Special Invitation:

How To Use Breathwork To Create Visible, Measurable & Life-Transforming Changes To Your Health, Fitness, Body, Appearance & Performance... Including Healing Asthma Or Allergies, Detoxing Your Cells, Aiding Permanent Weight Loss, Preventing Disease, Improving Endurance, Reversing Aging & Extending Your Lifespan Up To 5 Years!

Known as the 'Bruce Lee of Breathwork', 'Yoda of Breathing' & 'Godfather' of the movement... Dan Brule has 53+ years of experience with breathwork, teaching 250,000+ people in 67+ countries. And today, he wants to teach you how to use this free, natural resource to create specific transformations in your physical body, boosting health & promoting longevity now.

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Breath & Body is an in-depth, 8-module breathwork mastery program specifically focused on the connection between breath & your physical body.

You'll learn how to use your breath (& specific breathwork protocols) to supercharge your immune system, detoxify your cells, greatly lower your risk of sickness or disease, manage & ease pain in the body, reverse the aging process, feel better/younger & live up to 5 years longer!

Whether you're completely new to breathwork, or you're already been working with the breath (or similar practices like meditation or yoga) for many years, this program is designed to meet you where you are & guide you to the next level of understanding, wellbeing & physical transformation.

"Breath is the ultimate key to your well-being & if done right, it has the power to transform your entire life - physical, mental, and spiritual… & Dan Brulé is the master to show you how. I love his teaching & it’s made a huge impact on my life."


World's Leading Business & Life Strategist, Globally-Recognized Speaker & Philanthropist

"Dan Brulé is a true master & deeply inspiring"


Retired Navy Seal, Founder/CEO Sealfit, NYT Best Selling Author

"Dan has put in years of exhaustive & thorough study of every element of breathing... I practice some of the techniques... & I am an enthusiastic convert!"


NY Times Best Selling Author, Business Woman & Socialite

"I am a skeptic of nearly everything. I’ve trained with the Navy, helped an NFL player get on a team, raced Grand Prix motorcycles… all high stress environments. What works? Train. Eat. Sleep. That’s what works. But wait a second… Enter Dan Brulé & Breathwork. To me THIS technology is the 4th pillar of achievement. It makes a huge difference in performance, & I am all in. Today I might miss a workout, I might miss a meal, but I’ll never miss a breathing session. Welcome to the fourth pillar, & welcome Dan as your coach."


Bestselling Author of 'Pitch First', One Of The World's Leading Experts On Sales & Negotiation

"Dan Brulé is one of the world’s great breathwork masters of our time. He weaves together breathing physiology, psychology & spirituality in uniquely practical ways that most anyone can learn for improving health & performance"


Ph.D., President of the Graduate School of Behavioral Health Sciences.

Brand New & Updated For 2025

Leverage Dan's 53+ Years Of Experience & Master What May Just Be...

"The Simplest Way To Detoxify Your Body, Supercharge Your Immune System, Accelerate Self-Healing, Drastically Lower Risk Of Sickness Or Disease, Reverse Aging, Boost Performance & Live A Longer, Healthier & Happier Life"

From The Desk Of:
Dan Brulé
Dan's Residence, Los Cabos, Mexico

Dear Reader,

There are many things that are important in our lives, but they all start & end with just one...

You may not be just your body, but your body is the vessel that carries you through this world.

And so, to say 'taking care of your body is important'...

Or that 'your health should be your #1 priority in life'...

This is all just stating the obvious...

Sure, we may not be following this advice very well (as the alarming rates of health problems, obesity & lifestyle disease illustrate — we'll cover this in a moment)...

...but at least in theory & in principle, we know full well that our health, our body & our physical wellbeing is the foundation upon which all else in our life depends upon...

This includes our:

This includes our:

Intimate Relationships

Intimate Relationships

Feeling good about yourself & your body is a massive part of any intimate relationship.

If your body starts to break down, your self-confidence decreases, as do your stamina & energy levels... (you're no longer able to please your partner in the same way!)

Great health meanwhile positively affects hormone levels, your sex drive, improves fertility, as well as gives you the energy to be the best partner you can be.​

Parenting & Family Life

Parenting & Family Life

If you're in poor health, you can also no longer show up for your family in the same way either...

You do not have the energy to play with your kids (or your grandkids) anymore.

And pain in the body distracts you from being present & fully enjoying time with those most important to you!

Focus, Productivity & Career Success

Focus, Productivity & Career Success

You can drink 10 cups of coffee a day (as well as energy drinks & other stimulants) but how long is it going to be before your health takes a major hit?

The only real & sustainable way to feel more energized (which allows for high levels of focus, cognitive ability & overall productivity) is to improve your baseline physical health, fitness & wellbeing.

Income & Money

Income & Money

The biggest cause of bankruptcy in America has for a long time been medical bills. You don't want to be a part of this statistic!

By taking care of your health you protect yourself physically as well as financially... (in addition to making more of it in the first place!)

Wellbeing & Happiness In Life

Happiness In Life

There's a strong link between health & happiness which makes sense given it's incredibly difficult to be happy when your body is crumbling & you're in constant physical pain...

Good health alone might not make you happy but poor health is sure to leave you miserable...

Put another way, health & fitness isn't just about losing weight & looking good (although that's definitely a part of it as well)....

All other areas of your life are affected negatively when your health declines... as well as positively transformed when you turn common sense into common practice & take proper care of the vessel that carries you through this life...

(It's also not just about you... when you're in poor health your loved ones suffer just as much as you, while when you're in great health their lives get better too.)

​However, as I mentioned, unfortunately, as a collective, we are not doing very well with this...

​Yes, we may technically be living longer than we did in decades past (mainly because the world is safer, cleaner & a lot less dangerous) but the state of our health is poorer than ever...

In fact, it's fair to say that our collective wellbeing has taken a nosedive in recent decades & we are now...

Fatter, Sicker & More Disease-Ridden Than Ever Before!​

And that's based on virtually any metric you can measure...

Take obesity as just one example of this...

More than 2 out of 3 adults in the Western world are now considered overweight or obese...

And globally, it's almost half of the entire human population (3 billion+ people) who fall into this category, suffering with the consequences of excess weight...

It's the first time in history that more people are going to die from too much food (obesity) than from having too little of it (starvation)...

