levels, improved performance at cognitive tasksgreater emotional control & increased compassion
  • ​Alcohol, marijuana, magic mushrooms, hallucinogens, psychedelics & other highly controversial therapies, explored — While not recommended or endorsed, we will also cover some more out-of-the-box ways that could help you to get 'unstuck', alter states of consciousness & generate new creative insights (avoid or use with caution!)
  • ​Specific lifestyle changes you can make that scientific research proves to make you more creative not just in the short-term, but consistently over the long-term, for months, years, even decades into the future!
  • ​​The 3 core components that make up our 'environment', which also explains why we feel how we feel & do what we do, including how our environment affects our creativity... (note: this is must-know information for anyone on the journey of personal growth, self-help & success!)
  • ​The 'backwards law' which explains why trying too hard, working tirelessly, setting firm deadlines, or attempting to incentivize/force creativity in various ways can often backfire & paradoxically lead to lower level levels of creativity... vs a different, almost-backwards approach that is actually proven to lead to greater creativity... (note: when I first learned about this, I protested & resisted this change in mindset like crazy... but today, I know better, I use this & have never looked back!)
  • ​How to enhance your creativity without changing anything about yourself, just the environment that you're in... including, a deep dive into the specific 'environments' most conducive to ideas, insights, epiphanies, aha moments & creative breakthroughs...
  • ​What do Oprah Winfrey, Henry David Thoreau, Mark Zuckerberg, Alexander The Great & Leonardo Da Vinci have in common? They had... mentors! (plus: you'll learn valuable ideas you can use to find mentors, advisers & peer groups in your own life...)
  • ​The breakthrough 2007 study which reveals just all kinds of habits & behaviors like smoking, obesity or unhappiness spread amongst friends & to what extent the people you spend time with affect your life choices... (based on the data from one of the largest & longest-running health studies to date!)... plus: how the 3 groups of people you can spend time proven to stimulate your creativity...
  • ​You'll also learn the 1 group of people who will actually lower your creativity if you spend too much time with them & only them... (based on the most cited studies in all of sociology, as well as countless others which have been done since confirming this strange phenomenon!)
  • How gazing into the distance, the 'cathedral effect' & 'creative messes' can positively affect your ability to generate creative ideas... (plus: as other specific ways that you can alter your physical environment to boost creativity automatically without doing anything else!)
  • ​'Environment Design' — You'll also learn how to use the information in this course to design your own empowering 'environments' that are optimized not just to look good, but to be effective at helping you feel how you want to feel & be the very best version of yourself (including heightened levels of creativity!)
  • ​Linear vs Sublinear vs Superlinear Scaling, Explained... as well as how this applies to the growth/concentration of society... (including: the #1 type of meta-environment proven to automatically boost people's environment without changing anything else!)
  • ​You'll also learn how to apply another meta-environment to give yourself a well-documented 50% boost in insightfulness & creativity with ease...
  • The power of 'third places', explained (which is where Sigmund Freud, Ernest Hemingway, Johann Sebastian Bach, Benjamin Franklin & Voltaire, J.K. Rowling did much of their best work!) & you can apply this into your daily routine too, to unleash even more creativity!
  • ​Charles Dickens, Steve Jobs, Mark Twain, Beethoven, Tesla, Einstein, Aristotle & Virginia Wolf — they all used another specific type of environment to inspire their creativity & you can too. You'll learn what it is & the simplest ways to take advantage of it...
  • ​The most stupidly-simple hack you will ever come across that produces many physical, mental & emotional health benefits in addition to doubling your creativity... (note: benefits of this practice start at as little as 5 - 16 minutes!)
  • ​The history of creativity tests, NASA's creativity experiments, George Land's game-changing work revealing the real cause of creative decline & the famous 'brick test' for testing creativity, explored...​
  • The #1 reason why we get creatively 'stuck' sometimes & how to get unstuck, fast... (note: given the creative nature of my work, this has been an absolute game-changer for me & I know it'll be for you too!)
  • ​The 'mental model' that Elon Musk used to start SpaceX & disrupt the entire aerospace industry... (plus: how you can apply it to a wide array of life's decisions to not just boost creativity, but also optimize decision-making & give yourself the ultimate competitive advantage in life!)
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Training Video

You get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that will guide you through part 1 of this course.