And despite both the quantity of new diets & the amount of people going on them, these numbers are only going up!

Clearly, something isn't working...

We also live in a world in which pain, disease & health problems are rising at an alarming rate (e.g. diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc) & are only projected to keep rising...

Half a billion people are now diabetic.

1.3 billion struggle with high blood pressure.

Preventable lifestyle diseases like cancer or cardiovascular disease take more than 28 million lives every year... (about the population size of Australia dying earlier than they should.)

More & more people are getting heart attacks out of the blue & at younger ages than before...

Problems like headaches, migraines, allergies, chronic pain & inflammation, digestive issues & weakened immune systems are all more common than ever before too...

The largest organ of the body, the skin, is also affected with rising rates of eczema, breakouts, acne & other skin issues...

We're also taking addictive pain medication & "painkillers" (leading to the opioid crisis in the US, for example) to deal with the pain we're feeling including back, hip, knee pain & more...

And both men & women worldwide are also suffering higher infertility rates, with more couples now unable to have the kids that they so desperately want (& to start their own family)... leading to disappointment, shock & even depression.

Based on almost every metric we have...

Our Wellbeing Is Declining & Health Problems Are Spiraling Out Of Control...

So what's the solution?

Well, based on both the fact that everything in our lives rests upon the foundation of our health & the fact that health is in unfortunate yet drastic decline...

Everybody, everywhere is desperately searching for one...

Seeking new ways to get their health back, or to further optimize their fitness & wellbeing...

And these options have become increasingly complex, complicated & extreme in recent years...

Today, in hopes of losing weight & getting healthier, we've got millions of people trying extremely-restrictive diets (Keto, Carnivore, Paleo, etc)...

People who have spent their every day sitting, sedentary, working office & desk jobs for years, are suddenly signing up for crazy, extreme workouts (like Cross Fit) leading to other pain & even injury...

(the exercises are not bad but are usually far too extreme a starting point for most people...)

People are also spending an absolute fortune on the latest drugs produced by the Big Pharma industry promising them better health, mobility & wellbeing in the form of a synthetic pill...

...which not only cost a ton (making the pharmaceutical industry amongst the most profitable in the world)... but also come with a list of nasty side-effects!

And those who aren't, are likely wasting another small fortune on expensive supplements (the average American spends $130 per month on largely-useless supplements)

And many other extreme "biohacks"...

Some people are microdosing drugs like psilocybin / LSD... (to attempt to improve their focus/creativity)...

Going & taking 'oxygen baths'...

Spending hours each week sitting in front of the red lights ('red light therapy')...

Training their tongues or their jawlines ('mewing')...

And sure, many of these things can work well in many cases & there is a reason why people do them, so I'm not arguing against them...

What I'm here to tell you is that there is a simpler starting point to create amazing improvements in your health & wellbeing...

(in fact... if you're doing those other things but you haven't optimized this most core, foundational element of physical health yet, you are missing out on the biggest optimization that you can make... so, sure, keep doing what's working for you but be sure to add this as well)

"What is it?" you may think...

Ok, I'll tell you...

It's something that...​

  • Already available to you; inside you...
  • Completely natural & comes with zero side-effects...
  • Incredibly simple (literally anyone can do it!)​​​
  • ​​Completely free for you to use anywhere, at any time, at no cost whatsoever... (unlike the alternatives which can cost you thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your entire life!)​​

We waste our precious time looking for these "hacks", "tricks" or "shortcuts" that often offer a small, incremental improvement to our health or our performance...

...while at the same time neglecting (or failing to take full advantage of!) what is perhaps the...

"Simplest, Yet Most Powerful & Potent (& Free!) Method For Rapid Physical Transformation"

...which is your breath & the practice known as breathwork.

At which point, you might doubt how connected the breath & body really are...

You may think there is no way that changing your breathing & practicing this ancient, timeless practice known as breathwork can actually... lower your risk of disease, help you to reverse the aging process, lose weight, sleep better, have more energy during the day, or ultimately live a longer, healthier & happiness life...

Well, if that's what you think... think again!

Let's begin with an all-too-familiar place nowadays: stress.

The first & primary way that breath & body are connected (& breathwork can transform your physical health forever) is through stress (& directly through your nervous system).

Research shows that 90% - 95% of all sickness, illness & disease (including cancer, cardiovascular disease & more) can be effectively linked to stress.

Even the U.S. Federal Government, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) acknowledges this basic fact stating on their website that 90%+ of all illness & disease is in some way related to/and or caused by some type of stress.

And the World Health Organization has now classified 'stress' as "the epidemic of the 21st century"

Workplace stress alone is also said to contribute to over 120,000 deaths each year...

(which is more than drug use, fire, violence & natural disasters combined!)

And that is also the US alone...

Globally, it's...

7 people dying worldwide from stress... every... 2... seconds!

(from the moment you began reading this letter more than 500 people have died of stress-related health problems)

What's important is if you could get rid of much of this stress, you would be stunned at how your health would improve...

...yet, unfortunately, most people don't know how to do this...

(or opt for unhealthy habits like emotional eating, smoking, drinking, scrolling social media, or binge-watching comfort TV to attempt to relax)

Which is why when surveyed, 84% of people report feeling 'stressed' at least 1 day in a typical week... (of which 18% of people report feeling stressed non-stop, all the time & can't even imagine a life without high stress & anxiety anymore!)

Enter: breathwork.

Breathwork offers an easy, natural & completely free alternative here, a proven way to...

...Release Stress Anywhere, At Any Time, Within Minutes (Or Even In Seconds)

It works so tremendously well it's become the go-to practice for those in extremely high-stress, high-pressure situations like First Responders of NAVY Seals...

That's because unlike other methods that offer at the level of the mind, breathwork operates at multiple levels, helping ease your mind while at the same time calming your entire body & down-regulating your nervous system directly.

(you could say the breath — when you learn to use it correctly — is like a master switch that you can learn to flick at any time to regulate your nervous system however you like, helping you think, feel & perform at your best.)

And that's just stress directly...

There are a number of other indirect effects of stress that affect your overall health including digestion & weight gain/loss...

(breathing affects your digestion & therefore how your body makes use of the food you consume — poor breathing is also linked to constipation & other digestive issues)

Stress & breathing also affect your heart health & blood pressure which then affects your health overall...

As well as your sleep at night...

If stress is what causes 90% - 95% of all illness, sickness & disease & breathwork is a proven & reliable way to release stress, it makes sense that breathwork can greatly improve your health, which it absolutely can!

Another way it can do this is through energy.

More people are experiencing chronic fatigue or low levels of energy than ever before...

...often just relying on countless cups of coffee (or increasing-caffeinated energy drinks & stimulation) just to function normally...

...with worldwide coffee consumption at 2.25+ billion cups per day & the energy market recording explosive growth...

(Ironically, more people are also struggling to fall asleep than ever before... becoming increasingly dependent on sleeping pills & aids to get their much needed rest at night.)

By learning to master your breath, you give yourself the best tool for rapid energy... one that is scientifically-proven to boost energy levels, focus & alertness within minutes, or often in less than 60 seconds.

(by extension, by improving your energy levels — as breathwork helps you to do — you're also more likely to exercise, be sociable & build deeper relationships, which are also proven to improve health & wellbeing overall too)

There are also more direct effects too...

Dysfunctional breathing (which the majority of people suffer with) are shown to tip the pH balance of your blood & body out of balance which can lead to health problems like cancer or cardiovascular disease...

And the capacity of your lungs & respiratory system is one of the best markers of longevity (as we'll cover in a moment...)

Breathwork can also be applied to flush out toxins, detoxify your cells & supercharge your immune system... (further protecting your body against sickness & disease)

It can be applied to help you achieve more permanent & sustainable weight loss...

To enhance physical & athletic performance (which is why it's also used by Olympic athletes, sports professionals, martial artists & peak performers everywhere)

...or even to reverse aging, rewind the clock, help you look & feel younger & to extend your lifespan by many years as well!

It's all possible when you master your breath & breathwork, which is what I can help you do...

I'm Excited To Coach You To Start Reaping The Health & Life Transforming Benefits Of Breathwork, Starting Today...

Hi, my name's Dan...

And if you have not come across my work, read any of my bestselling books, or experienced any of my training before, I wanted to introduce myself & share how I can support you starting right now...

Today, people refer to me as the 'Bruce Lee of Breathwork', the 'Yoda of Breathing' & 'Godfather' of the modern breathwork movement, as well as the world’s foremost expert & renowned pioneer of this field...

But it certainly did not start that way...

I got started as just a curious kid who heard the pastor at the Catholic school I attended, smitten by the words from Genesis...

"God took the dust of the earth and formed the body of man; and breathed into the nostrils of man the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

To this day, I remember thinking...

"wait, every time I breathe, God is breathing into me?!"

I know it's silly, but those words really stuck with me...

Then, while serving in the United States Navy as a medical deep-sea diver — in the process of which, experiencing multiple near-drowning & near-death experiences — is when my interest in breathwork really deepened (pun intended).

I got somewhat obsessed with the magic, the art & the science of the breath, breathwork & how it can be applied to improve one's health, mood & performance, as well as serve as a tool for personal & spiritual growth & evolution...

In the 5 decades since then, I have followed this passion wherever it has taken me... from Chi Kung Masters in China to yogi masters in India, from dojos to monasteries, from Russia to Bolivia... endlessly researching, studying & experimenting with every school & style and method & approach to breathwork...

I have run events, workshops & retreats around the world to share what I have learned...

To date, having taught 250,000+ people in 67 countries...

I have written multiple bestselling books about breathwork & related topics, including "Just Breathe: Master Breathwork for Success in Life, Love, Business & Beyond”, translated into 12 languages & distributed to all corners of the world...

And I've had the privilege of coaching Olympic athletes, elite martial artists, leading psychotherapists & medical experts; monks, meditators, hospice workers & yoga teachers, performing artists, personal trainers, substance abuse & pastoral counselors, health practitioners, life coaches, business executives, & peak performers (like Tony Robbins) & others from virtually all walks of life...

And so, that's a bit about me & my work...

But, this isn't about me... it's about you.

Specifically, how breathwork can help you create visible, measurable & life-transforming changes to your physiology, health, fitness & performance...

​(Including healing asthma or allergies, detoxing your cells, reversing aging, aiding permanent weight loss, preventing disease, improving endurance & extending your lifespan!)

A Healthier, Happier & Longer Life; Less Stress, More Energy, Powerful Detoxification & Healing, Effortless Weight Loss, Greater Endurance, Performance & An Extended Lifespan — It Can All Be Yours!

Imagine how amazing it would be to finally have a tool you can rely on (which also doesn't cost you anything to use!) to greatly improve your health, fitness & physical performance...

Something that is the perfect starting point for your physical transformation...

Or that empowers, supports & amplifies everything else you're already doing (e.g. your diet, exercise routine, sleep, sauna's & ice baths, other healthy habits, etc), helping you create even better results, faster & easier than ever before...

A tool that you can rely on to detoxify your body & accelerate self-healing whenever you need it...

And a practice sure to help you slow/reverse aging & live a longer, healthier & happier life...

Just imagine the power of having this tool in your toolbox...!

Well, it's something I've developed in my life, helped my clients develop & now I want to help you to do as well, starting now...




The Art & Science Of Using The Breath To Achieve Optimum Health, Fitness, Healing & Express Your Full Physical Potential!

— Dan Brulé —

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Breath & Body is an in-depth, 8-module breathwork mastery program specifically focused on the connection between breath & your physical body.

You'll learn how to use your breath (& specific breathwork protocols) to supercharge your immune system, detoxify your cells, greatly lower your risk of sickness or disease, manage & ease pain in the body, reverse the aging process, feel better / younger & live up to 5 years longer!

Whether you're completely new to breathwork, or you're already been working with the breath (or similar practices like meditation or yoga) for many years, this program is designed to meet you where you are & guide you to the next level of understanding, wellbeing & physical transformation.​

What's Included With The Mastery Program:

The first thing you're getting are the 8 core modules of the program...


Module 1 of 8:

The Breath-Health Connection

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In this first, introductory module, we dive deep into the various connections between breath, body, longevity & more... as I teach you ideas & insights you may have never considered for how you can create positive & desirable effects in your body & transform your physical health & wellbeing forever...