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Audio Files

You get access to the audio files... which  you can download & listen to anywhere, at any time.

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Slides + Exercises

You'll also access to the slides - for easy reference & better recall - as well as the actionable exercises.

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Lastly, you get the course workbook to take notes, refer back to - boosting implementation.

Value: $97.00

Which leads us to...

Part 3 of 3:

Masterpiece Engineering

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You're only ever 1 big 'hit' (or 'masterpiece') — *be it a hit book, timeless piece of art, hit song, a revolutionary new app, or business idea* — away from a completely different career, life, wealth, fame, influence, everything...

The question is how do you create that brilliant piece of work (a.k.a. 'masterpiece?')

With millions of books, songs, articles, apps, etc published every year & most failing to gain traction, how do you make sure that your one is different? What can you do to 'engineer' the masterpiece, greatly skewing your odds of success in your favour?

Well, in part 3 of this course, we'll bring everything together & help you not just generate brilliant ideas but also implement them & turn them into life-transforming end products that change lives for the better...

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • ​​​The main reason why creativity declines with age, explored... as well as the 2 additional reasons thatcause creativity to decline even faster / more drastically (kinda like aging)... (plus: how to prevent, even reserve, this decline, in your life!)
  • ​Shocking truths about the impact of the traditional education system, as well as the modern world (including the culture of constant simultaneous, on-demand entertainment, mass distraction, etc) have on creativity... (including: how to better navigate today's world for higher levels of creativity!)
  • ​The importance of 'daydreaming' to the creative process... as well as highly practical, actionable advice on how to induce states of daydreaming, reflection & creative inspiration virtually on demand!
  • ​The specific psychological reason why showers are so conductive to creative ideas, insights & epiphanies... (with 72% of people around the world reporting to have an idea in the shower; more than at your desk!)... as well as some unorthodox ways highly creative people have used these underlying reasons to stimulate greater creative output in their life & how you can too!
  • ​Have you ever stopped working on some creative challenge, only to have the solution pop into your head as you're taking a break? This is called 'incubation' & there are a number of best practices for using this to have even more of these ideas, insights & solutions pop into your mind easily & effortlessly all the time!
  • ​The value of hobbies to not just mental health, emotional wellbeing, but also your creativity... (including: the best types of hobbies for unleashing creativity!)
  • ​The highly counterintuitive, almost backwards, 'motivation & creativity hack' a Nobel laureate (Gabriel García Márquez), one of the greatest writers of all time (Ernest Hemingway) as well as a number of other highly creative people used to spark & sustain creativity, productivity & success... & how you can do so too!
  • ​Many of the most creative insights (e.g. the Beatles hit song "Yesterday", the riff to "Satisfaction" came to their creators in their dreams, as did many other creative ideas... We'll explore sleep, dreams & how you can also use this to boost creativity!
  • ​The highly-underestimated role that 'boredom' plays in the creative process (as modern research now proves)... & how to use boredom to fuel your creativity... (note: most people don't understand this, but once you do, it'll be a real game-changing for you!)
  • You'll also learn the '4 categories of entertainment' framework... (including: the 2 categories that lead to heightened creativity, as well as the 2 that absolutely kill creativity & you'll want to avoid at all costs!)
  • ​The few benefits of social media which can actually improve creativity, as well as the large number of harmful effects which squash creativity... (plus: how to better navigate ​this to achieve high levels of creativity without going crazy!)
  • The 'masterpiece engineering' framework, explained... including the 4 phases of the creative process & 4 proven ways to skew your odds of creating a 'hit' or 'masterpiece' in your favour!
  • ​The #1 insight that frees you of 'perfectionism', procrastination, feelings of disappointment, or the desire to quit during the creative process... & helps you to thrive creatively instead!
  • ​Quantity vs Quality — Too often, we assume that the key is to focus on 'quality' alone. But, this is *not* the case... as you’ll learn, 'quantity' & 'quality' of work are actually closely-linked & there’s a specific way in which you need to apply these 2 components together to produce, create & achieve what you truly work in your career, business, work & life...
  • ​You'll also learn how the world's most creative individuals use 'Meticulous Selection' & 'Aggressive Editing' to not just have creative ideas, but to produce creative masterpieces... & how you can do the same to engineer your own!
  • ​Summary + Implementation — A summary of everything we covered & how to apply it to unleash​ creativity, easily generate brilliant ideas, consistently churn out genius work that wows others, as well as use your new, heightened levels of creativity to transform all the important areas of your life for the better!
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Training Video

You get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that will guide you through part 1 of this course.