Specifically focusing in on the breath, we'll explore the numerous ways that you can improve various aspects of your health by mastering your breath & the full power of the ancient, timeless practice that is breathwork...

​And in just 1 hour, you will have learned more about what you really need to know to keep your body healthy — including insights into your autonomic nervous system, stress or relaxation response, heart health, root cause of disease, etc — than 99% of people in the world know...

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • The 'root cause of all disease', based on groundbreaking work from the renowned cell biologist & pioneer of the game-changing new field of research 'epigenetics'... (findings also replicated & confirmed by Harvard, Yale, Vanderbilt, The Mayo Clinic & countless other top researchers & institutions)when you learn about this, it's vast implications, as well as how to apply it, it really can change everything for you!
  • ​​​​Ever wonder what happens when your body is under stress? ​You'll learn how your body's 'fight-or-flight' response (as well as its 'rest-&-digest response') really works & what you can do with this information to improve your health, wellbeing, mood & life...
  • ​Nervous System Controllability — While your nervous system is largely automatic, there are a few elements you do have conscious control over including 1 channel that is the most controllable of them all: your breath. You'll get a full guide to switching off 'autopilot mode' & using your breath to consciously steer your nervous system in whatever direction you want... lowering stress, boosting your baseline mood & helping you to look, feel & perform at your best!​
  • ​An even deeper dive into the 2 branches that make up your autonomic nervous system... & how to use these particular understandings to transform any anxiety, stress, fear, or nervousness into calm, balance & bliss incredibly quickly!
  • The physiological, biological & chemical markers of stress, revealed... You may think you're not stressed, but have you ever measured/tracked this before? Or even considered how stress can be measured objectively? If not, chances are you're more stressed than you think & it's negatively affecting your health... You'll learn the truth about stress & how you can reverse this trend in your own life, supporting you to live happier, healthier & longer.
  • ​Lessons about the human body from Dr. Richard P. Brown, Dr. Patricia Gerbarg, Stephen W. Porges PhD, Dr. Sue Carter & other top researchers, highlighting the holistic benefits of breath... as well as the simple applications of these cutting-edge biological insights to help you to further reduce stress, regain balance & feel truly in control of your life!
  • How breathwork naturally activates your 'inner pharmacy' of happy, calming, relaxing hormones & chemicals... like serotonin (the 'happy hormone'), melatonin (in its natural form), anandamide ('bliss hormone'), GABA (dubbed the 'calm chemical') & DHEA (known as the "longevity" molecule) with breathwork... for instant calm, no matter what's happening around you.
  • An easy, largely-ignored & overlooked way to naturally increase your motivation to exercise & do so consistently... (note: most people skip workouts, blame themselves for it & feel bad about it, but it's actually not your fault! There's a deeper cause that once you understand & start applying makes it easy to motivate yourself to exercise consistently!)
  • ​Research confirms that those who don't do this 1 thing properly are 73% more likely to gain weight. Once you learn this often-overlooked factor behind weight gain & fix it (which can be easier than you think), you'll watch the pounds melt off... (even if you don't change anything else...)
  • The infamous 'Roseto Effect' & one of the most important habits for longevity (people who do suffer fewer health problems & live much longer, even if everything else they do is the same as everyone else)... plus: a rarely-considered way of boosting motivation to do this activity consistently.
  • Nobel Prize-winning research from the 1930's that reveals the cause of all cancer... how this connects to the breath... & what you need to do with this information to greatly lower your risk of ever being diagnosed with cancer or other life-threatening lifestyle diseases.

5 In-Depth Training Videos

Module 1 contains 5 high quality training videos (MP4), which sequentially guide you through the module & program curriculum. 

6+ Hours Of World Class Content

Between the 5 in-depth training videos, module 1 contains 6+ hours of world-class content, eye-opening ideas, insights, frameworks & more.

Downloadable Audio Files (MP3)

You also get the audio files so you can listen to the training anywhere, at any time... (e.g. while you're driving, exercising or doing stuff around the house.)

Downloadable Slides (PDF)

For each training video, you can also download the entire slide desk (for easy reference of the material & better recall)

Exercises & Action Steps

Each module also includes instantly implementable exercises + action steps to help you implement & get the best possible results.

110 Page Program Workbook (PDF)

The program comes with a workbook for you to easily refer back to the material covered, as well as make notes of your own.

Module Value: $197.00

Module 2 of 8:

Healing Asthma, Allergies & Respiratory Issues


Currently, ∼235 million people around the world have asthma (& if you add the number who have cyclist’s cough, exercise-induced asthma, or other lung-limiting conditions, the number goes up even further...)

And nearly 1 in 3 adults (or 1 in 4 children) report suffering with allergies (seasonal, food allergies, etc — some are mild yet uncomfortable with others life-threatening) or with eczema.

And some estimates go as far as to suggest that a mind-boggling 90% of all people suffer from some type of dysfunctional breathing & respiratory issue — usually without ever even realizing it...

If you (or someone you love) suffers from any of these (& chances are that you, unfortunately, do with that last one) the good news is you can change this...

​In each case, these symptoms can be reduced & conditions can even be healed entirely by retraining & optimizing your everyday breathing (as many scientific studies & tens of thousands of known examples prove), as I'll show you how to do in this module...

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • The story of a Russian engineering & medical student I met in the 1990's who healed his high blood pressure/hypertension with breathwork & then went on to change how we think of breathing, respiration & physiology forever... (plus: a deep dive into his method which has helped tens of thousands of people around the world to heal asthma, allergies & other health problems by helping their body to more efficiently use oxygen!)
  • ​You'll also learn how to practically apply his method & how doing so will improve your sleep, reduce snoring (your partner will thank you for this one) & sleep apnea occurrences at night... as well as improve your cardiovascular or heart health... & transform your baseline energy levels, stamina & physical performance...
  • The game-changing discovery of the 'Bohr Effect', the importance of carbon dioxide in the breathing process (previously believed to be unimportant/the enemy), the wonderful benefits of 'nitric oxide' & how to apply all these scientific / technical insights into your life practically, elevating your health & wellbeing.
  • ​How healthy/optimal is your normal, natural, everyday breathing? You'll learn about the 'BOLT Test' which is one of the simplest yet most effective ways of quickly checking your breathing, lung & respiratory health.
  • ​You'll also learn how to effectively interpret the results of the BOLT test (this helps you see how optimized your breathing is right now; a benchmark to improve upon)... as well as all of the incredible benefits you can expect as you do improve your score by applying the highly-practical exercise that I'll teach you...
  • ​You'll also learn about the '3 types of pauses' (as well as a rare additional one) which you can use to train your lungs, measure your progress with the various exercises you'll practice & improve your breathing over time.
  • A simple exercise to easily unblock your nose making it easier to breathe through it for better health, lower baseline stress, better sleep, sharper cognition, better immune function & a whole host of other incredible health & whole life benefits!
  • ​Asthma sufferers have become deeply dependent on inhalers, often not leaving the house without them. But what if I told you there's a natural, breathing method that gives you the exact same biological/chemical effects on your body as an inhaler does (it's highly counterintuitive but it works incredibly well)... I'm not saying you need to throw your inhaler away right away (or not until your asthma is fully healed using other methods I'll show you) but knowing this has the potential to save your life (or the life of someone you love) & give you back a lot of freedom, power & control over your own health & life.
  • ​Think deep breathing is always the best way to breathe? Think again... As you'll learn here gentle, subtle & almost-imperceptible breathing can produce some incredible health benefits you're sure to enjoy!
  • ​You'll also learn the highly-practice, do-it-now, 'Breathe Light To Breathe Right' exercise to retrain your breathing patterns for better health, fitness, endurance, mood & physical wellbeing.
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Module Value: $197.00

Module 3 of 8:

Rapid Energy, Focus & Immune Boost


"The world belongs to the energetic..." Ralph Waldo Emerson once said.

And he was right!

In today's world plagued with low energy, tiredness, chronic fatigue, brain fog & more... (& as a result, low mental clarity, declining focus, poor decision making & dwindling productivity, as well as a lower likelihood of exercising or being social, causing even lower energy & greater risk of health problems)...

In this world, it's those who find ways to naturally & sustainably raise their energy levels & keep them high that truly have the greatest advantage!

​And breathwork is a proven & reliable way to help you do exactly this... (caffeine may take 20 minutes to kick in & causes an energy crash hours after, but the energizing effects of breathwork can be instant & lasting!)

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • Born in 1959 in the Netherlands & nicknamed the 'Ice Man' you will learn the story, the nervous regulation methods & health secrets of a man who has broken 20 Guinness World Records (including climbing Mount Everest in just his underwear!). Best part? He has trained other ordinary people like himself to do the same, proving anyone can do implement these methods, including you...
  • ​Under laboratory conditions, researchers also injected his body with an endotoxin, flu-type bacteria (which caused strong flu-kind symptoms such as fever, chills & headaches in all of the 240 people previously) only to find that in his case, he suffered no ill effects whatsoever! And it was thanks to the breathing technique he used before to supercharge his immunity, which I'll teach you how to apply practically, step-by-step...
  • The history of one of the most incredible Tibetan breathing techniques ever conceived, known to produce extraordinary effects in the body... This technique essentially gifts you control over your nervous system (previously believed to be entirely outside of our control) including the ability to heat up your body even in cold conditions, raise or lower your heart rate & enter an altered state of consciousness. You'll learn the technique, how to apply it, as well the profound physical health benefits of doing this practice regularly...
  • ​Think all stress is all bad? Think again! You'll learn about a specific kind of stress known as 'hormetic stress' that is scientifically-proven to make your body stronger, more resilient & can even extend your lifespan by many years (including shocking examples & applications showcasing astonishing effects of this underlying discovery!)
  • The practice that perfectly compliments breathwork which is proven to increase dopamine (the 'motivation molecule') by up to 250% & norepinephrine (the 'focusing chemical') up to 530%... rocketing your energy levels, heightening concentration to the max & giving you the perfect start to the day.
  • 6 specific ways to gradually & sequentially implement the above practice which can be dangerous if done incorrectly into your life. These steps (& additional insights I'll share) will help you do it safely, progress up gradually & get all of the profound health benefits without the risks!
  • ​You'll also learn the basics (which we will then expand on in an upcoming module) of one of the greatest 'advanced skills' in breathwork which gives you the ultimate physical advantage in life.
  • ​While over-breathing ('hyperventilation') is terrible for your health when done unconsciously & you want to stop it ASAP... when done consciously, intentionally & deliberately this otherwise-dysfunctional breathing pattern now becomes one of the greatest ways to hack your nervous system & create almost-magical changes to your body, as you'll also learn to do inside this module...
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Module Value: $197.00

Module 4 of 8:

Lung Capacity & Extending Longevity


1948. Framingham, Massachusetts. The start of one of the most important, extensive & longest-running health studies ever conducted... (it's still running today 76 years later!)

In fact, much of what we know about the causes of heart disease, such as the effects of diet, exercise, comes from this 1 breakthrough study...

And within the data, there was a shocking finding made...

More important than the foods people ate, how much they walked or exercised, or even their genetic makeup/DNA...

The single most accurate known predictor of lifespan... lung capacity.

They discovered that the larger & more efficient the lungs, the lower rates of heart problems/diseases people experienced & the longer they lived!

(And inversely, smaller, less efficient lungs meant a higher risk of illness, disease & a shorter life span)

But here's the best & most important part...

You might assume that 'lung capacity' is fixed or entirely the result of genetics, but it's not!

Anyone can increase the capacity of their lung, reaping the incredible benefits that come with this including a longer, healthier life

"How?" you might think...

With breathwork, of course...

​More specifically, there are certain breathwork protocols — which we'll cover in this module right here — that will increase your lung capacity, greatly lower your risk of disease, help you feel better than you have before & live a long, happy healthy life!