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Audio Files

You get access to the audio files... which  you can download & listen to anywhere, at any time.

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Slides + Exercises

You'll also access to the slides - for easy reference & better recall - as well as the actionable exercises.

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Lastly, you get the course workbook to take notes, refer back to - boosting implementation.

Value: $97.00

But That's Not All...

You're also getting access to a number of very special bonuses that'll further elevate your Creativity Unleashed course experience!


Bonus 1:

'Flow State Secrets' Training

If you're not familiar with the term, 'flow' (or the 'flow state')... it's basically a state of mind in which people feel & perform are at their best, unleashing their full potential!

In this bonus training, I'll show you how to tune into this powerful state, tuning into a large number of creative & others benefits, including...

  • ​​​500% increase in overall productivity (McKinsey study)
  • ​​​​​490% boost in learning speed & skill acquisition (Advanced Brain Monitoring)
  • ​​​​​​430% increase in 'creative problem solving' (University of Sydney)
  • ​​​​​Up to 3 days of heightened creativity (Harvard University study)

Bonus Value: $67.00

Bonus 2:

'Skill Development Strategies'

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While skill, intelligence, expertise & creativity are far from perfectly correlated (as in, more skill doesn't mean you'll have more creative breakthroughs), there is a baseline level of skill, competence & understanding you need to develop first in order to be creative within a specific field, topic or industry.

(e.g. you need to understand music, notes, lyrics, how to play instruments, etc to then be able to produce creative music... or understand physics to have brilliant world-changing insights about it).

In this special bonus training, 'Skill Development Strategies', you will learn 5 of the best (& my all-time favourite!) accelerated learning & rapid skill acquisition strategies you start to apply instantly to learn faster, develop skills rapidly & become extraordinary!

Bonus Value: $67.00

Bonus 3:

High Achiever Daily Habits

You'll learn the specific habits & practices (based on the world's highest achievers & validated by thousands of scientific studies) which you can build into your daily life to improve your mood, thereby boosting your creativity & insightfulness, as well delivering you a huge number of other benefits, including...

  • ​​Boosting mental sharpness & cognitive performance...
  • ​​Raising energy levels, focus & alertness...
  • ​​Heightening overall productivity & effectiveness...
  • ​​Improving self-compassion & self-confidence...
  • ​​Increasing willpower & self-control...
  • ​​Elevate mental health & emotional wellbeing...

Bonus Value: $97.00

Bonus 4:

360° Journal

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One of the most powerful practices we can ever build for mental health, deep reflection & creativity is... journalling.

(throughout history, journalling was a habit that so many of the world's highest-achieving as well as most creative individuals used, including Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Benjamin Franklin, Marie Curie, Mark Twain, Marcus Aurelius & many others!)

The problem: when we journal on the same questions or prompts every day (like most journals encourage) every single day, our brain starts to disengage with the process & it loses it's effect. Variety is important.

That's why, I created the 360° Journal, which is a new kind of journalling tool in which a diverse collection of 180 of the best, most powerful & thought-provoking journal questions... put together in a 90-day structure to help you to strategically elevate your thinking, reflection, creativity, consciousness & results in all areas of your life!

Bonus Value: $27.00

Bonus 5:

Facebook Community

Sometimes, personal growth & self-discovery can feel like a lonely journey! This will not be the case with the Creativity Unleashed training course...

Not only do you get access to me, but you also get access to a community of members also going through this course at the same time as well!

You get access to a Facebook Community Group, where you can also ask questions, engage with others & share your progress!

Bonus Value: Priceless

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In Summary, Here's Everything That You're Getting Today...