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • Lessons from the 10-time-world-record-holding Danish free-diving champion who revolutionized the world of breath-holding & breathwork. He's a good friend of mine & in this module, I'll share the biggest lessons I've learned from him & his jaw-dropping, record-breaking & limit-redefining human performance feats...
  • The biggest myth about our bodies that we get told & how they hold us back, speed up our rate of aging (you know those people who are 40 but look like they are 55 — they likely share these beliefs) as well as sabotage our health & wellbeing throughout our entire lives. We'll discard these misconceptions & replace them with new, more accurate & empowering views that'll support you to create the health & life you truly desire, as well as deserve!
  • The simple everyday habit you can build into your routine shown to easily boost lung size by 15%. You don't even need to focus on 'lung capacity', just do more of this habit (it's enjoyable too) & you'll reap the life-extending benefits automatically.
  • ​Like anything in life, your lungs are limited by the container they are in (a.k.a. your rib cage). You'll learn how to safely stretch & expand your rib cage over time giving your lungs more room to expand as well... (note: in many ways, this is conscious 'self-evolution' in practice as you'll learn to do here if you so choose.)
  • ​The ∼2600-year-old Tibetan practice that not only helps expand your lung capacity but also improves your sleep, helps relieve pain in the body, enhances physical strength, endurance, vigor & supports you to look & feel younger.
  • The incredible lessons, ideas & discoveries of Carl Stough (known as 'Dr. Breath') & specific teachings from his work that you can use to extend your lung capacity as well as get rid of respiratory ailments & elevate physical/athletic performance (plus: how to apply them practically into your life right away!)His work is also about combining breathwork with vocal training for a better-sounding voice, making it a must for singers, speakers & other communicators.
  • ​We'll also dive deep into what is without-a-doubt the #1 method for permanently expanding your lung capacity... also helping you boost your athletic performance, improve your health & extend your lifespan as a result!
  • ​How to perform a rhythmic, powerful & ocean-inspired breathing technique that helps calm the mind, increase focus & improve oxygenation throughout the body for better performance.
  • ​Just as there is resistance equipment (like dumbbells & weight machines) & exercises (like pushups or squats) that you can do at the gym to strengthen certain muscles... there are 'resistance exercises' you use to strengthen your respiratory muscles as well, improving physical, stamina & athletic performance. You'll learn about these in this module...
  • You'll also learn what's known as the 'Warrior Breath' & how to do it to enhance focus, reduce stress & optimize performance even further... (this is extremely powerful when you do it correctly!)
  • Other insights into the art, science & spirit of breathwork (as well as lessons from yoga, Qi Gong & Tai Chi) & how to apply it to not only improve your health but also elevate your mind, to 'dissolve time' (flow state) & tune into altered states of consciousness on demand.​
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Module Value: $197.00

Module 5 of 8:

Deep States Of Relaxation On Demand


In today's fast-paced, highly-chaotic, rapidly-changing & uncertain times...

Where stress can often feel like too frequent an emotional state for us, anxiety can seem ever-present & our minds are racing at all hours of the day & night...

A world in which we're seeing the legalization (& surge in consumption) of marijuana & CBD products... the ever-high use of alcohol as a way to numb feelings & stress... as well as other medications people use (or abuse) to cope...

It's clear that people are struggling with high levels of stress, anxiety & in desperate need of some much-needed (yet seemingly elusive) rest, calm & deep relaxation.

The good news is it doesn't have to be this way...

It's 100% possible to tune into deep & healing states of calm & relaxation naturally (no need for medication, alcohol, other drugs, or their nasty side-effects)...

Breathwork is a proven & reliable way to trigger your brain & body's relaxation response & activate your brain's 'inner pharmacy' of calming, relaxing & happy chemicals...

...helping to tune into deep states of calm, bliss & deep relaxation anywhere, at any time & no matter what's happening in the world around you.

​And that's exactly what this module is going to help you to do...

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • The 4 general patterns of breathing required for deep relaxation, explored & explained... These are general rules that can be applied anywhere, at any time & work for everyone 100% of the time as they are based on our shared biology, not individual psychology.
  • I'll teach you what I often refer to as the primary 'anti-stress' breathing pattern (which goes against what most men & women unconsciously do most of the time, for various mainly-societal reasons)... that is proven to calm your body, improve your mental clarity & elevate your wellbeing.
  • You'll also learn about phenomena such as 'Coherent breathing' (a term coined by Stephen Elliott) & The 'Therapeutic Zone' in breathwork, as well as the corresponding steps, methods & techniques for practically implementing these game-changing findings in your own life! (note: learning this can also help you access profound benefits beyond your physical body such as heightened levels of creativity, intuition, mental clarity & even a much greater likelihood of spiritual awakening as you enter a theta-brain-wave-dominanted state sometimes referred to as 'the awakened mind'!)
  • A detailed walkthrough of the #1 most popular breathing protocol (researched by Stanford, featured in 100's of magazines & renowned in the breathwork community!) which provides immediate & complete relief from tension & other undeniable physiological, psychological, emotional & even spiritual benefits… (note: it not only helps to cleanse your physical body but also activates crucial areas of the brain critical to optimal functioning & brain health too!)
  • ​Speaking of Stanford, they've also been busy studying a relatively new, previously-unknown, breathing technique in recent years which is showing tremendous promise in early studies... I'll also cover this cutting-edge breath technique & teach you step-by-step how to use it to better your life too!
  • ​​Wave goodbye to stress, tension & anxiety! I'm going to teach you another, even more advanced, breathing pattern I uncovered that makes stress, anxiety & tension vanish in mere seconds... (yes, it really is that powerful!)
  • ​The simple, yet profound 7-word breathing mantra I've taught to tens of thousands of people around the world to further amplify the relaxing benefits of breathwork & help you tune into even deeper states of relaxation...
  • 3 additional, stupidly-simple, yet crazy-effective anti-stress, anti-anxiety & pro-relaxation hacks for slowing your breathing & tuning into deep states of calm & bliss anywhere, at any time.
  • ​The part of the breathing process to mentally focus on specifically for the goal of rapid relaxation... (based on biological & scientific insights about how the breath, body, nervous system & emotions really work, which I'll also share with you...)
  • The advanced skill in breathwork of learning to relax on the inhale... (note: this one isn't simple, it's advanced & few people ever learn this... but once you do, it helps you double down on your relaxation & bring about those magical, healing & restorative states of relaxation faster & easier than ever!)
  • How to literally 'shake off stress' by combining movement & physiology together with breathwork... (plus: examples of other modalities, habits & practices that you can combine together with conscious breathing to create not just a linear but an emergent/exponential improvement in the effects you produce & results you get!)
  • Dr. Ela Manga’s 5 Laws Of Energy & ABC's for energy management framework... (note: once you learn this, it'll change how you think about your body, your energy, mood & emotions forever, guiding you to shift bodily & emotional states on demand, as well as tuning into deeper states of relaxation easier than ever)
  • How to apply the ancient Tibetan religious/spiritual & medical body practice known as 'Kum Nye' specifically for deep states of calm & relaxation...
  • My '3 prong approach to anxiety' explained... including: how to combine mind, body & breath together into one... to get 2X, 3X, even 5X better/faster/easier results & drastically improved physical, mental & emotional wellbeing.​
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Module Value: $197.00

Module 6 of 8:

Breathe Your Way To Extraordinary Sleep


Sleep isn't just a luxury that's nice to have, it is a fundamental necessity if you want to feel & perform at your best, as well as live a long, healthy & happy life...