Core Course Curriculum

  • ​Part 1: Patterns Of Creativity
  • ​Part 2:​ ​Insights, Aha Moments & Brilliant Ideas
  • ​Part 3: Masterpiece Engineering

$97 Value

$97 Value

$97 Value

  • ​Part 1: Patterns Of Creativity ($97 Value)
  • ​Part 2:​ ​​Insights, ​Aha Moments​ & Brilliant Ideas ($97 Value)
  • ​Module 3: Masterpiece Engineering ($97 Value)

Special Bonuses

  • ​​Bonus 1: 'Flow State' Training ($67 Value)
  • ​​Bonus 2:​ 'Skill Development Strategies' ($47 Value)
  • ​​Bonus 3: High Achiever Daily Habits ($97 Value)
  • ​Bonus 4: 360° Journal ($27 Value)
  • ​Bonus 5​: FB Community Group​ (Priceless)
  • ​​Bonus 1: 'Flow State' Training
  • ​​Bonus 2: 'Skill Development Strategies'
  • ​​Bonus 3: High Achiever Daily Habits
  • ​​Bonus 4: 360° Journal
  • ​​Bonus 5: FB Community Group

$67 Value

$67 Value

$97 Value

$27 Value


Combined Value:


This Is Highly Valuable Stuff

Think about it... if you could learn how to tune into inspiration, start effortlessly generating brilliant ideas & become an unstoppable creative force in your work & life... what would that be worth to you?

Over the course of a week, month, year... or a lifetime?

Probably a lot more than $549, right?

Clients have paid me multiples of this amount to have me coach them through this material & help them in this way...

But, my goal now is to make this life-changing information accessible to as many people as possible...

Which is why, I'm not going to be charging you $549 (or anywhere near that) for this training course...

In fact, your investment if you want the 'Creativity Unleashed' course, won't even be a tenth of this...

Today, you can get everything listed above at a massive discount of...

95% Discount

If you decide to invest in yourself... in your future... in this 3-part online video training course, you get everything at a massive 95% discount...

Total Value: $549

Just $27

That's about the price of a few Starbucks Frappuccino's, or a lunch at mid-priced restaurant...

Except here, you're getting access to a whole lot more...

You're getting what you need to unleash your creativity, generate brilliant ideas with ease & become an unstoppable creative force...

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Here's Everything That You're Getting For Just $27 Today...

Core Course Curriculum

  • ​​​Part 1: Patterns Of Creativity
  • ​​Part 2:​ ​Insights, Aha Moments & Brilliant Ideas
  • ​​Part 3: Masterpiece Engineering

$97 Value

$97 Value

$97 Value

  • ​Part 1: Patterns Of Creativity ($97 Value)
  • ​Part 2:​ ​​Insights, ​Aha's​ & Brilliant Ideas ($97 Value)
  • ​Module 3: Masterpiece Engineering ($97 Value)

Special Bonuses

  • ​​Bonus 1: 'Flow State' Training ($67 Value)
  • ​​Bonus 2:​ ​'Skill Development Strategies' ($67 Value)
  • ​​Bonus 3: High Achiever Daily Habits ($67 Value)
  • ​Bonus 4: 360° Journal ($27 Value)
  • ​Bonus 5​: FB Community Group​ (Priceless)
  • ​B​onus 1: 'Flow State' Training
  • ​​​Bonus 2: 'Skill Development Strategies'
  • ​​​Bonus 3: High Achiever Daily Habits
  • ​​​Bonus 4: 360° Journal
  • ​​​Bonus 5: FB Community Group

$67 Value

$67 Value

$97 Value

$27 Value


Total Value: $549.00

Just $27

Your Success Is Our Top Priority!

It may sounds cliche, but it's real for me...

I've seen too many courses out that are marketed well & promise you the world, but are put together poorly & fail to deliver results...

Or, the customer is left to figure things out on their own without the accountability, community, support that makes success possible...

Which is why, at Potencia, we do everything we possibly can to ensure that the programs we put out are of the highest possible standard & include everything you need to create the changes, transformations & results you desire in your life.

Here's how simple it is to get started...

Step 1: Place your order today

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Step 2: Receive your login details

Step 3: Log in & begin the program

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The whole process takes less than 5 minutes!

This means, just a few minutes from now, you could already be starting the 'Creativity Unleashed' training...

Then, on top of this, you also get access to the processes & implementation worksheets, additional bonuses... & a community to support you as well!

Your order is also...

Completely Guaranteed

In fact, here's the rock-solid guarantee which comes with this course...

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Backed By Our Extended 30 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

If you get this new 'Creativity Unleashed' training course & you don't consider it one of the best trainings on this topic you've ever come across, we'll refund your order 100% & let you keep the course, just as a thank you for trusting me & testing it out!