Studies show that not enough (or poor quality) sleep has a similar short-term effect on the brain & body as alcohol slowing reaction times ('don't under-sleep & drive'), making your body weaker & significantly impairing your decision-making too...

Physically speaking, poor sleep lowers your sex drive, leads to weight gain & obesity risk (up to 73% higher as per one study) greatly weakens your immune system (by up to 50%!) making you more likely to get sick & more vulnerable to germs, bacteria or disease of virtually any kind & a whole lot more...

High blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure & stroke — all these health problems & lifestyle diseases also show up more in people who fail to consistently get good quality sleep...

Sustained over time, poor quality sleep also leads to your body breaking down faster, slower recovery & you actually begin to age faster, as well as look less attractive too (with worse sleep leading to lackluster skin, fine lines & dark circles under the eyes).

What's worse is that ∼70 million people are suffering from chronic sleep problems & that's in America alone... (with similar rates starting to show up around the world too!)

There's also been a meteoric rise of over-the-counter melatonin & 'sleeping pills' to help people to fall asleep at night... but these come with nasty side-effects like headaches, dizziness, nausea, irritability, anxiety, depression, cramps & are absolutely not designed to daily/long-term use!

Fortunately, there is a natural approach designed to help you wind down, prepare for sleep, settle your mind & ease you into extraordinary, deep & restorative sleep each & every night...

It's... that's right, you guessed it... breathwork.

​And, in this module, we'll explore this link between the breath & sleep & how you can use your breath to fall asleep easier as well as get higher quality sleep so you wake up each following morning fully energized (& enjoy better health, fitness & performance overall too!)

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • The #1 thing that affects your unconscious breathing patterns at night, how those patterns affect your sleep quality overall, as well as how to improve them so you're breathing better, sleeping better & feeling better than ever before!
  • ​When researchers attempt to pinpoint the cause of poor sleep, they break sleep down into 3 main subfactors... Learning these, as I'll teach you, will give you too a better understanding of what you really want to focus on, change & do to optimize your sleep & reap the extraordinary physical, mental & emotional benefits that come with it!
  • The biggest factor that causes people to spend hours rolling around, staring at the ceiling & unable to sleep is stress. And breathwork helps you tune into deep relaxation perfect for drifting off into peaceful, restful & restorative sleep (sure to positively impact your energy, mood & performance the following day!)this module builds upon the last sharing even more insights into relaxation, winding down & enjoying amazing sleep.
  • ​There's another amazing meditative practice that few people know about & even fewer people actually use (or do so consistently)... yet it's proven to calm your body, relax your mind & settle you perfectly for sleep. You'll learn about it here...
  • ​When your muscles are tense (whether you're aware of this tension or not) that's sending a signal to your brain that there's danger & to keep you in stress mode. When you relax your muscles fully on the other hand, it has the opposite effect, connecting you with deep calm & helping you fall asleep easier than ever... You'll learn a simple, yet powerful exercise that helps you to fully & progressively relax each & every muscle before bed.
  • An alternative to the cliche 'count sheep' sleep advice which actually works a whole lot better (& how to apply it right away to fall asleep easier & sleep better)
  • ​How to self-diagnose the root cause of your insomnia/inability to fall asleep & solve it holistically so you can get the must needed rest you deserve...
  • My #1 piece of advice for fixing various sleep conditions including sleep apnea or teeth grinding at night... (note: most people never consider this but it's actually very logical & can work tremendously well.)
  • ​​There's a highly popular breathing pattern that individuals & experts in the hundreds of thousands tend to turn to for falling asleep easier than ever... I'll share detailed instructions on how you can use this use & add it to your nervous system & emotional regulation toolbox as well...
  • How to use various intentions, affirmations & mantras together with different breathing techniques, spaces, paces, etc to take your breathwork practice to an even higher level... (note: in just 1 possible application of this I describe in this lesson, you'll tune into a deep state of inner safety & security, feel instantly grounded & connected with your heart/love center in your body.)
  • How your 'circadian rhythm' (a.k.a. your internal clock that regulates your energy, alertness, focus, sleep, appetite, etc) really works... & how to better align yourself with it (instead of fighting against it / swimming upstream!)... so you fall asleep effortlessly, wake up naturally (even without an alarm clock) & have lots of energy the next day! (note: even if this is the only thing that you do, you'll become significantly more focused & productive each & every day!)
  • ​The most common sleep mistakes that people (often unknowingly) make which lead to them struggling to sleep (as well as waking up feeling groggy & tired, no matter how many hours they sleep!)...
  • The #1 factor responsible for 'circadian entrainment' & how to use it to set/align with your circadian rhythm & fall asleep/wake up easily, effortlessly & naturally... (note: you can also apply the opposite of this, as I'll share with you, to greatly boost your energy levels in the morning, obligating sleep inertia/grogginess & enjoy greater performance & productivity during the day!)
  • The 6 things you should avoid doing before sleep & how many hours before bed you should avoid them... (e.g. some are ok to do 4 hours before bed but when done 2 hours before become highly counterproductive)... as well as the 1 thing you absolutely do want to do in the final few hours before bed proven to help you both fall asleep better than ever as well as get the best quality sleep of your life.
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Module Value: $197.00

Module 7 of 8:

Breathwork For Weight Loss & Disease


Weight & health problems plague the modern world more than ever & this module goes even deeper into how you can use your breath directly & indirectly to aid symptoms (from headaches to nausea to pain in the body), to heal root causes, radically boost your bodies ability to protect itself or to self-heal... (or if you don't have any health problems to further prevent you from ever suffering from them in the future)...