In essence, you have 60 days to test-drive 'Creativity Unleashed' & if after those 60 days, you don't see tremendous value from it, just contact us & we'll refund your order 100%.

Lifetime Access

When you get the Creativity Unleashed course today, you get access to it for life. It's yours to keep & you can go through it as many times as you wish. 

Free Upgrades

Today, you're ordering version 1.0 of Creativity Unleashed course. If this program gets updated in future, you'll get access to the upgrade for free.

Price Guarantee

This is the lowest price that this version of Creativity Unleashed course has been offered at & it's the lowest price it will ever be offered for in future as well.

Oh, if you're wondering...

"What's the catch?"

There is none...

There is no subscription that bills your card every single month...

This is not something that is here today, but gone tomorrow...

And it's definitely not some program that promises you the world, only to disappoint you later on... ("get rich quick", "manifest your dreams while sitting around the house in your sweatpants")...

Just world-class, no-fluff, no-BS habits training (including: practical processes, methods & strategies) to help you transform your life forever...

If anything, the only "catch" is this...

You Must Act Now

I'm not going to offend your intelligence & tell you that there are a "limited number of spots" available in the course...

There are not... (it's a digital course, duh!)

And this course is *not* going away anytime soon either... it's going to be available for many, many years to come...

The only thing that might change is the price you'll need to invest to get in...

As I said... this is the biggest discount & the lowest price this course has ever been offered for (as well as the lowest price will ever be offered for)...

Put another way, there is only one way the price can go... & that's up!

So, don't wait around...

You have an opportunity to lock in the biggest discount & lowest price this course has ever been offered for (& will ever be offered for!) right now...

Why wait?

Why risk returning to this page later & start kicking yourself for not having locked in this massive 95% special discount when you had the chance...

Lock in your discount today...

Thank you for taking the time to read this page...

And I look forward to hearing about the incredible results this course will help you to achieve in your life...

Bogdan Juncewicz

Meet Your Course Instructor:

Bogdan Juncewicz

Bestselling Author. International Speaker. Founder & CEO of Potencia. Voluntary High School Dropout.

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At the age of 13, Bogdan made what he considers to be "the best decision of his life", which was to voluntarily drop out of high school (because he believes the traditional education system is broken).

Today, he is a bestselling author having written 5 books, which have been ordered from & delivered to 90+ countries worldwide... (including the international bestsellers,
'Skilled Success' & 'Self Mastery', often referred to as "life-changing" & a "must-read".)

He is also an international speaker — having given motivational talks across multiple continents — prolific course creator & high performance coach.

Over the years, he's coached clients from many different walks of life to break bad habits & addictions (e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs, etc), overcome various fears, phobias & trauma's, shatter limiting beliefs... as well as set better goals, eliminate procrastination, boost self-discipline & maximize productivity!

His work has been featured in various publications & more than 100,000 have come across his work in recent years. More than 10,000 customers have bought, read or gone through one of this bestselling books, top-rated online courses or mastery training programs. And 28,000+ people receive this educational newsletters & other forms of content.

His most important role though is as the founder & CEO of the education platform & company,
Potencia (which he founded with the mission of changing education & transforming even more lives around the world in new ways — already serving tens of thousands of members spanning 100+ countries worldwide!)

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“He's A Genius!”


Bestselling Author & Holistic Health Coach

“Bogdan's Guidance Will Be Invaluable to Helping You Reach Your End Goal”


Australia's #1 Stress Coach

“Bogdan's Knowledge Combined With His Fantastic Ability To Explain Everything Simply... Will Leave Anyone Achieving Their Greatness.”


99.90th Percentile Student & Creator: ExamReadyTutoring

“Bogdan's Honest, Sincere Uncomplicated Manner Is A Breath Of Fresh Air. His Strategies Guided Me To Come Up With A System That Works For Me.”


TV Producer & Founder: Sunflower Productions

What Others Say About Bogdan's Work

"I don't drink alcohol anymore!"

I had the fortune of using your processes for my alcohol addiction. Many months have gone by & I don't drink alcohol anymore! The process works!

Grzegorz Woźniak

Warsaw, Poland

"Highly recommend"

With Bogdan's system, I got rid of my bad habits. I used it & it's super effective. I highly recommend it.