​You'll learn how to use your breath as part of a multi-faceted & holistic approach to prevention, self-healing, sustainable weight loss & extraordinary wellbeing.

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • The highly-counterintuitive (almost entirely backwards) philosophy & approach to disease, healing — as well as the prevention of health problems — that goes against much of what mainstream society follows but works incredibly well & can absolutely transform your health in the most remarkable ways!
  • ​The nutrition/dieting industry mainly just focuses on what you eat, neglecting how you eat or when you eat, which can also have massive consequences on your digestion, weight & overall health, as we'll explore.. (plus: you'll learn how you can apply breathwork before, during & after mealtimes to put/keep your body in the perfect state to digest properly & absorb the most out of the food you consume.)
  • Think there's only 1 thing that causes weight gain/obesity? Think again! There are dozens (if not hundreds) of different causes for weight issues... We will cover just some of these in this module, giving you new solutions for what you need to do not just lose weight but actually keep off permanently (& do so much more easily!)
  • ​Weight loss is a ∼165 billion dollar industry, yet few people can even answer the basic question of 'how is fat actually burned in the body?' The answer: oxygen & carbon. As researchers have proven when a pound of fat is oxidized, about 20% of it turns into water & is eliminated that way, while the other 80% is excreted as CO2 through your breathing. To be clear, this doesn't mean you can just breathe excess weight away, but there absolutely are ways you can use this fundamental & science-based understanding of fat loss to lose weight, keep it off permanently & look better than ever, as I'll teach you...
  • ​We'll dive even deeper into the link between sleep & weight gain/loss & how, by improving your sleep, you can massively simplify your path to permanent & lasting weight loss & easier weight management (maintaining good health, fitness & appearance no matter your age!)
  • The 'Paradoxical Breathing' technique practiced in many yoga traditions that is known to improve digestion amongst various other potent health benefits...
  • You'll also learn how to apply the Chinese medical breathing exercise known as 'Hypopressive Breathing' to strengthen your core & increase anaerobic strength, reduce your waist size & flatten your belly, boost your metabolism & increase muscle tone in your abdomen & pelvis, treat or prevent hernias, uterine prolapse, incontinence & constipation, as well as improve your sexual function.
  • ​I'm fortunate to have had an incredible roster of private clients including Olympic athletes, NAVY Seals, doctors, medical professionals, celebrities, business leaders & more. And one of my favourites is Tony Robbins, who I helped to fix his high blood pressure with 1 small change to his breathing, as I'll share with you in this module...
  • ​What is 'Relaxed Subtle Energy Breathing'? You'll learn the basics of the incredible practice & how to use it to tune into even deeper states of calm, relaxation & self-healing... (plus: how to breathe to minimize/ease/reduce various forms of pain — including knee, neck, hip, back, etc — in the body which millions of people, unfortunately, suffer with...)
  • You'll also learn the very subtle, almost imperceptible, "Butterfly Breath" breathing pattern for getting the energy flowing & finding/creating a space of comfort (even pleasure) in spite of the pain in the body... (note: this is another must-have tool in your toolbox for dealing with various kinds of acute pain that you may experience from time to time including knocks, scratches, aches & more...)
  • ​Another example of physical symptoms you can eliminate through breathwork is the all-too-common headache (or even migraines, although more time & work is required here) which I'll show you a method to do in this module as well.
  • ​How to consciously detox your body anywhere, at any time, with this unique combination of breathing techniques (“kapalabhati pranayama” + “paradoxical breathing” or “reverse respiration”)... helping flush out toxins, accelerate self-healing & helping you feel better than ever!
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Module Value: $197.00

Module 8 of 8:

Breathwork For Weight Loss & Disease


Breathwork can also help you greatly improve your athletic performance (as used by Olympic athletes, sports stars, marathon runners, endurance athletes, NAVY Seals & more...)

But it's just pro athletes that can benefit...

​Anyone who wants to improve their stamina, fitness, endurance, muscular strength, performance & overall physical wellbeing can greatly benefit from applying the power of the breath & specific breathwork techniques into their training/exercise, as we'll cover in this final specialized module of this in-depth mastery program...

Here's just a fraction of what you'll learn inside:

  • What is 'High Altitude Training' as well as how & why athletes swear by it as a reliable way to improve their lung capacity, endurance & physical/athletic performance? You'll learn the history of this method, how you can use it yourself, as well as how to apply a simpler variation of it (that mimics many of the benefits but can actually be done from anywhere, at any time) to get the most out of your training & exercise.
  • The foundational insight about how exactly your body becomes stronger over time which can guide your training in various ways to get the most out of it... (note: this can also improve all other areas of your life when you commit to the philosophy & apply it fully!)
  • The various types of training/exercise & the one that gives you the most bang for your buck, athletically/physically speaking... (plus: a proven way that you can mimic many of the benefits of this too through the power of breathwork!)
  • The incredible appetite suppression & weight loss benefits of breath holding, revealed... (note: almost nobody looking to lose weight or look better is doing this yet it's one of the simplest & most powerful changes you can make & training you can do to to effortless shed those excess pounds)
  • The 4-phase breathing pattern that Navy Seals, First Responders & the alike turn to, to bring them back to center, control & rapidly calm their nervous system & help them to perform optimally in the times & situations when it matters most... We will cover this simple, yet extremely potent, breathing pattern in great detail in this module... (plus: an advanced variation of the technique that combines it with the other insights in this module to get you even better results!)
  • ​The 'Burst Breathing' breathing pattern I learned from a chi kung master in 1985 when visiting Beijing that can be used to quickly recover from a painful blow or a sudden shock (like in boxing or other contact sports) & is perfect for quickly recharging yourself while maintaining movement or exerting force or resistance (like in grappling or weight lifting.)
  • ​In module #4 we covered lung capacity & in this one, we focus in on athletic performance, but they are strongly linked & connected together... You will discover how to apply the insights of both modules together to get even better results across the board!
  • ​The 'Breath Recovery Exercise' that you can use after intense exercise to get even more benefits from your training, giving you an even greater advantage!
  • More ideas & insights of how you can apply breathwork (as well as combine it with other methods) to get the most out of your training/exercise (just as Olympic athletes, sports stars, martial artists & other pro's are doing)... including: simple changes you can make to see improvements with your very next training session!​
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