Jolanta Lindkvist

50 years of biting my fingernails, gone!


Consultant & Branding Expert

Sydney, Australia

"2 years have gone by & the change has stuck"

I would often snack very late at night (sometimes, even in the middle of the night). After using Bogdan's methods, I no longer have this bad habit. 2 years have gone by & the change has stuck. I am grateful to him for freeing me from this habit.

Krzysztof Suski

Business Owner


I have used Bogdan's incredibly-effective techniques on myself & with clients to successfully eliminate self-destructive habits & have gone on to teach his information to hundreds of people on how to implement life-changing healthy habits into ones life

Tom Broadwell

Author, Speaker, Health Coach


"Thanks to you Bogdan, I don't smoke anymore"


Thank you so much for being a great teacher. You teach not only the common material but the most research and most useful to human kind

Oromwatt Francis

Bogdan does such an incredible job of taking you on a journey from recognizing your true potential to mastering the transformation needed for you to become the best version of you possible. I highly recommend Bogdan & his work

Gary Moon


Washington, USA

What Others Say About Bogdan's Work

"I don't drink alcohol anymore!"

I had the fortune of using your processes for my alcohol addiction. Many months have gone by & I don't drink alcohol anymore! The process works!

Grzegorz Woźniak

Warsaw, Poland

"Highly recommend"

With Bogdan's system, I got rid of my bad habits. I used it & it's super effective. I highly recommend it.

Jolanta Lindkvist

50 years of biting my fingernails, gone!


Consultant & Branding Expert

Sydney, Australia

"2 years have gone by & the change has stuck"

I would often snack very late at night (sometimes, even in the middle of the night). After using Bogdan's methods, I no longer have this bad habit. 2 years have gone by & the change has stuck. I am grateful to him for freeing me from this habit.

Krzysztof Suski

Business Owner


I have used Bogdan's incredibly-effective techniques on myself & with clients to successfully eliminate self-destructive habits & have gone on to teach his information to hundreds of people on how to implement life-changing healthy habits into ones life

Tom Broadwell

Author, Speaker, Health Coach


"Thanks to you Bogdan, I don't smoke anymore"


Thank you so much for being a great teacher. You teach not only the common material but the most research and most useful to human kind

Oromwatt Francis

Bogdan does such an incredible job of taking you on a journey from recognizing your true potential to mastering the transformation needed for you to become the best version of you possible. I highly recommend Bogdan & his work.

Gary Moon


Washington, USA

Have Any Of These Questions?

Q: What is 'Habit Hacking?'

A: 'Habit Hacking' is a breakthrough methodology, system, set of step-by-step processes, as well as highly in-depth, 3-part, video training course walking you through it all... teaching you how to bad habits easily (often, in as little as 20 minutes!) & build new, good empowering habits rapidly (up to 1300% faster!)

Q: What included in this course?

A: The 'Habit Hacking' course that you can order on this page contains 3 core parts, together making up 4+ hours of video training content:

  • Part 1: Habits, Explained. In this part, you'll learn precisely how habits work — including, how they form to begin with, the mechanisms that drive them, as well as the steps required to change them!
  • Part 2: Breaking Bad Habits. You'll learn how to break bad habits easily (& often, in less than 20 minutes!)
  • Part 3: Accelerated Habit Building. In this 3rd part, you'll learn how to build new, good, empowering habits rapidly (up to 1300% faster than before.)

On top of this, you're also getting access to a number of special bonuses:

  • ​Bonus 1: Proven Process Suite
  • ​Bonus 2: Implementation Worksheets
  • ​Bonus 3: 'Morning Power-Up' Training
  • ​Bonus 4: 'Evening Wind-Down' Training
  • ​Bonus 5: FB Community Group

Q: Who is it course for? Will it help me if I ________?

A: In short, yes...

And that's because this course is about the underlying understandings, mechanisms & strategies which can be applied to virtually anything (or anyone) in life...

So, whether you're an employee, self-employed, or you run your own business...

Whether you're 22 years old, or you're 64 years young...

Wherever in the world you're from, you live, or you work...

What we all have in common is the topic of this course: habits.

Everybody has habits.

This is universal; it's what we all share...

The problem is we often form the wrong (bad) habits which then go on to ruin our life (& when attempting to build good ones, we struggle to make the change stick!).

This course will teach you how to overcome this & learn precisely how to 'hack your habits' to start getting better results in all areas of your life!

Q: Who Is Bogdan & why should I listen to him?

A: Bogdan Juncewicz is a bestselling author, international speaker, high performance coach & the founder & CEO of Potencia...

He has spent his life (ever since he dropped out of high school at the age of 13) decoding, deconstructing & demystifying various topics related to personal growth & high performance, including how the brain & emotions work...

Over the past years, he's coached clients from many different walks of life to break bad habits & addictions (e.g. smoking, drinking, drugs, etc), overcome various fears, phobias & trauma's, shatter limiting beliefs... as well as set better goals, eliminate procrastination, boost self-discipline & maximize productivity!

He publishes his expertise in his bestselling books, top-rated online courses (like this 'Habit Hacking'' course) & mastery training programs - which 10,000+ people to date bought, read or gone through (& counting)...

Regarding quality & trust... even though we offer a completely unconditional, extended & no-questions-asked, 60 day money back guarantee for all of products & programs... our refund rate is actually a shockingly-low 2% (with the industry standard at 7% - 10%)

And the reviews we get for our products & programs (including the Habit Hacking course) are nothing short of incredible!

Q: So, what's the investment for the course?

A: Today, you can get everything listed on this page for just $519... $27!

No hidden fees. No monthly subscription. No gimmicks.

Just $27 & you get instant, digital & lifetime access to everything (including, lifetime upgrades of the course if it gets updated in future.)

Q: Are you really giving me a 94% discount?

A: Yes!

And that's because our goal is wildly different than other 'educational institutions'...

While we could make more money selling this course at a higher price point...

And even if fewer people bought it at that higher price, the numbers would still add up & it would be more profitable, personally...

At the end of the day, this approach does not align with my mission or values...

My mission is to change education & to help transform people's lives...

And not a couple of lives, but hundreds of thousands & millions of people's lives all around the world... which can only be achieved by making my products & programs as accessible as possible... (instead of catering to the elite few who can afford to pay hundreds of dollars for a course like this!)

Put simply, I want to make this eye-opening, game-changing, life-transforming material accessible to as many people as humanly possible...

This is why I'm not charging you $519 (or anywhere near that) for the course...

Instead, I'm giving you a $94% discount, bringing the price down to just $27 for everything included as part of the 'Habit Hacking' course.

Q: Should I register now... or will I get a better price in the future?

A: Rest assured, this is the biggest discount & the lowest price ($27) that this course has ever been sold for & will ever be sold for...

Put another way... by placing your order today not only do you get everything this course contains (plus all the bonuses), but you also get the satisfaction of knowing you locked in the biggest discount & lowest price for this course ever (94% off!)

Q: I'm very busy, will this work for me?

A: Yes, the course can be consumed in a few hours (over a few evenings, or a few longer commutes even, as you can listen to the audio files to start).

And the processes & strategies that you'll learn inside the course also take about 15 - 30 minutes to apply as well.

So yes, even if you're short on time, this course is created to be concise, straight-to-the-point & help you create significant changes in your life in just a few hours total.

Q: What if I change my mind? Can I get my money back?

A: Yes, of course you can! If you change your mind, or you don't believe the course to be as good as it's made out to me, or any other reason... you can just contact us & we will give you your money back right away.

This is an extended 60 day money back guarantee... so even if it's 59 days, 23 hours & 59 seconds from now that you send us an email requesting a refund, you'll receive your money back.

Q: If I need help, who can I contact?

A: For any billing or technical issues, you can contact

If you have any specific questions about the course or content itself, you can contact Bogdan directly at

P.S. If you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the bottom of the page first, here's the deal:

You can get instant, digital & lifetime access to my Creativity Unleashed training course, as well as all the bonuses (value: $549.00) at a kinda-crazy 95% discount.

This training course contains cutting-edge insights, transformative frameworks, practical strategies & methods to help you tune into inspiration, effortlessly generate brilliant ideas & become an unstoppable creative force.

Your investment today is $549 just $27!

Plus: if, for any reason, you don't absolutely love this training course & find it incredibly useful, you will get a full refund. No questions asked.

So, you can get started risk-free today!

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Total Value: $549

Today: Just $27

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